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OK I want the truth

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Okay bandsters - I want the truth....who ate before week 3????? I know there are several of you. :unsure:

I was banded by Dr. Ortiz, but I read some online post-op guidelines by other surgeons that direct their patients in week 3 & 4 to eat mushy, soft foods.

I'm just wondering who's done what for post-op!!!

When did you start to eat?

What did you eat?

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I will be truthful and confess I at Easter dinner. I had 3 pieces of Rib-eye steak and green bean casserole. I chewed the heck out of the steak and the green beans were great. I did get back on the soup thing after that. I had no problems that day. I have had no problem with any food. I went to a wedding and had the cake and that felt like glue going down my throat and real soft bread isn't that good either. I can't wait to get my first fill on May 5th. Are you having a hard time with the post-op diet. I hated it!

Maytee :rolleyes:

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Do we really have to tell you the truth ;)

Okay bandsters - I want the truth....who ate before week 3????? I know there are several of you. :unsure:

I was banded by Dr. Ortiz, but I read some online post-op guidelines by other surgeons that direct their patients in week 3 & 4 to eat mushy, soft foods.

I'm just wondering who's done what for post-op!!!

When did you start to eat?

What did you eat?

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Funny Dawn - yes - I was asking everyone for the truth.

I too was a self-pay - apparently not "enough" wrong with me to warrant insurance to pay for the surgery. So I don't want to risk anything either! However, I was asking the question because I looked up lap band post op diets here in the U.S. (UCSD in particular). They specifically state to start mushy and soft foods at week 2. I'm at week 2 and although I feel good - I just don't know that I'm ready. Maybe it's mental, maybe it's that little choke feeling I get sometimes when I suck on my dissolved Cheetios puffs (does that count as food?). I'm waiting too - what's another 6 days when I've gone this long!!

Thanks for the heads up about the steak too - I can't WAIT to have steak!!!!

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I got through the postop diet with very few problems. I did however start eating about 3 days prior to target day. I have no problems with anything but bread and meat. Tried meat three times and it just will not go down. This week I will try ground beef.

Go for first fill May 1st.

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I was very strict about the post-op diet the first two weeks. But.....during that last week of liquids I did start on some soupy grits (not sure if you know what that is...I think its a southern thing). Then I had a few mashed potatoes. Never had a problem though. I can't wait for my first fill - May 3rd.

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I thought I'd bring this topic back as to see if we would get more feedback...

I must admit... I have cheated... :lb12: BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.... I want to add.......please no one follow what i do/did because everyone is different and everyone's body reacts differently.

I am on week two... and I have had mashed bananas, or I should say a mashed banana and applesauce.. and a dissolved cracker here and there.... BUTTTTTTTT thank GOD... I have not had any complications (YET.. knock on wood).. no PBing, no chest pain,

oh yeah and I have had some watery mashed potatoes...

i continue to drink my protien drink in the morning and my creamy soup at lunch... it's just the evenings that kill me...

so that's when I have used my imagination.

Please ... I must warn anyone though.. that u should definately follow Dr. Miranda's instructions. I know others have tried to eat before they should have and have suffered different consequences.

The post op was difficult for me because previous to surgery I never ate soup... actually I dislike soup.. the closest thing to soup I ate was from the chinese restaurant.. (wonton) :rolleyes: I have a box of popsicles in the fridge dont eat those either... they freeze my teeth... so what was a girl to do???? :blink:

Again, the reason for me posting this is not to discourage anyone from following the rules, I just wanted to be Honest and share my expierence.

M :ph34r:

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Hi Calicat,

I started eating some solid four days before the three weeks were hope. I kept it light; tolerated most - but not bread - Gads! it did stick and cause me pain. It was grain and toasted, but....

I started eating just to taste the food and then I kept at it the next few days to get more protein in me - I started feeling really tired and didn't like that. Today is my official eat day - so we shall see how I do from this day forward.

Helen :wacko: ><'

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Okay bandsters - I want the truth....who ate before week 3????? I know there are several of you. :unsure:

I was banded by Dr. Ortiz, but I read some online post-op guidelines by other surgeons that direct their patients in week 3 & 4 to eat mushy, soft foods.

I'm just wondering who's done what for post-op!!!

When did you start to eat?

What did you eat?

Well, one of the gals I was banded with did cheat and yee howdy did she regret it! She simply sucked on a piece of meat and became violently ill, almost had to go back to the OCC. Her experience cured me of any thoughts of cheating! Be careful a band slippage can't be good. Pargirl

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Do we really have to tell you the truth ;)

That made me giggle



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Okay bandsters - I want the truth....who ate before week 3????? I know there are several of you. :unsure:

I was banded by Dr. Ortiz, but I read some online post-op guidelines by other surgeons that direct their patients in week 3 & 4 to eat mushy, soft foods.

I'm just wondering who's done what for post-op!!!

When did you start to eat?

What did you eat?

I am almost 7 days post opt and i am very hungry. I was hungry when i got out of the OR. I have been following the whole liquids thing, however i began the shakes 2 days before i was supposed to and i had no problems. i dont like soups either but i have been trying to have them. I dont feel restricted at all since i feel just as hungry before the band, however the thought about messing it up it scares me. i think that starting shakes and/or creamy soups before hand is not too bad, but food i dont think off. hope this helps

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I totally cheated. I was licking a pizza roll one night... (we've already determined I'm a licker, right?) and the urge to swallow one was so overwhelming. I wanted it SOOOO BAD!!! So I decided I was just going to chew it up and spit it out. However, by the time it was all chewed up, it was like slush... or a thick soup. So I figured "what the heck!" and took a big gulp of water to thin it down even more and I swallowed.

Just the one.

And it was gooooooooooooooooooood. But my kids got on my case and stopped me from eating ay more. This was only about 2 or 3 days before "real food" anyway, so I don't feel so guilty.

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I was just going to ask if anyone chewed up the food and then spit it out, just to get the chewing sensation under control. I know there are times when I drink my Slim Fasts that I just want something hot to chew on, but know that I'm not actually hungry for it. I hopefully will not have to do this, but just in case!


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I was a chew and spit outter. I was also the cheetios puffs sucker - they dissolved in my mouth!

Tasting was good - but tricky. You really have to pay attention, and not be distracted. It's instinct to swallow - so when my hubby asked me a question, or my son needed something - I found myself unable to concentrate on both at once. Find a "quiet" time so you don't swallow :rolleyes:

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My 12 year old daughter watches me like a hawk. She won't even let me chew and spit she says I will just want more and I'm not allowed to have any. Oh well at least I have support....lmao :rolleyes:

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I was very strict about the post-op diet the first two weeks. But.....during that last week of liquids I did start on some soupy grits (not sure if you know what that is...I think its a southern thing). Then I had a few mashed potatoes. Never had a problem though. I can't wait for my first fill - May 3rd.

Woot! My birthday! I will celebrate by thinking of you and your first fill!.. I am coming on the 6th for the first fill. I can't wait to hear how yours went.

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I thought I'd bring this topic back as to see if we would get more feedback...

I must admit... I have cheated... :lb12: BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.... I want to add.......please no one follow what i do/did because everyone is different and everyone's body reacts differently.

I am on week two... and I have had mashed bananas, or I should say a mashed banana and applesauce.. and a dissolved cracker here and there.... BUTTTTTTTT thank GOD... I have not had any complications (YET.. knock on wood).. no PBing, no chest pain,

oh yeah and I have had some watery mashed potatoes...

i continue to drink my protien drink in the morning and my creamy soup at lunch... it's just the evenings that kill me...

so that's when I have used my imagination.

Please ... I must warn anyone though.. that u should definately follow Dr. Miranda's instructions. I know others have tried to eat before they should have and have suffered different consequences.

The post op was difficult for me because previous to surgery I never ate soup... actually I dislike soup.. the closest thing to soup I ate was from the chinese restaurant.. (wonton) :rolleyes: I have a box of popsicles in the fridge dont eat those either... they freeze my teeth... so what was a girl to do???? :blink:

Again, the reason for me posting this is not to discourage anyone from following the rules, I just wanted to be Honest and share my expierence.

M :ph34r:

You could resort to licking chips... :P

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I have to admitt, I cheated too! About 10 days after my surgery I chewed some brussel sprouts with cheese sauce and spit them out. I know that's not a good habit to pick up, so I never did it again. Then at about 2 wekks post op I ate some noodles and gravy.... SO GOOD!!... so stupid me takes a piece of cubed steak and chewed it up and swallowed it. Not a good thing, let me tell ya!! I was in pain for an hour! It made my chest, collar bone and shoulder area's hurt! I sipped a cup of hot tea and it helped a little. I now can eat food, to well, and not much bothers me. We had soft tacos for supper and I ate one nice sized one. I was full...... but about 90 min. later, I ate another one. Now I'm uncomfortable. Over eating and portion control are my demons.... :diablo::girl_devil: Some days I do really well and others I suck.Can't wait to get my fill next month!! :lb12: Darlene

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I had vomiting issues and I still cheated a little. LOL I stayed on all liquids with no cheating for the first two weeks though and the third week I started experimenting with food.

I had a milkshake about 2 weeks post-op...threw it up. I am almost 4 weeks post-op and some foods still do not stay down. I have to eat very bland foods and I don't seem to be able to tolerate bread, peanut butter, sweet stuff or milk.

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