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Three months and only lost 3 pounds what's wrong??

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I was banded on June 18, since then I have had about 3 fills with the last being on Nov 6. Up until then I was losing weight at about 10-12 pounds a month. Since Nov I have only lost 3 pounds. Most of the time when I eat, unless it is liquids or soft foods I end up feeling sick. I no even attempt to try to drink when I eat and my sugar cravings are crazy. I kept a food diary and I am eating anywhere from 800 to 1500 calories a day. I haven't been super good about exercising but I do walk. Is there something wrong. I am afraid to go back to my doctor because I know he will have a fit that I have only lost 3 pounds in 3 months. Any advice?????????????????


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I was banded on June 18, since then I have had about 3 fills with the last being on Nov 6. Up until then I was losing weight at about 10-12 pounds a month. Since Nov I have only lost 3 pounds. Most of the time when I eat, unless it is liquids or soft foods I end up feeling sick. I no even attempt to try to drink when I eat and my sugar cravings are crazy. I kept a food diary and I am eating anywhere from 800 to 1500 calories a day. I haven't been super good about exercising but I do walk. Is there something wrong. I am afraid to go back to my doctor because I know he will have a fit that I have only lost 3 pounds in 3 months. Any advice?????????????????


you shouldnt be afraid of your doctor!! they are there to help you- and feel free to remind him of that!!!

you are at a plateau- that happens... I dont lose any weight when I eat > 1000 cals a day. Worried about you getting sick- def call your doctor!!

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If you were banded by Dr Ortiz you can always get in touch with Dr Miranda. She can have a look at your food diary and make suggestions. If you weren't banded by Dr Ortiz then ask your doctor for a referral to an nutritionist. However, like suefromca said, you're on a plateau and it does happen. Your body is not a machine and sometime it just needs a break.

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I was banded on June 18, since then I have had about 3 fills with the last being on Nov 6. Up until then I was losing weight at about 10-12 pounds a month. Since Nov I have only lost 3 pounds. Most of the time when I eat, unless it is liquids or soft foods I end up feeling sick. I no even attempt to try to drink when I eat and my sugar cravings are crazy. I kept a food diary and I am eating anywhere from 800 to 1500 calories a day. I haven't been super good about exercising but I do walk. Is there something wrong. I am afraid to go back to my doctor because I know he will have a fit that I have only lost 3 pounds in 3 months. Any advice?????????????????


I've heard of this happening. In the old days of dieting, the "Diet Center" they used to tell us to eat only fruit for 2 days to jump start your loss. The "Atkins" people do only meat and eggs for 2 days. I like doing a protien drink thing for a couple days. Then back to my normal routine. I know exercise is key to getting back on track too. But, I think Clynn's suggestion is a good one, it would be wise to call Dr. Miranda.

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