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Bah, humbug! Christmas killed my diet!!!

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Uh, oh! I had been doing great...start weight: 225, lost 15lbs on pre-surgery diet, banded in Sept. Followed all the rules, had some plateaus when my body went into starvation -protection mode, got first fill (a rather puny 1.2) in November. Not too much restriction, just the now and then surprise of getting stuck, some minor sliming. Got down to 185lbs--started getting lots of complements (never thought I would feel slim at 185!) and was quite on top of watching what I ate. THEN CAME THE HOLIDAYS......at first, no prob. Then the parties, and "gifts" of cookies, candy. Now I am eating EVERYTHING. Am back to (gulp) 189lbs. I am scheduled for Fill #2 , but am freaking out, because the "invisible shield" has been broken. I am eating like a fat person again. It wasn't the magic lapband that had made me lose weight---it had been my willpower following the rules. Now I have broken the rules, and I am not sure I can go back to being a good girl!!! Is it too late? Can I be saved yet again? Will fill #2 be the magic cure to my weak will and hungry head? Stay tuned...tomorrow is New Year's Eve and I have yet another party to attend. Alcohol not a big problem for me, but there will be appetizers, there will be hors d'oeuvres, there will be a sit down dinner. I do not have restriction, and, as it turns out, I do not have willpower. I will, of course make the token New Year's resolution to lose weight, but this year was supposed to be different! Someone please tell me that the fills make a difference---that I will someday only be able to eat a tiny bit, that willpower will not be the sole determining factor in my weight loss. HHHHHHHEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!

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Hey Sweetie!! Take a deep breath! Your going to be ok. Please go back to drinking alot of water again. here is what I do to get back on track. I alway go back to our post-surgery diet. Lots of water, soups and yougart for about 3 days. Go back to measuring you portions again. Remember to eat your meat 1st. then veggies (cooked or raw) eat carbs. last!!!! I hope this helps you. I know some people say don't do this as much but, it does help me but, I weight myself every other day.

Take care!

Kelly Carter

Banded April 07 221 lbs. (240 lbs.)

Dec. 07 186 lbs.

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Hey Sweetie!! Take a deep breath! Your going to be ok. Please go back to drinking alot of water again. here is what I do to get back on track. I alway go back to our post-surgery diet. Lots of water, soups and yougart for about 3 days. Go back to measuring you portions again. Remember to eat your meat 1st. then veggies (cooked or raw) eat carbs. last!!!! I hope this helps you. I know some people say don't do this as much but, it does help me but, I weight myself every other day.

Take care!

Kelly Carter

Banded April 07 221 lbs. (240 lbs.)

Dec. 07 186 lbs.

Thanks Kelly, for your support. I am getting fill#2 next week, so will be forced for three days to go liquid---could be what saves me! Don't regret getting banded at all--it sure hasn't hurt me any. I am thinner than I have been in years!

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Uh, oh! I had been doing great...start weight: 225, lost 15lbs on pre-surgery diet, banded in Sept. Followed all the rules, had some plateaus when my body went into starvation -protection mode, got first fill (a rather puny 1.2) in November. Not too much restriction, just the now and then surprise of getting stuck, some minor sliming. Got down to 185lbs--started getting lots of complements (never thought I would feel slim at 185!) and was quite on top of watching what I ate. THEN CAME THE HOLIDAYS......at first, no prob. Then the parties, and "gifts" of cookies, candy. Now I am eating EVERYTHING. Am back to (gulp) 189lbs. I am scheduled for Fill #2 , but am freaking out, because the "invisible shield" has been broken. I am eating like a fat person again. It wasn't the magic lapband that had made me lose weight---it had been my willpower following the rules. Now I have broken the rules, and I am not sure I can go back to being a good girl!!! Is it too late? Can I be saved yet again? Will fill #2 be the magic cure to my weak will and hungry head? Stay tuned...tomorrow is New Year's Eve and I have yet another party to attend. Alcohol not a big problem for me, but there will be appetizers, there will be hors d'oeuvres, there will be a sit down dinner. I do not have restriction, and, as it turns out, I do not have willpower. I will, of course make the token New Year's resolution to lose weight, but this year was supposed to be different! Someone please tell me that the fills make a difference---that I will someday only be able to eat a tiny bit, that willpower will not be the sole determining factor in my weight loss. HHHHHHHEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!
Relax, enjoy your New Years Eve party, then watch your calorie intake untill you get a fill. The fill should help and if it doesn't then get an adjustment fill. My fill Dr. does adjustments within 10 days for $50. Remember, it is a journey to enjoy. I can't wait to be at my goal but I try to keep in mind that my skin needs time to shrink with me and the whole journey thing also. Cheers for all your success in 2007 and to a great 2008! =D>
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Uh, oh! I had been doing great...start weight: 225, lost 15lbs on pre-surgery diet, banded in Sept. Followed all the rules, had some plateaus when my body went into starvation -protection mode, got first fill (a rather puny 1.2) in November. Not too much restriction, just the now and then surprise of getting stuck, some minor sliming. Got down to 185lbs--started getting lots of complements (never thought I would feel slim at 185!) and was quite on top of watching what I ate. THEN CAME THE HOLIDAYS......at first, no prob. Then the parties, and "gifts" of cookies, candy. Now I am eating EVERYTHING. Am back to (gulp) 189lbs. I am scheduled for Fill #2 , but am freaking out, because the "invisible shield" has been broken. I am eating like a fat person again. It wasn't the magic lapband that had made me lose weight---it had been my willpower following the rules. Now I have broken the rules, and I am not sure I can go back to being a good girl!!! Is it too late? Can I be saved yet again? Will fill #2 be the magic cure to my weak will and hungry head? Stay tuned...tomorrow is New Year's Eve and I have yet another party to attend. Alcohol not a big problem for me, but there will be appetizers, there will be hors d'oeuvres, there will be a sit down dinner. I do not have restriction, and, as it turns out, I do not have willpower. I will, of course make the token New Year's resolution to lose weight, but this year was supposed to be different! Someone please tell me that the fills make a difference---that I will someday only be able to eat a tiny bit, that willpower will not be the sole determining factor in my weight loss. HHHHHHHEEEEEELLLLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!


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