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Need A little Help Please!

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I was banded on 2/1/08 and the experience with Dr. Martinez and his staff was wonderful I unfortunately was not able to meet Dr. Ortiz, but that's okay Dr. Martinez was great!

After surgery I became very ill and needless to say weak. I have been on the clear liquids and now I've started my protein and creamy soups as per Dr. Miranda's direction, but I do feel hungry and I want to drink Sunny Delight to help me with my cold but I don't know if I should. For the last 7 days I have coughed all night and have been in pain all day I've been miserable, but I'm getting concerned because I need 60g of protein and I can't drink the shakes or maybe right now everything is just making me sick. Any advice? Thank You!

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Once you're on the full liquids stage then the rule is you can have anything that fits through a straw. This includes yogurts, puddings, and juices, though once your cold is over you should be mindful of all the sugar in the latter. Work hard to get all your necessary vitamins and proteins. One thing to try is to get soups and put them through the blender so you can have the equivalent of meats and vegetables. If things are coming back up at this stage it's time to call the doctor as you should not be getting ill from liquids. It may be that your stomach is just swollen from your cold, but there are things your doctor can prescribe which should ease that. My concern is that since you band is not yet settled you will cause a slip if you are throwing up this early.

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Hi there.

I'm not even banded yet (Feb 15th is my day), but wanted to chime in.

What about trying to blend silken tofu with a diet shake, or any kind of broth? I will blend smooth, and will give you plenty of protien, and fill you up. It is good, too! :-)

I make homemade baby food, and that's a good one. You can even add some basmati rice (cooked) and it will come out in a great blend, and super filling.

I hope you get to feeling better soon. I know I'm sure I'll go through a state like this, too - I hope it goes fast.

Much Peace,


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I was banded on 2/1/08 and the experience with Dr. Martinez and his staff was wonderful I unfortunately was not able to meet Dr. Ortiz, but that's okay Dr. Martinez was great!

After surgery I became very ill and needless to say weak. I have been on the clear liquids and now I've started my protein and creamy soups as per Dr. Miranda's direction, but I do feel hungry and I want to drink Sunny Delight to help me with my cold but I don't know if I should. For the last 7 days I have coughed all night and have been in pain all day I've been miserable, but I'm getting concerned because I need 60g of protein and I can't drink the shakes or maybe right now everything is just making me sick. Any advice? Thank You!

I have not been banded yet, I was at the gym and they have ISO Pure its a clear liquid with 40 grams of protein. Does anyone know if these would help get the things you need??

I was thinking about trying them. I think you can get them from someone selling Isogenics (spelling?) I sure how you get to feeling better, God Bless,


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