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I decided I really wanted to have Pizza Hut one last time so we ordered it tonight. Boy that was a mistake!! I haven't eaten anything fattening in almost 4 weeks and it really tore my stomach up. I won't be doing that again. :unsure: I am still up at almost midnight with a hurting belly and heartburn. I think my body is telling me it really likes these healthy foods I have been eating!

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I decided I really wanted to have Pizza Hut one last time so we ordered it tonight. Boy that was a mistake!! I haven't eaten anything fattening in almost 4 weeks and it really tore my stomach up. I won't be doing that again. :unsure: I am still up at almost midnight with a hurting belly and heartburn. I think my body is telling me it really likes these healthy foods I have been eating!

Yeah, I tried that too, and felt like crap! Getting carbs out of my life has really been a pleasure. I feel great! Now, if only I can keep them out of my life, LOL!!

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Hey Kimmie;

Well we all live and learn.... now ya' know. At least now when you think about pizza after surgery the thought will turn your stomach and you will not eat it... That's one hurdle (and 5 hundred thousand million calories) out of the way!!!

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Well, I thought I would be giving up everything I enjoyed in life pre-band, I do enjoy an occasional pizza, but am now content to stop after a slice and I even leave the crust....for some reason the crust with all the goo on top I can handle.....You will definitely enjoy those treats a lot more after and savor every chew.....there will be a lot of them!!!

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