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Fills at 4 or 6 weeks post surgery

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Hi- I had surgery on Sep 5th at OCC. They seem to strongly recommend waiting until 6 weeks to have you first fill. The doctor I will be seeing here in Denver for my follow up and fills, wants to fill at 4 weeks. Does anyone know any more specific info about this- is the 6 weeks for more healing time?


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The 6 - 8 week recommendation is to make sure you are all healed up before anyone starts messing with things. I'd err on whatever your surgeon says as they would have more education and experience on what you need. Since the difference is only two weeks, what's the rush?

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Hi- I had surgery on Sep 5th at OCC. They seem to strongly recommend waiting until 6 weeks to have you first fill. The doctor I will be seeing here in Denver for my follow up and fills, wants to fill at 4 weeks. Does anyone know any more specific info about this- is the 6 weeks for more healing time?


Hi Sara do you remember me, Val. I called Dr. Ortiz office to ask them about getting a fill at 4 weeks and they said absolutely not, wait until 6 weeks. She didn't really say why, but that's there rules. I hope you are doing well. I am starting to get hunger pains, but am holding up pretty good.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My surgeon gave me my first fill 2 weeks post op so it's different for everyone i think they do it on how you are healing

Hi,I'm on day 12 and i am healing well.I called to see if i could graduate to eating flaked fish and they told me i could.I was so excited to hear that i could chew FOOD!!!!!!! It was so yummy!!!!!! It went down just fine.What worried me was that I could have eaten the entire piece of fish but didn't.Is that possible? I was STARVING! I had half of it and a tiny bit of veggies. I was wondering also how soon i should go for a fill? I'm healing rather quickly and my surgical tape is now starting to fall off on some of my incisions(sorry for my spelling) I feel great and i've started walking alot more. I've lost ten pounds so far! I've noticed i'm more hungry lately and i had my first craving last nite,i wanted reeses peanut butter cups SO BAD! I didn't give in though and I resorted to drinking water! Blah!

With warm regards to everyone-


Surgery sept 17th 2007

starting weight 244

current weight234

goal weight 155

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