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Banded on march 11th

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HI all,

just wanted to let you all know about my awesome experience.

Hubby and I arrived in san diego on the 10th at 830 we were picked up promptly and taken directly to the clinic..this was the worst part as we waited a lot to see the dentist and nutritionist and then were told we would have to see the heart dr the next day. So, we were then taken back to the hotel, it was nice...not fancy but very clean and nice. We went to the restraunt there I had fajitas they were simply awesome and then we went and did a little shopping. THen to to bed for the next day.

We were picked up by mrs ortiz around 730..got to the clinic and from there everything is a blur.....They were sooo wonderful, kind, caring, concerned. I felt so safe!~ Was visited by Dr martinez, dr oritiz, and the anesthesiologist. I was very scared about the IV as I am a terrible stick..it only took the nurse two sticks and she was in...YIPEEE and then came the good drugs..I slept until my surgery and don't even remember going into the OR. Hubby said it took 50 minutes from the time I left till I came back. The night was good, they kept me pain free and offered us juice, popsicles etc...

We left the next morning and I was ready to go shopping :rolleyes: I couldn't believe how very good I felt. IT may have been a bit much...but we shopped for four hours and then I slept the rest of the day/night...got up a couple of times to walk.

The next day we came home...that was the worst part...the flight was long and I was pretty sore. the gas is the worst part and as of today my shoulder still hurts..if that would go away I would feel GREAT!!! still am planning a night out with friends tomorrow.

I would tell anyone thinking of doing this to get on it! Don't wait another day....just do it! I am so happy and don't feel hungry at all. It is an amazing feeling. I had lost 16lbs presurgery..so was at 184.6 ( i started at 200 and am 5'2") and have already lost another 2lbs....if I keep this up I am going to be soooo happy!

And not to mention healthy!

Thanks so much to all of you at the clinic and Lori for listening to all my worries

I am looking forward to going back for my first fill in a few weeks...

take care all


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HI all,

just wanted to let you all know about my awesome experience.

Hubby and I arrived in san diego on the 10th at 830 we were picked up promptly and taken directly to the clinic..this was the worst part as we waited a lot to see the dentist and nutritionist and then were told we would have to see the heart dr the next day. So, we were then taken back to the hotel, it was nice...not fancy but very clean and nice. We went to the restraunt there I had fajitas they were simply awesome and then we went and did a little shopping. THen to to bed for the next day.

We were picked up by mrs ortiz around 730..got to the clinic and from there everything is a blur.....They were sooo wonderful, kind, caring, concerned. I felt so safe!~ Was visited by Dr martinez, dr oritiz, and the anesthesiologist. I was very scared about the IV as I am a terrible stick..it only took the nurse two sticks and she was in...YIPEEE and then came the good drugs..I slept until my surgery and don't even remember going into the OR. Hubby said it took 50 minutes from the time I left till I came back. The night was good, they kept me pain free and offered us juice, popsicles etc...

We left the next morning and I was ready to go shopping :rolleyes: I couldn't believe how very good I felt. IT may have been a bit much...but we shopped for four hours and then I slept the rest of the day/night...got up a couple of times to walk.

The next day we came home...that was the worst part...the flight was long and I was pretty sore. the gas is the worst part and as of today my shoulder still hurts..if that would go away I would feel GREAT!!! still am planning a night out with friends tomorrow.

I would tell anyone thinking of doing this to get on it! Don't wait another day....just do it! I am so happy and don't feel hungry at all. It is an amazing feeling. I had lost 16lbs presurgery..so was at 184.6 ( i started at 200 and am 5'2") and have already lost another 2lbs....if I keep this up I am going to be soooo happy!

And not to mention healthy!

Thanks so much to all of you at the clinic and Lori for listening to all my worries

I am looking forward to going back for my first fill in a few weeks...

take care all



How did you feel about the medical facility? I've been to Rosarita Beach before and I would be a little leary of the hosptal. Can you shed some light on that part of your experience? Thanks Jan

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I had a very similar experience there......Great! I am glad that you had such a positive experience and that you have joined the team Lapband!

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That makes me feel so much better! Thank you so much for telling your experience. I am glad that they give you something to calm down before surgery. I am pretty sure that I am going to be a nervous mess! I am so glad to hear that you are feeling well!!


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Thank you for sharing your story! I am so glad you are on your way to thin! =D>

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How did you feel about the medical facility? I've been to Rosarita Beach before and I would be a little leary of the hosptal. Can you shed some light on that part of your experience? Thanks Jan

I totally was impressed with the facility...I would not call it a hospital ..more a clinic.... very clean, imaculate surroundings, comfy bed, place for family to sit, rest etc...a phone to call home...Nicer than any Hospital I have been in the states...and I have been in a few :rolleyes: ...so feel good about the OCC...I too found it hard to believe that somwhere in Mexico could be so great...WELL believe it! I cannot wait to go back for my fill.....I live in Illinois and could go to chicago for my followups but my hubby insists I go back to the OCC....he loved the dr's and the care i got there!

please feel free to contact me with any questions you have my email is


take care


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That makes me feel so much better! Thank you so much for telling your experience. I am glad that they give you something to calm down before surgery. I am pretty sure that I am going to be a nervous mess! I am so glad to hear that you are feeling well!!


oh my... talke about calming down... when they were prepping me, they first gave me 2 little tablets to calm me... normally my BP is quite high. when they took it after those little pills, my BP was 90 over 60. I have never in the last 15 years had a BP like this... I was so calm... and the nurses just giggled cuz I think I was even slurring a bit...

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HI all,

just wanted to let you all know about my awesome experience.

Hubby and I arrived in san diego on the 10th at 830 we were picked up promptly and taken directly to the clinic..this was the worst part as we waited a lot to see the dentist and nutritionist and then were told we would have to see the heart dr the next day. So, we were then taken back to the hotel, it was nice...not fancy but very clean and nice. We went to the restraunt there I had fajitas they were simply awesome and then we went and did a little shopping. THen to to bed for the next day.

We were picked up by mrs ortiz around 730..got to the clinic and from there everything is a blur.....They were sooo wonderful, kind, caring, concerned. I felt so safe!~ Was visited by Dr martinez, dr oritiz, and the anesthesiologist. I was very scared about the IV as I am a terrible stick..it only took the nurse two sticks and she was in...YIPEEE and then came the good drugs..I slept until my surgery and don't even remember going into the OR. Hubby said it took 50 minutes from the time I left till I came back. The night was good, they kept me pain free and offered us juice, popsicles etc...

We left the next morning and I was ready to go shopping :rolleyes: I couldn't believe how very good I felt. IT may have been a bit much...but we shopped for four hours and then I slept the rest of the day/night...got up a couple of times to walk.

The next day we came home...that was the worst part...the flight was long and I was pretty sore. the gas is the worst part and as of today my shoulder still hurts..if that would go away I would feel GREAT!!! still am planning a night out with friends tomorrow.

I would tell anyone thinking of doing this to get on it! Don't wait another day....just do it! I am so happy and don't feel hungry at all. It is an amazing feeling. I had lost 16lbs presurgery..so was at 184.6 ( i started at 200 and am 5'2") and have already lost another 2lbs....if I keep this up I am going to be soooo happy!

And not to mention healthy!

Thanks so much to all of you at the clinic and Lori for listening to all my worries

I am looking forward to going back for my first fill in a few weeks...

take care all


Thanks Krista,

Reading your story helps oodles. Funnily enough, our height and beginning weight are near exact. Hopefully I'll do half as well on the pre-op diet! Congratulations.

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dear diva,

you will do great...it wasn't that bad really..now the hardest part is the liquid post op diet....ugh!!!!! I went today to GNC and bought some protein powder in a banana flavor it is amazing mixed with strawberries and skim milk...not hungry after that...I have lost another six pounds am down to 181!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I wish you all the best and please if you want to contact me feel free. I just had the greatest experience ever and would share any info you need.


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I had a question about the surgery? I was wondering they say you can go back to work a couple of days after surgury.I have a desk job and just wanted to know if i would have any problems sitting for 8 hours?Do they give pain medication to take home? Any info would be great.

Thanks, Christine Nicholsen

you wont need pain meds. they give you 4 pills that you have to take every 12 hours - after that tylenol if you need it. I was on a plane for like 9 hours home and i was ok- got up to walk around a few times. you will be fine!

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