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I'm starvin!!!

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Has anyone been banded and felt that in the begining they were starvin themselves? Also how soon after gettting banded did you cheat and eat something other than broth?

Seriously though, please don't tell me it's mental, because I have strong will power and haven't ate anything since I've ben banded and all I've had has been broth and unless I'm always drinking I'm hungry. Is this normal? It can't be!! Isn't my stomache suppose to be swollen from the band placement and therefore not hungry?

If Dr Ortiz reads this please email me at ruth.toro@yahoo.com

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Girls, every body is different. Did I get hungry??? Yes!!!!! Starving......, I felt like that about a week an half out. It happens....Now watch this! If you put something in your mouth...go ahead chew it up....good uh? BAM!!!!!! your band will check you and all of a sudden your uncomfortable! That did not feel good at all....dont' want to do that again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you see the band in action.

Work it out....journal and get through it! You said you were starving...I take it your hungry , right? Then sip some more. (unlimited siping) I did slim fast and it helped me. I did taste some mash potatoes 2 weeks out.......no good, band not ready.. Remember we have a tool...a friend. That's why you should give him or her a name....just saying.

You will be just fine. Learn your band, it's your food companion!

God is 4 Us ><'

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Yeah been there done that! I did the chew something and spit it out period! You are in what is called "Bandster Hell". My mind hunger was horrible and I used the Slim Fast shakes and it helped at some times, but not all then I moved to the Creamy soups and that helped a lot as I hate broth! I had a lot of sugar free popsicles and yogurt drinks too. Was too afraid to cheat though....until 2 days before I was able to eat real food (it was Christmas day) and I had some mashed potatoes and some turkey and gravy! It was like heaven! Until I tried to eat some stuffing........then it got stuck! Didn't cheat much after that! Hope you can get through the tough time......there is no "magic bullet" you just got to weigh the consequences and try to stay sane.

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Have you tried Special K protein water. I haven't had surgery yet, but they say the protein in water will kill your hunger. Worth a try.
Has anyone been banded and felt that in the begining they were starvin themselves? Also how soon after gettting banded did you cheat and eat something other than broth?

Seriously though, please don't tell me it's mental, because I have strong will power and haven't ate anything since I've ben banded and all I've had has been broth and unless I'm always drinking I'm hungry. Is this normal? It can't be!! Isn't my stomache suppose to be swollen from the band placement and therefore not hungry?

If Dr Ortiz reads this please email me at ruth.toro@yahoo.com
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i had surgery back on march 4... and by march 9 i was starving and going crazy.... there was nothing to keep my mind off food... and i started eating solid foods that i chewed about 50 times a piece... and i had no problems... i do NOT recommend doing what i did because it was stupid but i couldn't take the liquid diet anymore and i wanted food.... everything has been fine for me since, but i do occasionally not chew enough times and food gets stuck in my throat and i vomit...

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Has anyone been banded and felt that in the begining they were starvin themselves? Also how soon after gettting banded did you cheat and eat something other than broth?

Seriously though, please don't tell me it's mental, because I have strong will power and haven't ate anything since I've ben banded and all I've had has been broth and unless I'm always drinking I'm hungry. Is this normal? It can't be!! Isn't my stomache suppose to be swollen from the band placement and therefore not hungry?

If Dr Ortiz reads this please email me at ruth.toro@yahoo.com

I am on day 6 of clear liquids and oh my goodness, I think I am about to faint... :unsure: can't wait til Monday when i can start having some thicker liquids and get some substance in me. Today I did take a chewable fibre tablet (benefibre?) and that has helped with the extreme hunger. I just feel like I am not getting enough calories. broth has 30 per cup and popsicles are only 50 at most. i suppose juices would be more, but i have the runs as it is and don't want to make that worse. anyways... you are not alone!

on the upside... i am down 6lbs since surgery and as i said, that was on Monday... :D

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Ladies, Ladies ,Ladies, your doing great! =D>

The liquid diet should become your friend! Your first fill, back to liquids, and if and when you have problems......you will again return to liquids!

It's hard but look at it like, it is of most importance for the health of the band, what I mean is that you have to heal with the band in place! I know it's hard, soon like Sparetire said.....you can go on to different textures, that will cause all of this to get better for you! You will get thru this, and real soon you'll be on solids...trying to deal with that!

We are all in this together so just keep your chins up! ><'


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Ladies, Ladies ,Ladies, your doing great! =D>

The liquid diet should become your friend! Your first fill, back to liquids, and if and when you have problems......you will again return to liquids!

It's hard but look at it like, it is of most importance for the health of the band, what I mean is that you have to heal with the band in place! I know it's hard, soon like Sparetire said.....you can go on to different textures, that will cause all of this to get better for you! You will get thru this, and real soon you'll be on solids...trying to deal with that!

We are all in this together so just keep your chins up! ><'


Monet- I love how postive you are!!!! You are the perfect person to lead a support group!! I love reading your posts just because i can sense how positive you are! You are pretty inspiring!

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