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Feeling Very Tight Lately

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Okay, it has been 2 1/2 years since I was banded. I've lost ~35lbs>:D< (I had a lower BMI so the weight loss is a slower). Lately, for the last month, I can't seem to get much down. I haven't had a fill in ~8 months or so. I seem to be very tight. Last night I couldn't barely get 3 small plain broiled chicken wing drumettes down and keep them down and I seem to be burping a lot :unsure: . Anybody else experience this and/or does anybody have any suggestions. :huh:

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You may have irritated your stomach somehow, and by trying to eat solids then yakking them back up you're just continuing the irritation. Go on liquids for three days and see if it gets better. If not, you may need a slight unfill.

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You may have irritated your stomach somehow, and by trying to eat solids then yakking them back up you're just continuing the irritation. Go on liquids for three days and see if it gets better. If not, you may need a slight unfill.

Hi Clynn,

I'm a future "bandster" and have been getting alot of good insight from everyone here on the forum. Can I just say I think your responses are awesome?! You always have such great practical advice and tips for everyone. Thanks so much!

Lainie :-h

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I went for my second fill last Saturday In Mexicali. When they first filled my band, I started hurting in my chest so they unfilled me a little but I still have more than from my first fill. I was doing okay the first few days, drinking liquids and then eating soft foods. Beginning yesterday morning I had the feeling of something stuck in my throat/esophagus. It feels like I need to burp but I can't. I couldn't eat any solids yesterday. Any suggestions?

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I went for my second fill last Saturday In Mexicali. When they first filled my band, I started hurting in my chest so they unfilled me a little but I still have more than from my first fill. I was doing okay the first few days, drinking liquids and then eating soft foods. Beginning yesterday morning I had the feeling of something stuck in my throat/esophagus. It feels like I need to burp but I can't. I couldn't eat any solids yesterday. Any suggestions?

I have the same feeling, have only had one fill. I hope someone replies.


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did the fill doctor use fluoro while they were filling the band? If not,, there could be a possibility that your tight or over filled? Call your doctor!

I am not sure what fluoro is, but I would say probably not all I saw him do was inject me with a little anesthesia and then the saline.

I had this fill in early January and have not lost another pound, so I don't think it's overfilled.

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I went for my second fill last Saturday In Mexicali. When they first filled my band, I started hurting in my chest so they unfilled me a little but I still have more than from my first fill. I was doing okay the first few days, drinking liquids and then eating soft foods. Beginning yesterday morning I had the feeling of something stuck in my throat/esophagus. It feels like I need to burp but I can't. I couldn't eat any solids yesterday. Any suggestions?

Yeah, definitely sounds like you are over filled. You need an unfill right away. My fill doc says to NEVER try to work through being too tight because you are putting your band and yourself in serious risk. Sounds like that fill doc was too aggressive too. My fill doc also decides about how much of a fill to start with and then as I take sips of water, she listens and has me tell her where the water is and from there she takes out as much as needed for me to feel comfortable. I thought my last fill would be 1.8cc, but she started at 2.5cc and as things went, I ended up with only 1.5cc. Good enough for me. Have really good restriction. ;) Still learning to eat less without getting into a little discomfort.

Hope all goes well with you soon. :)



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I am not sure what fluoro is, but I would say probably not all I saw him do was inject me with a little anesthesia and then the saline.

I had this fill in early January and have not lost another pound, so I don't think it's overfilled.

Fluoroscope is a type of xray. Your best fill will be while a doctor or tech does your fill while you drink barium. With the fluoro you can see how the barium slows as the saline is being injected. Sounds like you had what they call a "BLIND FILL". Thats where they just throw some saline into your band and then send you home, with the "Call us or come back if you need more or less" attitude.

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