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Hi everyone!!

I am new to the forum and new to the band. My band date was 2/20/08 with Dr. Ortiz. I have NEVER had heartburn until now. I called OCC on Monday and talked with Dr. Martinez (sooo sweet) and told me to take Prilosec and Maalox and it should calm it down, but I was wondering if anyone else had heartburn right after banding???? I am sooooo worried about slippage (from everything that I have read) that I think I have become obsessed with it.... I worry about it ALL of the time!!! Please if anyone could shed some light I would MAYBE fell better.

Thanks for everything,


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Hi everyone!!

I am new to the forum and new to the band. My band date was 2/20/08 with Dr. Ortiz. I have NEVER had heartburn until now. I called OCC on Monday and talked with Dr. Martinez (sooo sweet) and told me to take Prilosec and Maalox and it should calm it down, but I was wondering if anyone else had heartburn right after banding???? I am sooooo worried about slippage (from everything that I have read) that I think I have become obsessed with it.... I worry about it ALL of the time!!! Please if anyone could shed some light I would MAYBE fell better.

Thanks for everything,


Hi Cindy,

So sorry you having a rough time...with heartburn no less. I was taking Prevacid for many years because of GERD(acid reflux), and since banding have never needed it again except a tums after a PB episode.

Are you able to tolerate liquids and are they going down and staying down ok? Maybe it has something to do with what kind of liquids you are drinking. Maybe too much acidity in them? Someone else may be able to shed more light on this problem. Good for you that you called the doctor. Those things should definitely help, but as for me, I would only take the Maalox and not a pill or capsule unless I really needed to.

Take care.



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Hi Judy,

I am able to keep all of the liquids down with no problem and I feel great, it's just this awful burning in my chest- seems to get worse as the day goes on... so who knows. Dr. Martinez told me to crush the Prilosec and swallow it with yogurt, so it actually went down pretty good- tasted gross though...

Thanks for your input!!!


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Hi Judy,

I am able to keep all of the liquids down with no problem and I feel great, it's just this awful burning in my chest- seems to get worse as the day goes on... so who knows. Dr. Martinez told me to crush the Prilosec and swallow it with yogurt, so it actually went down pretty good- tasted gross though...

Thanks for your input!!!


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Hi Pat;

It's good to see that you are doing well, and good to hear from you!!! My heartburn has been gone for 1 1/2 days now and counting (knock on wood). I feel sooooo much better. The Maalox and Prilosec did the trick!!! Thanks to Dr. Martinez!!!

Good luck!!

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