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Uh oh...I'm sick.

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So I went to the doctor last Thursday and they said I had bronchitis. I've been on the antibiotics and steriod pills they gave me, but even though my meds run out today, I'm still not 100%. What should I do? I'm planning to go back to the doctor (my GP) today and tell him that I need an aggressive treatment for this b/c of my upcoming surgery (on the 15th)) Will this hurt my chances of having my surgery on the 15th? I'd HATE to get all the way down there and be turned away and I'd also HATE to not be able to us my non-refundable plane tickets!!

Help! :lb12:

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Hey there! There isnt any more aggressive treatment for bronchitis. It just has to complete its course. If youve done the antibiotics and steroids youve done it all. You have a whole nother week. You will be totally fine. You might end up having a little residual cough but thats ok. Lots of oral fluids and you'll be good to go!

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If you are still not feeling better by Monday I would give Dr. Ortiz a call. You are dealing with a breathing problem so they might not take a chance if your lungs are not functioning right. Are you planning on using the volumetric incentive spirometer to exercise your lungs before surgery? They recommend it and it would be especially good for you right now.

Good luck


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They might just have to do a breathing treatment before and after surgery. I had to because of my decreased lung function. No big deal. I wouldn't worry. Although, I think I'd ask the doctor for some codeine if the cough persists. Codeine is the absolute best thing for a cough. But, make sure with the center that you can take codeine before surgery.

In fact, you really should call Dr. Ortiz ASAP and ask his opinion. He will tell you much better than any of us can.

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Call Dr. Ortiz - let them make that decision for you before you get there.

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