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Being Banded on 5/30...I have a question!

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Hello Everyone! I am being banded on 5/30. What is the one thing that you did not bring when you were banded that you wish you would have had?

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I will DEFINITELY be bringin my slippers!

I am getting banded May 30th also! WOOHOO its gettin so close I cannot wait.

I don't think I am going to bring make-up or shampoo because I am quite sure they will have shampoo there in the hotel, or be able to provide it if we need it. I am going to pack as little as possible. My goal is to ONLY pack a carry-on! I think I can do it. I need to remember to go buy some phazyme/gasX strips. I am going to pack mostly dresses and loose pants because I can't imagine that jeans will be comfortable especially for a plane ride.

SO MUCH TO DO.. I am starting to get nervous :wacko:

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Carrie, No need to bring your jeans, shampoo or make up! and no need to bring your nerves either! I promise you there is nothing to worry about! I am such a worry wart and it was smooth sailing!! You're in good hands for sure!

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I think I remembered to bring everything and then some but one thing I wish I would have done differently is take more pics. I mean I took plenty of pics of TJ but none of the MDs. Not even one of that good-looking Dr. Ortiz. What a bummer. Make sure you take pics!!!!!

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I brought way too much stuff. I also went to the supermarket while we were there, and bought some gaterade, vitamin water, bottled water, and hardly used any of it. You have to sip what you drink, so it will take you hours to drink any sizeable amount. You should be good with the 2 bottles of water they give you in the room each day. Bottled water is $2.50 in the restaurant. If you want the bottles cold, just bring them to the restaurant and they'll exchange them for cold ones for you. Just remember... it's much easier on you to drink liquids room temp or warm. Good Luck. The surgery is a piece of cake, just remember to walk, walk, walk.

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Thanks Kim for the reassurance! I appreciate it! LOL! :D I really am confident in Dr. Ortiz - especially after reading everyone'e stories on this forum. I am more nervous about traveling alone than anything else! haha. I am wondering, though, is someone there when you arrive at the airport or did you have to wait a long time? I am nervous that they will forget me! LOL!

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Yes, as soon as I got off the plane, the driver was there waiting. He was holding a sign that said, "Dr. Ariel Ortiz"

Just make sure to get your itinerary faxed to Carolyn or Lori and they have it all organized so they can watch your flight in case its delayed or early! He speaks english and is very nice, plus he carries your bag!!

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Thanks for the suggestions and advice everyone. I am so excited!!! I am a teacher, and we only have 1 week left. Between that and the excitement about being banded, time so going so slow! :lb12:

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I am a teacher too and I am getting banded a week after you. I would love for you to update us on your experience as I am sure I will get more nervous right before. I am not really thinking about it yet, I am trying to get past the last few days of school.

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