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Overweight your whole life?

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Hi everyone. :-h

I'm curious about something and wondering if how we lose has anything to do with it.

I have been overweight my whole life (at times over 100 lbs overweight). But even with the band I'm really having a hard time losing weight. Granted, I haven't had my first fill yet and I know that should make a difference. Also, I'm 47 and I 'think' being over 40 makes it harder to lose weight. I have lost and gained, lost and gained numerous times but can't hold the weight off.

So I'm wondering if us 'life-long fluffies' lose slower than those that are 'newer fluffies'. Also, I am wondering if a pattern of losing and gaining makes it harder to lose.

So I'm wondering...

1) How old are you? Or age range - [ 0-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40+]

2) Have you been overweight your whole life or did you gain weight as a result of pregnancies, surgeries... or whatever. (You don't need to add the details if you don't want... just whether there was 'an event' that you feel made you start gaining).

3) How many times have you lost and gained (approximate times and how much on average).

4) After lap band surgery has your weight been coming off easier than when you dieted before?

5) What is your average weekly weight loss?

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Here' my info...

1) 47

2) Overweight all my life

3) Lost and gained probably 6 times (major losses) with an average 60 lb loss.

4) Haven't noticed a difference yet with weight loss after lap band surgery but I haven't had my first fill.

5) Lately not really losing... just maintaining and hoping my first fill makes things click.

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1) How old are you? 35

2) I was a premie (4 lbs at birth), but since then I have been overweight.

3) How many times have you lost and gained - I lost 100 pounds about ten years but slowly gained back 45 pounds.

4) After lap band surgery has your weight been coming off easier than when you dieted before?

Weight loss has been extremely slow compared to before (Maybe because I am 10 years older??...lol) Pretty much non-existent in the last 3 weeks. Haven't had a fill yet.

5) What is your average weekly weight loss? 0-3

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1) How old are you? 35

2) I was skinny until I was in my 20's. Honestly never even thought about what I ate and didn't gain a pound. Stayed within 15 pounds of my goal weight until my mid 20's when I started taking the birth control shot (depo provera) then I gained 40 pounds in 4 years.

3) Before I got pregnant and 1 year after the birth of both my boys, I lost 20 pounds but it always comes back eventually.

4) I just had the surgery a week ago and with the liquid diet I have only lost 2 pounds, I lost 8 pounds on the pre-op diet though.

5) I haven't even scheduled my first fill yet but I'm hoping for a pound or two a week (isn't everybody?) I'll try and keep everybody updated.

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1) 37 (but I don't look a day over 21! LOL!)

2) My parents always told me how chubby I was when I was a kid (what normal 4th grader is obsessed with the size of their thighs?), but looking back at photos - I think they were just @$$holes - because I wasn't fat at all. I gained weight with each pregnancy, but could always lose when I wanted to. My issue isn't really weight - my issues are mental.

3) 5 pregnancies, + 4 or 5 deliberate weight gains/losses.

4) Actually, it's slower than before. I'm trying not to "diet" as I had before. I am an "extreme dieter" and once lost 60 lb. in 6 weeks.

5) I've lost 25 lb. total in 7 weeks = a little over 3 lb./week

I haven't had my fill yet, and I can still eat as much as I want to. IF I wanted to, that is...

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1) I am 26.5 (like Bebe I look a lot younger, just this weekend I was carded twice!! The first time a bartender was checking to see if I was over 21 and the other time the walmart cashier was checking to see if I was over 18.)

2) I have only been overweight for the past 6 years and my son is 6 years old, lol. I was a high school athlete so I was always in great shape and I was a college cheerleader when I became pregnant. I gained 70lbs with my pregnancy going from 140 to 210 on the day my son was born and I have yo-yo up an down in the past 6 years.

3) I can think of 2 times in the past 6 years where I got on a diet kick and the lowest I ever got down to was 190lbs, the most reecent time I reached that weight was October of 2006 and of course I gained all that weight back and more putting me at almost 250lbs in Jan of 2008.

4) My weight was coming off quickly in the first 2 months, then I got my fill and it has slowed. I think it has more to do with me eating too much and testing my fill than my body refusing to release the weight (though it feels like I will never get to that 199.9lb mark)

5) My average weekly weight loss is 1-2 lbs

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1. I am 49 years young

2. I really started gaining weight after high school, marriage, divorce, infertility, stress and lack of the ability to exercise without feeling like I was dying!

3. Tried every diet out there and they would work short term, however rarely lost more than 20 pounds and then I would gain it back plus an extra 20 each time.

4. I don't know if the weight is coming off any easier after the lapband....I still have to work at it, but my appetite is better and I can't eat the things or the volume that I used to. It has been a challenge, but I feel more successful than I ever have before and feel that the weight is gone for good this time. I stopped "dieting" about 5-6 years ago and my weight was stable, but too much, during that time.

5. I lost a lot of weight initially, around 15-20 pre-op and then lost another 20 pounds during the post op and then was at a standstill for several months (this was the worst....I couldn't get the weight to move) then I got the second fill and it is now good restriction and I am starting to drop weight again. 50 pounds since last November!

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1. 33 years old

2. overweight since I hit puberty

3. lost weight untold amount of times from 10-70 pounds and always gained it back plus more

4. I am four weeks post up today and lost 13 pounds in pre op diet and 13 pounds since surgery....I have PCOS and hypothyroidism..so yes the weight is coming off a lot easier because even though I have not had a fill I am not hungry too much of the time

5. averaging about 3 pounds a week

Hope this helps!

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Great Questions!! I wanted to answer even though Im not "in the band" yet <_<

1) 38

2) I thought I was fat all my life. I was bigger than ALL the girls in school, however my weight when I graduated was 146lb, soo I dont know.... I felt fat does that count.

3) a million / college 40lbs / time flies when youre eating 40 in 2000 and in the last 8 years I just decided "what the heck 60lbs

4) Ive been dieting since January 3 and I have lost 28 lbs and will be banded 5/8 so I pray that I will speed up the process.

5) ?

72 hours to LIFT OFF!!! :D

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1, 37yrs old

2, I was an overweight child, an average teenager but was a size 16 at 18yrs old. Really gained weight since living in Canada. I walked every where in England.

3, Lost 30lbs in 3months with slimming magazine club (uk) It was all I had to lose. Other diets have lasted about a week.

4, I am nearly 12 weeks out lost 12lbs preop and 28 postop SO FAR. It definately makes me look at what I'm putting in my mouth, but I still find myself eating too much in the evening.

5, 0-2lbs a week.

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  • 5 months later...

1) How old are you?30

2) Have you been overweight your whole life or did you gain weight as a result of pregnancies, surgeries... or whatever

My whole life, since about 2nd grade

3) How many times have you lost and gained (approximate times and how much on average). 3x's lost over 80 (first time in highschool using drugs, 2nd and 3rd times bulimia/anorexia)

4) After lap band surgery has your weight been coming off easier than when you dieted before? Yes and No. When I eat healthy it comes off easier and I can control my portions now. When I eat unhealthy, I fall back into that trap, but at least the portions stay down and I don't gain like I had before. SO it's still a battle that I just have help winning now:)

5) What is your average weekly weight loss? about 1lb a week when I eat healthy. However, I'm prego so I'm just maintaining right now. Was banded sept of o7 and have lost 60 pounds total.

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1)How old are you?30

2) Have you been overweight your whole life or did you gain weight as a result of pregnancies, surgeries... or whatever

I was never over weight until I started birth control after my first baby about 8 years ago.

3) How many times have you lost and gained (approximate times and how much on average). I have lost the same 20lbs at least 5 times but 2 years ago I lost 50 lbs on Atkins and gained 30 back.

4) After lap band surgery has your weight been coming off easier than when you dieted before?I haven't been banded yet I go in 10-23 so i will let you know

5) What is your average weekly weight loss? don't know yet i hope it will be 2-3lbs

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Age 47

Thought I was overweight as a kid, but looking back not bad at all.

Lost & gained: 1 potatoe, 2 potatoe, 3 potatoe, 4...yeh, that's about right 4 or 5 times, due to pregnancy and just staying fat too long

No, the weight has not come off easier after being banded. not been able to eat right the last month, way to much pb'ing

After lap band, not very easy to lose weight at all , average per week doesn't exist, per month maybe 7-8 pounds, lost more during preop

But I hope after this week (dr appt. thurs.) things will straighten out! Age is a big factor for me, it's definitely harder....life's a B____ch, and then you get fat!

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Hi everyone. :-h

I'm curious about something and wondering if how we lose has anything to do with it.

I have been overweight my whole life (at times over 100 lbs overweight). But even with the band I'm really having a hard time losing weight. Granted, I haven't had my first fill yet and I know that should make a difference. Also, I'm 47 and I 'think' being over 40 makes it harder to lose weight. I have lost and gained, lost and gained numerous times but can't hold the weight off.

So I'm wondering if us 'life-long fluffies' lose slower than those that are 'newer fluffies'. Also, I am wondering if a pattern of losing and gaining makes it harder to lose.

So I'm wondering...

1) How old are you? Or age range - [ 0-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40+]

2) Have you been overweight your whole life or did you gain weight as a result of pregnancies, surgeries... or whatever. (You don't need to add the details if you don't want... just whether there was 'an event' that you feel made you start gaining).

3) How many times have you lost and gained (approximate times and how much on average).

4) After lap band surgery has your weight been coming off easier than when you dieted before?

5) What is your average weekly weight loss?

I am 31. I have been overweight since 8th grade. Not fat but very muscular. I am short, and in high school I wore a 10/12. In my first few years of college I wore a 16. Then after marrage and babies I was a 22. Now 18/20. I was banded July 2nd, 2008. My highest weight was 246. I am now 224. My average weight loss since June (when I started my pre-op diet) is 4.4 lbs a month. I am not excited about that. I wish it to be more. I am active, I work as a nurse and walk more than 6 miles a day at work. I just started working out October 6th. I do 20 minutes a day on the eliptical (spelling???) four days a week. I did not loose any weight this last week, however I am just getting off my period too. So I hope next Monday I'll see a decrease in my weight loss. On the plus side, during my period I didn't gain any weight either. :D I have a really slow metabolism. I have asked the doctors I work with, in what we call "hallway consulations" about the metabolism. I have not gotten a adequate answer to my questions. I tell them I eat less, have increased my exericse level,yet I am not losing weight ( 4 pounds a month...we all think I should be losing more weight than that--my doctors and I). So I went back to my A&P prof and asked him about the mechanics of metabolism. He said that the actions of our metabolism is really under studied, and not well understood. And it seems the truth be that some people just are more efficient at storing and keeping their fat. He said keep up the exerise and it will come off, just be patient. An answer I don't like...but what can we do?

Hope this helps,


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I haven't been banded yet, but thought I would chime in:

Age: 33

My weight didn't get bad until after puberty. Then, I was really active so I was able to maintain it a bit. I danced competitively and was able to keep it down, but I always was criticized because I was surrounded by ballerinas and I had curves. Looking back i'd kill for that body again!

I've done just about every diet out there. Weight Watchers 6 times, pills, dieticians, and so forth. I would usually lose around 20 lbs and then it would plateau so i'd quit. AFter I got in my upper 20's it seemed like it got twice as hard to lose. So now here we are!

I'm not going to set a weekly goal just yet. My hopes are just to lose something each week and make good choices. I'm afraid if I put a weekly goal on myself i'll be disappointed. We shall see!

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Guest CaraMBA09

1) How old are you?


2) Have you been overweight your whole life or did you gain weight as a result of pregnancies, surgeries... or whatever. (You don't need to add the details if you don't want... just whether there was 'an event' that you feel made you start gaining).

I am 5"9 and never weighed over a 130 lbs for years. hit 30 and my 2nd child and forget about it...I have never been able to take the weight off or maintain a "thin" weight

3) How many times have you lost and gained (approximate times and how much on average).


4) After lap band surgery has your weight been coming off easier than when you dieted before?

I am a newbie and lost 10 lbs immediately. I am miserable and waiting for my first fill. Ate a caesar salad, prawns, bread and had two keg-sized martinis at the Keg tonight (within an hour)...did not feel full at all. hmmm. I am convinced I am in that dark world called "bandster f-ing hell"

5) What is your average weekly weight loss?

Keep ya posted Red

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1. I'm 49 (I'll be 50 in January). I'm 5'7" tall.

2. I've been overweight since age 14. About 40 pounds overweight up until about 10 years ago and then I gained an additional 40 pounds. (Age, late pregnancies, menopause, inactivity, depression)

3. Throughout my 20's and into my mid-30's I lost and gained the same 20 to 40 pounds probably 4 or 5 times. I was always in the process of losing (dieting) or gaining. I was never happy with how I looked no matter how much weight I lost, I always thought that I was too heavy, even when I wasn't. I've had body image issues my entire life. In the last 10 years, up until surgery, I have been unable to lose any substantial amount of weight, maybe 10 or 15 pounds at the most before getting frustrated and giving up.

4. Seven months out from surgery I've lost 38 pounds so I'm almost half way to my goal. Slow but steady. Definitely easier since I've had surgery. The surgery has really helped me control my appetite/hunger issues. Being a life-long dieter, I was used to being hungry all the time when I dieted, or eating all the time when I was gaining, now I'm not really hungry. This is the first time in my life where I feel like my appetite is under control. Plus, my cravings for sweets has been greatly reduced which really helps me as sweets have always been a large part of the problem.

5. My average weight loss has been 1 to 1.5 pounds per week. I have 1.4cc's in a 4cc band and I have good restriction in the morning and afternoon decreasing into the evening but my weight loss has slowed down the last two weeks.

I know I could increase my average weight loss if I increased my activity level but just cannot seem to get motivated to add in the exercise as I should. I guess I'm really just not in that big of a hurry. I started out with the idea of giving myself 18 months to lose the weight but if it takes 2 years, I'm okay with that too. It takes a long time to break a lifetime of bad eating/dieting habits so I'm trying to be patient with myself.

Thanks for starting this thread.

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1) How old are you? Or age range - 47

2) Have you been overweight your whole life or did you gain weight as a result of pregnancies, surgeries... or whatever. This got me really wondering, so I looked back at old photo albums. I guess I started getting overweight at about 8 or 9, so pretty much my whole life.

3) How many times have you lost and gained (approximate times and how much on average). Probably nobody has lost 30 lbs. more times than I have. I guess it was the same 30 lbs. over and over. The problem is that every time I replaced it with 40 lbs.

4) After lap band surgery has your weight been coming off easier than when you dieted before? I guess it has been easier. I really don't eat as much, but I know if I exercised more, it would come off even faster. Just doesn't seem like enough hours in the day.

5) What is your average weekly weight loss? Haven't really had an average week. I am down 80 lbs. since I went on the diet July 1, and down 44 lbs since being banded on Aug. 14.

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1) How old are you? 31

2) Have you been overweight your whole life or did you gain weight as a result of pregnancies, surgeries... or whatever. (You don't need to add the details if you don't want... just whether there was 'an event' that you feel made you start gaining). Over weight my whole life.

3) How many times have you lost and gained. I have lost a handful of times, but only 5-10 pounds at a time.

4) After lap band surgery has your weight been coming off easier than when you dieted before? Totally. I have lost 35 and that is more than I ever lost on my own. Plus I find that even when I break the bandster rules, the weight doesn't come back.

5) What is your average weekly weight loss? 2 pounds.

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1) How old are you? 57 in about two weeks

2) Have you been overweight your whole life or did you gain weight as a result of pregnancies, surgeries... or whatever.

I have been overweight since puberty.

3) How many times have you lost and gained.

4) After lap band surgery has your weight been coming off easier than when you dieted before?

5) What is your average weekly weight loss?

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1) How old are you? 57 in about two weeks

2) Have you been overweight your whole life or did you gain weight as a result of pregnancies, surgeries... or whatever.

I have been overweight since puberty.

3) How many times have you lost and gained.

4) After lap band surgery has your weight been coming off easier than when you dieted before?

5) What is your average weekly weight loss?

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1) How old are you? Or age range - 47

2) Have you been overweight your whole life or did you gain weight as a result of pregnancies, surgeries... or whatever. This got me really wondering, so I looked back at old photo albums. I guess I started getting overweight at about 8 or 9, so pretty much my whole life.

3) How many times have you lost and gained (approximate times and how much on average). Probably nobody has lost 30 lbs. more times than I have. I guess it was the same 30 lbs. over and over. The problem is that every time I replaced it with 40 lbs.

4) After lap band surgery has your weight been coming off easier than when you dieted before? I guess it has been easier. I really don't eat as much, but I know if I exercised more, it would come off even faster. Just doesn't seem like enough hours in the day.

5) What is your average weekly weight loss? Haven't really had an average week. I am down 80 lbs. since I went on the diet July 1, and down 44 lbs since being banded on Aug. 14.

Am I reading this correctly? You are down 124 pounds since July this year?????????????????? Holy man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1) How old are you? 57 on 11/6/2008, a grandmother of 3.

2) Have you been overweight your whole life or did you gain weight as a result of pregnancies, surgeries... or whatever.

I have been overweight all of my adult life. Arthritis has been causing me a lot of problems in my 50's, so I am not able to exercise like a lot of folks.

3) How many times have you lost and gained.

Too many times to count - I could lose 20-40 lbs. but always gained it back, quickly with additional pounds.

4) After lap band surgery has your weight been coming off easier than when you dieted before? It has been easier to eat less and not suffer. I am not hungry, but I still want things that are not good for me (candy, ice cream, etc.).

5) What is your average weekly weight loss? I am losing about 1 lb. a week. It seems very slow, but looking back it has not been very difficult. If I had not done the surgery, I am sure I would have gained a few pounds instead of losing a total of 30 lbs. And I feel good since I am doing something to improve my health.

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