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Things we can look forward to...

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I thought this was good and I would share with you all.....please add things that you can think of

Things I am looking forward too OR WHEN I LOSE THIS WEIGHT

Tie my shoes without losing my breath.

Crossing my legs

Looking younger

Shave my legs in the shower!

Get out of the bathtub without 911 on speed dial.

Bend over and..... GET BACK UP!

Can shop......anywhere! ><'

More flexible during sex. :rolleyes:

The fat from our backs disapearing.

Fitting comfortably in theatre and airline seats

When we sit down or sleep on my side, my underwear doesn't "roll" down the front of my abdomen

Going up stairs and not have breathing problems

I can buy something without an X in the size

Ride all of the rollercoasters I want! Whee!

Don't have to wonder if I’m going to break a chair I sit in – will it hold me?

Don't need to lie about our weight on my Drivers License any more!

Don't need to hide by real weight from my husband/wife/significant others and family.

Go to the Beach or public pool (and hold my head high!)

Wear a cute costume for Halloween!

Spend the money I save on groceries on Jewelry or New Clothes!

Don't need the handicapped (larger) stall in restrooms.

No fear of using airplane restrooms on long flights.

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I'm not banded yet, but I am hoping to be...and boy do I dream!!!:)

~wrapping a towel(not a beach towel either) around me without something hanging out.

~being able to take a bath with more water in it and less me;)

~having my husband being able to carry me and not the other way around (he's maybe 160 soaking wet)

~less aches and pains

~being able to wear shorts (without fear or shame...can't remember the last time I wore any in public)

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I'm not banded yet, but I am hoping to be...and boy do I dream!!!:)

~wrapping a towel(not a beach towel either) around me without something hanging out.

~being able to take a bath with more water in it and less me;)

~having my husband being able to carry me and not the other way around (he's maybe 160 soaking wet)

~less aches and pains

~being able to wear shorts (without fear or shame...can't remember the last time I wore any in public)

Thought of more...

Thighs not rubbing together

Bottom fitting on a bike seat

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Personal hygiene becoming easier

Putting on socks without having to lift your whole leg up on the bed

Painting my own toenails

Not being the fattest one in my family


Looking in the mirror again

Seeing old friends without embarrassment

Stop using my hair to cover my fat

Having my beloved cats fit on my lap


Bending to pick something up from the floor

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My husband commented the other day whe we were skiing, that he can't wait until I'm not a mile ahead of him when we're skiing especially on the flatter ski-outs, I had retorted "Well I can't wait until I can wipe my --- better too, so what!" LOL. We laughed pretty hard when I told my sister "Spare Tire" later on. I hear you all, the list of benefits is huge and I'm so glad to hear from others who understand since it's difficult for our slimmer partners to fully know how obesity affects all aspects of our lives...LOL :P

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Here are a few things I'm looking forward to..

Not fearing booths when I walk into a new restaurant... ugh.. i've had to squeeeeze into a few and it's soo uncomfortable!

not requesting the aisle seat at plays, comedy shows etc...

not keeping my arms squeezed to my side and being scared to move when seated next to someone at an event

i have turned down basketball/concert etc.. tickets because I was scared of the seating and if I would fit

confidentely being on "top" with my boyfriend without thinking I'm squeezing every last ounce of air out of him

no more spanks or feeling like a stuffed sausage when trying to look "good"

just a few..... (sigh) can't wait.

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These would be hysterically funny... if they were not all true. :blink:


I thought this was good and I would share with you all.....please add things that you can think of

Things I am looking forward too OR WHEN I LOSE THIS WEIGHT

Tie my shoes without losing my breath.

Crossing my legs

Looking younger

Shave my legs in the shower!

Get out of the bathtub without 911 on speed dial.

Bend over and..... GET BACK UP!

Can shop......anywhere! ><'

More flexible during sex. :rolleyes:

The fat from our backs disapearing.

Fitting comfortably in theatre and airline seats

When we sit down or sleep on my side, my underwear doesn't "roll" down the front of my abdomen

Going up stairs and not have breathing problems

I can buy something without an X in the size

Ride all of the rollercoasters I want! Whee!

Don't have to wonder if I’m going to break a chair I sit in – will it hold me?

Don't need to lie about our weight on my Drivers License any more!

Don't need to hide by real weight from my husband/wife/significant others and family.

Go to the Beach or public pool (and hold my head high!)

Wear a cute costume for Halloween!

Spend the money I save on groceries on Jewelry or New Clothes!

Don't need the handicapped (larger) stall in restrooms.

No fear of using airplane restrooms on long flights.

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Now, this post on another site cracked me up... they were talking about a list of things that they found to be helpful, ond one of the items was toilet tongs, meaning a pair of kitchen tongs wrapped with toilet paper, extending your reach. Heck.. I need that BEFORE surgery. The idea kind of grosses me out, but it is a good idea. Like I said in another post, it would be hysterically funny if the problem was not real.


My husband commented the other day whe we were skiing, that he can't wait until I'm not a mile ahead of him when we're skiing especially on the flatter ski-outs, I had retorted "Well I can't wait until I can wipe my --- better too, so what!" LOL. We laughed pretty hard when I told my sister "Spare Tire" later on. I hear you all, the list of benefits is huge and I'm so glad to hear from others who understand since it's difficult for our slimmer partners to fully know how obesity affects all aspects of our lives...LOL :P
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