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I'm feeling some tightness especially when lying down to go to sleep. But this morning after I woke up and started walking around I still feel it. I'm sure I'm just being paranoid because this is all new but I'd appreciate some input. I can get liquids down with no problem.

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Tightness so soon after surgery is to be expected as you're pretty swollen in there. Not to mention the five wounds on your belly. You did just had surgery after all. Keep walking as much as possible and as long as you can get liquids down ok you're fine. For about two weeks after surgery I found it helpful to sleep sitting up which kept pressure of my stomach. It also discouraged my cats from jumping on my stomach while I was fast asleep . . .

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Tightness so soon after surgery is to be expected as you're pretty swollen in there. Not to mention the five wounds on your belly. You did just had surgery after all. Keep walking as much as possible and as long as you can get liquids down ok you're fine. For about two weeks after surgery I found it helpful to sleep sitting up which kept pressure of my stomach. It also discouraged my cats from jumping on my stomach while I was fast asleep . . .

Oh my! YOu just gave me some GREAT advice that I hadn't thought about earlier!! I have 9 cats and there are 2 of them famous for jumping on my belly in the middle of the night! I'll have to make some other arrangements to deal with that. THanks, for the unintended advice, LOL!!

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