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Hello : )

I'm back at home, well, and anxiously awaiting April 29th!

The day went quite well at OCC. I will have no problems recommending Dr. Ortiz to anyone who has a weight issue. There were several things I noticed I wanted to comment on, for us, and for future bandsters.

For those who are being picked up at the airport, please don't be upset if your driver arrives a few minutes late. When we were leaving, we left in plenty of time for the driver to make a pickup, yet Customs were WAY behind, and it delayed our van by as much as 50 minutes or more. We stood, waiting for a long line of people coming into America to pass through. We went through quickly, maybe 4 minutes (my entire family), but the wait to get to the front of the line was something beyond the control of OCC. The driver was late to pickup new clients, but the delay wasnt his fault. We even planned extra time in the schedule in case of a delay, but the delay was longer than planned. Enough on that !

I didn't have near as much of a gas problem as some of the patients did. I felt like I needed to burp for a long time. I felt no shoulder pain at all. I did experience my first 'PB' and survived it.

One issue I had was regulating a diet after the surgery. As we all know, we're on liquids for a while. I had the broths at the hotel, and Vitamin drinks from across the street, but felt weak and trembly. I sorta "fudged" a little, and ate some soup with a little substance to it. I did fine, and felt much better. I've progressed to yogurts and soups now, and am back on a regular schedule diet-wise. I feel strong, ready for golf, with only a little bit of discomfort where the large incision is... not pain, but discomfort.

I've stocked up on soups, yogurts, jellos, and shakes looking forward to the dates for the first solids. (I actually slipped and had a couple of my son's fries at dinner last night without thinking.... "oops" !)

But we are at home, safe, and preparing to plan to return for the fill perhaps the second week of June. I've thought about Roswell, GA for a fill, but all of us talked about it at Tijuana... I have all the confidence in Dr. Ortiz, and we probably will be going back.

How about you? How've you adapted to the new way of eating for a few weeks? Did you experience any of these-type symptoms? I know one of the girls who banded on Tuesday had terrible gas pains (she needed to walk a lot AND the Gas-X pills).

We enjoyed talking with you tremendously. I think all bandsters should meet out at the pool to get to know each other. It began a special bond for us all. We have started our journey.... I can't wait to see where we will end up!


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Glad to hear from you and that you are doing good. I am doing good too. Just a little tired and need to realize my body was cut open <_< Take care and keep in touch!


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glad you all are home safe and sound. i can't believe you are eating what you're eating, no bp'ing for me. all i have had is clear liquids and some liquid yogurt. But will get some other things soon. don't rush it! we certainly don't want any slippage! I was getting a little concerned when we didn't hear from you . Did the Am.airline issue cause you any travel delays? Tell Susan and Andrew Hi and hope to keep in touch with you all.

renee & darryl :rolleyes:

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We were lucky... we were on AirTran. A slight delay, but a good jet stream put us in Atlanta just about on time.

Tonight I had a couple of bowls of chicken noodle soup, with no probs.

Sus and Andrew say hello back, and are glad you're doing so well !

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Today, day 5, we went out to eat. I ordered some soup and asked them to puree it. I think the waitress didn't know what I was talking about. I asked did they have a blender or a food processor? Well, of course not. So, I got potatoe soup and asked them to leave out as much stuff as they could. I picked around it and chewed, chewed, chewed those tiny little pieces of potatoe. I was a little afraid. I did notice reaching for my water a few times, then remembered Dr. Miranda saying, "Don't drink while you eat". So I caught myself. It was very tasty and I only ate half and brought have home for later. That would have never happened before. I seemed to have tolerated it very well, we'll see. It's been about an hour since I ate.

Please be careful with those noodles. They say pasta is very sticky. I would hate to get something stuck.

Talk w/ you soon.

Renee :rolleyes:

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Well, you two are way ahead of me and real food doesn't even sound good to me yet. Glad you both tolerated the soup okay! Keep in touch!


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