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Just Getting Started

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I have just made the decesion to be "banded" B) (soundeds so barbariac), but if it works...

Do to family scheduling I need to wait till August, it seems a life time away. Now that I have made the decesion is there anything that I should be doing to get myself ready, again August is so far away. Is there any one out there that went through this with a low amount of weight to loose (say around a hundred pounds), my BMI is at 36. I would love to hear from you and your experience with the "band".

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I am being banded August 4th. Are you both with Dr. Ortiz? They probably told you when they called that there is a diet you need to follow in the week or weeks before surgery. Any weight you lose is a plus, but they told me to lose 5% within the three weeks prior to surgery. They want me to shrink my liver to make the banding easier.

The more I read the better I feel about my decision. Look over on lapbandtalk.com as well. I've heard hardly anything negative about Dr. Ortiz and I have looked all over the Internet for complaints.

Maybe I'll see you in August!

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I am getting banded towards the end of August. I am also going to Dr. Ortiz. I ordered his book, then read it in about a day. There was some good info and some stuff I skipped over. I am going to start seriously dieting after the 4th and hopefully lose at least 10 pounds before I have to go on the liquid diet for the week before surgery . I am SOOO not looking forward to that! I am also a member of the lapbandtalk and have searched high and low everywhere about Ortiz. There were some negative comments in there, but if there weren't, I would be suspicious because no one can please all of the people all of the time! I have heard WAY more good than bad though so I think I'm making a good decision. BTW--has anyone in your familly or friends given you grief about going to MEXICO to have the surgery? EVERYONE I have told has said--"you're going to MEXICO to have surgery? It is so dirty down there and they aren't as sterile as the US." Although I think it is a bunch of malarkey, did anyone else have concerns about cleanliness or sterility for their surgery?

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I am getting banded towards the end of August. I am also going to Dr. Ortiz. I ordered his book, then read it in about a day. There was some good info and some stuff I skipped over. I am going to start seriously dieting after the 4th and hopefully lose at least 10 pounds before I have to go on the liquid diet for the week before surgery . I am SOOO not looking forward to that! I am also a member of the lapbandtalk and have searched high and low everywhere about Ortiz. There were some negative comments in there, but if there weren't, I would be suspicious because no one can please all of the people all of the time! I have heard WAY more good than bad though so I think I'm making a good decision. BTW--has anyone in your familly or friends given you grief about going to MEXICO to have the surgery? EVERYONE I have told has said--"you're going to MEXICO to have surgery? It is so dirty down there and they aren't as sterile as the US." Although I think it is a bunch of malarkey, did anyone else have concerns about cleanliness or sterility for their surgery?


I'm on LapBand Talk too, but I didn't see anything negative about Dr. Ortiz.... maybe I got blinders on. I told myparents about a month before the surgery, and I'll be damned, if my Dad isn't checking it out! He even dropped the question to my cousin whose a doctor, and while he didn't know about Dr. Ortiz, he had no problems with Mexico, or the procedure.

I joked with my dad that he's not suppossed to get the "second opinion" before he gets the first... He came into my office my first day back just to see how things went.


I am getting banded towards the end of August. I am also going to Dr. Ortiz. I ordered his book, then read it in about a day. There was some good info and some stuff I skipped over. I am going to start seriously dieting after the 4th and hopefully lose at least 10 pounds before I have to go on the liquid diet for the week before surgery . I am SOOO not looking forward to that! I am also a member of the lapbandtalk and have searched high and low everywhere about Ortiz. There were some negative comments in there, but if there weren't, I would be suspicious because no one can please all of the people all of the time! I have heard WAY more good than bad though so I think I'm making a good decision. BTW--has anyone in your familly or friends given you grief about going to MEXICO to have the surgery? EVERYONE I have told has said--"you're going to MEXICO to have surgery? It is so dirty down there and they aren't as sterile as the US." Although I think it is a bunch of malarkey, did anyone else have concerns about cleanliness or sterility for their surgery?


I'm on LapBand Talk too, but I didn't see anything negative about Dr. Ortiz.... maybe I got blinders on. I told myparents about a month before the surgery, and I'll be damned, if my Dad isn't checking it out! He even dropped the question to my cousin whose a doctor, and while he didn't know about Dr. Ortiz, he had no problems with Mexico, or the procedure.

I joked with my dad that he's not suppossed to get the "second opinion" before he gets the first... He came into my office my first day back just to see how things went.


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I was banded on June 9th by Dr. Ortiz......at first when I told my family about being banded in Mexico some of them said the same thing...however, go to Dr. Ortiz's website and print out his creditials....ITS AMAZING...and so is he.....the other thing is...the U.S. doctors could surely learn quite a few things in reference to cleanliness....Dr. Ortiz's clinic is Immaculate....how many dr.'s in the U.S. make u place booties on your feet when going anywhere inside the clinic...even just to draw your blood....and as far as TJ....I loved it....and I didnt find it dirty or filthy at all.....hopefully this will help u some....take care and best of luck...Cathy :))

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Hey there, so glad about the cleanliness thing. (thank you Cathy!) I was sure that Ortiz and his clinic were clean--but you know all those people start their talking and you start having doubts! Also, as for the negative about Dr. Ortiz, the lap banders were saying they "heard" things from this or that person--can't remember the thread--but i would search for the name Ortiz and it would come up. Like I said--so many good things-that's why I chose him--but someone always has a bad thing to say about anything. And Darrin--ain't it grand that you're dad cares so much? My mom is in pure denial about the whole thing!!! I seriously told her I was getting the lap band in Mexico and she said no you're not and I kept trying to tell her that I already bought plane tickets for my husband and myself and she just refuses to believe me--I know she is just scared for me--but I will have her convinced soon!

Best wishes!

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I am being banded on the 28th of August 2006 - My BMI is 37.1 - I would love to loose a hundred pounds but I will be happy with 80 or so wich ever the dr thinks best. I am feeling a lot more comfortable about my decesion. I told my mum and she didn't freak out like I thought she would. She was very supportive and even offered to go with. I will be making the journey on my own. From what everything that has been posted I think I should be good to go. I am more nervous about making it back over the border crossing to catch my plane I think at this point. A little nervous about the liqued diet, seems to be a lot of chatter and different versions on what you can have when. I am a pretty literal person, if you say clear liqueds for so many days, well then that is what I will do. I hope the nutritionist is ready for a lot of questions. :lol:

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OMG!!! When I read your reply I started laughing....most of the negativity I received BEFORE my surgery was from my mother...and she also told me...NO YOUR NOT....I ended up going to a couple of seminars(with my other half, who was half convinced) and grabbed EVERY piece of information in regards to the surgery and took it over to my mother and asked her to please read this so that you will have a better understanding of just exactly what it intails....she was thinking it was more like the Gastric Bypass....she then read about Dr. Ortiz....and she felt "alittle" bit better...i just recently received my book that Dr. Ortiz wrote and she has been reading that also...now she asks me are u doing this? are u doing that? did u know this?....so she has done an about face....and my other half is 150% behind me now too....in fact this morning i had hopped on the scales and I had lost another 2 pounds....I was so excited I called my mother and was crying...i had been at a little bit of a plateau and was kind of down...but...she is one of my best supporters now....so....hang in there honey...I promise you...you wont be disappointed....the other thing I had to tell myself and MY MOTHER was this was something I HAD to do for myself...not her or anybody else...me...my self esteem, and to live a healthier, happier life....your mother will come around honey...once she sees how much more energy and happier you are....BELEIVE ME!!! i WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK TRIZZY....KEEP ME POSTED...CATHY


you will do fine....i have to say the hardest thing so far for me was the Pre-op diet....I have a smaller BMI, so the dr. had told me I would loose slower....I was put on Protein Drinks and Salad with Balsamic Dressing...for one week before my surgery....OMG...I was soooooooo sick of salad...and I love salads...lol...I also had my buddy CindyK, that I met on this forum who was going through the exact same things at the exact same times as myself...(we had surgery the same day)..we met there...IT WAS AWESOME....I have to say....she has been a HUGE AND I MEAN HUGE....strength for me....we email almost every day...venting about good days.....bad days..changes in moods, attitudes, energy levels...EVERYTHING in general...I read this forum faithfully every morning and every night...and I have learned oh so much from so many different people on here....and in regards to you getting through the border and being on time for your flight...DONT WORRY....Dr. Ortiz's office has it down to a science, my dear....my departing flight left at 6 a.m.,...they picked me up at 4:30 a.m. to be there on time...and that we were...dont worry honey...They handle so much for you....Best of Luck and keep me posted...Cathy

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I guess I am blessed... well, I know I am blessed. When I told my Mom about my sister and I wanting to have surgery in Mexico she was skeptical but kept commentary to herself then 2 days later (after she checked it out for herself) she was like, "Can I go too?" :lol: Sooooo ... sister, mom and I were all banded on the same day! It was a wonderful experience and according to the OCC we aren't the first family to get banded together! Dr. Ortiz and his entire staff of doctors and nurses are wonderful. The clinic's cleanliness far exceeds the standards of US hospitals (and I'm a nurse). The details of my experience are posted under the Newly Banded topic with the heading Banded In April if you like to read through what seems to have become my blog! :P Best wishes to you!

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My experience with family has been interesting. Some are immediately supportive, and some are just quiet. I only told my closest family because I didn't really want a bunch of opinions. I feel like I know more about this than any of them now with everything I've read, and I really don't want opinions from them based upon ignorance of the procedures.

I also found that once they knew what it entailed they were more supportive. Many thought it was a bypass or involved staples. Bottom line for me is that my wife supports it, and I want it. I don't plan to tell friends or collegues. Too much negative stigma and I think people view it as "cheating". If anyone asks, I plan to tell them that I'm eating less and working out, both of which will be true. At the end of the day, I'm not a public figure, and don't owe it to the world to let everyone know my personal life details.

How are you all handling this part of it?


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Hey Rid;

Well....as u read in my above post.....my other half at one point was 1/2 convinced of the surgery...and he too considered it "CHEATING"....and having no "WILL POWER"....which bothered me....but..now that he knows what more is involved with the surgery and he went to seminars with me he is 150% behind me....and as far as me telling people about my surgery....I TOLD EVERYONE!!!...this was something i wanted for so long...and had researched it for so long...so many of my closest friends and family, and even my co-workers...they too were included in alot of my research...so......I really wanted everyone to know....they too are enjoying in watching me succeed...and the changes in me....which in all honesty...alot of our get togethers revolved around food..and I find since they know about my surgery...the get together foods are alot more healthy than before....and also include all food groups...and not all desserts....I know for myself, telling everyone was what was best for me....but then again....I am also the type of person that doesnt really care what other people think too...I will speak my mind....sooooo......this has been my own experience...i wish u luck on your journey....keep us posted...Cathy :))

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Cathy and Rid--

Thanks for the support!! I told my sister yesterday, and after having quite a few questions--she seemed to be on board with me. My mother, however, told me that if I have this surgery and die, she will tell my children that I was selfish and that's why I died. I know part of her was kidding and part of her was serious. Although my mother is being a pain in the a$$, everyone else seems pretty supportive (hubby and sis). I plan on telling my best friend of 30 years tomorrow and I know she is just going to FREAK! She has always been the tall, skinny girl, and just doesn't understand the whole problem with weight loss. I'm hoping she'll be supportive, but I sincerely doubt it! Wish me luck--and happy 4th to everyone!!!

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Cathy and Rid--

Thanks for the support!! I told my sister yesterday, and after having quite a few questions--she seemed to be on board with me. My mother, however, told me that if I have this surgery and die, she will tell my children that I was selfish and that's why I died. I know part of her was kidding and part of her was serious. Although my mother is being a pain in the a$$, everyone else seems pretty supportive (hubby and sis). I plan on telling my best friend of 30 years tomorrow and I know she is just going to FREAK! She has always been the tall, skinny girl, and just doesn't understand the whole problem with weight loss. I'm hoping she'll be supportive, but I sincerely doubt it! Wish me luck--and happy 4th to everyone!!!

Good luck! That makes me so mad that they would not support you. I guess that's why I'm being a little bit of a chicken about telling people. I'd just rather keep it with my closest family and a friend or two. But I guess if my mom was like that, I wouldn't be able to avoid it. I couldn't go to Mexico and have major surgery without telling my parents. If something DID happen, it would be horrible for my wife to have to explain it all. It's a little morbid, but it's a fact.

I guess the most important thing is having people you can talk to about it, and I appreciate all of your feedback, input, and support!

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Good news! I told my super skinny friend today--and she said she was ok with the surgery thing--just not the Tijuana, Mexico thing! I was pretty impressed with how she handled it, and she said that she was thinking of getting a breast augmentation! Not quite the same thing I know--but the support is still there. She even offered to watch my kids while hubby and I are gone! I guess you never know who will be there to put you down, and who will be there to help you up. So glad I have most of the latter!!!

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Good news! I told my super skinny friend today--and she said she was ok with the surgery thing--just not the Tijuana, Mexico thing! I was pretty impressed with how she handled it, and she said that she was thinking of getting a breast augmentation! Not quite the same thing I know--but the support is still there. She even offered to watch my kids while hubby and I are gone! I guess you never know who will be there to put you down, and who will be there to help you up. So glad I have most of the latter!!!

Hi Trizzy,

you might want to show your friend Dr. Ortiz' qualifications, I think that might change her mind! If you have any questions, you can contact me at Lori@obesitycontrolcenter.com

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Well I just told my two closest friends my plans, they both happen to be nurses. Lets just say it did not go over very well. They were okay with the surgery, after a few minutes. But when I told them about Tijuana Mexico, they fliped out. Then when I told them I was planning on going by myself. That just sealed the no deal as far as they are conserned.

I was doing pretty good, till this point. Had it all worked out in my mind. I even have my plane ticket purchased. My husband is going to watch my son. Now they are insisting that I take someone with me, as an advocate for me incase something happens. Not what I had planned, or sure is really necessary. What's a girl to do...

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hi i am linda and just getting started, my surgery date is 7/18. reading the notes on the forum has prevented me from being nervous at all, i am totally excited. i have read about the gas and burping issue and although i hate discussing body functions. i would like to know a little more about the discomfort that i will experience. is there anyone out there that is having surgery on 7/18

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hi i am linda and just getting started, my surgery date is 7/18. reading the notes on the forum has prevented me from being nervous at all, i am totally excited. i have read about the gas and burping issue and although i hate discussing body functions. i would like to know a little more about the discomfort that i will experience. is there anyone out there that is having surgery on 7/18

Hi Linda,

Everyone is different, everyone heals differently, so its hard to determine what your level of discomfort might be. I really didn't have any until 2 days after my surgery when I tried to do way too much - because I felt good - then my body reminded me that I'd just undergone a surgical procedure and I took it easy for a few days and I was fine. I truly believe that if you follow the doctors advice, all the doctors, including Dr. Miranda, you will experience little discomfort. The gas I think is the biggest issue so keep the GasX strips nearby. I'm nearly 3 weeks out from surgery today and I had some gas pains today, probably because I started eating and my body is adjusting. I find that taking Probiotic capsules really helps, and I didn't do that before my dinner.

If you do experience discomfort after the first few days, you can contact any of us here at OCC or use the phone numbers to contact one of the doctors at the clinic, you will be given Dr. Ortiz' cell # and he expects you to use it if you have any concerns.

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I was banded on 3/22/06 by Dr. Ortiz, with a starting BMI of 37. 3 months post op, and I'm down 30 lbs....just another 50 to go to be at goal weight. I hope to be there by the end of the year. I was very impressed by Dr. Ortiz, his staff, and facility...much nicer than anything in the US. I shared only with my mother that I was having this done in Mexico, and while she was a bit concerned, she also knew that I wouldn't do anything without researching the heck out of it...so she trusted and supported my decision.

Best of luck to you!


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When I have talked to people about Dr. Ortiz, I have mentioned that he has an office in San Diego (Chula Vista) and he has a hospital in Mexico. When they ask about the Mexico office, I tell them that it is much cheaper to do it in Mexico compared to US clinics. Plus, this guy is one of the best in the world. I talk to them about Inamed, which is in Santa Barbara, CA, and how they send him all over the United States to train US doctors how to do the procedure. I tell them that he proctored Dr. Billy in Ventura, who is probably the closest expert to me. I then tell them that I am going to check out the Mexico facility prior to the procedure, and if I'm comfortable, then I'm going to have it there.

Also, I may try to come down the clinic prior to my surgery to check it out first hand.

Well I just told my two closest friends my plans, they both happen to be nurses. Lets just say it did not go over very well. They were okay with the surgery, after a few minutes. But when I told them about Tijuana Mexico, they fliped out. Then when I told them I was planning on going by myself. That just sealed the no deal as far as they are conserned.

I was doing pretty good, till this point. Had it all worked out in my mind. I even have my plane ticket purchased. My husband is going to watch my son. Now they are insisting that I take someone with me, as an advocate for me incase something happens. Not what I had planned, or sure is really necessary. What's a girl to do...

Lanie, this is a hard issue to resolve. I would never advise someone to go to a foreign country on their own, although I've read posts from many people who have done it with no problem. But if you were my sister, I would insist on you bringing a friend. If my wife wanted to have this procedure, even after I do it, and suggested going alone... It just would never happen. Again, it's personal, but I would have someone there with you.

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