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To Weigh or Not to Weigh???

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I used to weigh myself nearly every morning while on a diet and never while not on a diet. I am currently weighing myself on Monday's just because and on Thursdays since that was my surgery date. What is you all's experience. Is that too often or too seldom?

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I was only weighing myself on fridays which was my surgery date, until I stopped losing weight and now I find myself on the scale daily....which sucks cause I aint losin....I really need a fill I cant wait for this friday to get it Lora

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I am in the Monday and Thursday club, I weigh in the mornings in the nude :o !! I weighed yesterday morning and was surprised I didn't lose anything especially because I basically went for 2 days without food when my fill was too tight... So I weighed again before I went to bed and I was down a pound, I thought it might be a fluke so I checked this morning and the pound didn't come back, hooray!

I lost 7lbs in month 2 and with 1 week to go it looks like I'll have lost 7lbs this month too, doesn't sound like much (about 1.5lbs a week) but I am happy with my progress and as you've seen from my pictures the inches go a lot faster than the scale does!

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My scale at home is not accurate. Either that or I have lost over 25 pounds in the last week and I KNOW that is not possible. I have started attending a TOPS (weight loss support) group and the meetings are on Wednesdays. The meeting starts with a weigh in and I am using that as my "official" weight. I will look at the scale at home a couple times a week, but I can't go on what it says.

So, tomorrow I get a new "official" weight that I hope will bring me closer to my pre-op goal weight.

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I weigh myself maybe once or twice a month, but only if I feel lighter. With the swelling I have been having in my feet and legs for the past week, I have avoided the scale like the plague. #-o I've been feeling so fat and bloated that I don't even think about weighing myself because I know full well that with the extra fluid(lymph fluid, not water), the scale will show it and then I get disappointed and discouraged.

I would like a good aggressive fill soon, but maybe not until around my birthday next month. ;)



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I went to walmart last week and got a new scale made by weight watchers, pretty neat it tracks the weight for you.

So far I keep going down. I check it every morning.


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i was weighing every morning...Id go to the bathroom and get on the scale! Ive calmed down from that because it can cause some major anxiety if you dont lose, or you gain a lb...so now i weigh a few times a week.. 2-3-or 4 just depends! I also keep a chart next to the scale and record my weights! youll find that works for you!

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I do not even own a scale at home. It got broke in the move and I just never bought another. So I weigh at work - and since I am a nurse I wear the same thing everyday - scrubs. So one week I weigh on Monday and Friday and the next week I only weigh on Wednesday.

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Hi all

Like I said in a similar thread My husband took my scales to work and brought them home on Fridays,

although I was bribing him with some interesting incentives, he didn't give in.

So, I changed tactic and refused any intimate contact until I got my scales back. they were back in under my body in about 2hrs and

now I weigh to my hearts content everyday.


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No matter how many times I try to keep myself from stepping on that scale in the morning...I keep hearing it call my name. Psssstttt, Barb, come on, step on me, check the numbers. I can't help it. Yeah, I get frustrated if the scale doesn't move, but I don't give up.

I'm in the bandster hell phase. My first fill isn't until June 12th. I've hit a plateau and nothing I do seems to move it. I've tried going with just liquids (yeah, I know, I should be eating 3 meals) and no difference, so then I go to the 3 meals eating my proteins and veggies, no carbs or very, very little. Yeah, I'm drinking lots of protein water throughout the day and I've gone back to the gym, but I have no restriction so I can eat more than the 2-3 oz of protein and I can chug water.

It's hard to believe, I am getting just as excited about my first fill as I did about the surgery itself. June 12th can't come soon enough.


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No matter how many times I try to keep myself from stepping on that scale in the morning...I keep hearing it call my name. Psssstttt, Barb, come on, step on me, check the numbers. I can't help it. Yeah, I get frustrated if the scale doesn't move, but I don't give up.

I'm in the bandster hell phase. My first fill isn't until June 12th. I've hit a plateau and nothing I do seems to move it. I've tried going with just liquids (yeah, I know, I should be eating 3 meals) and no difference, so then I go to the 3 meals eating my proteins and veggies, no carbs or very, very little. Yeah, I'm drinking lots of protein water throughout the day and I've gone back to the gym, but I have no restriction so I can eat more than the 2-3 oz of protein and I can chug water.

It's hard to believe, I am getting just as excited about my first fill as I did about the surgery itself. June 12th can't come soon enough.


I'm with ya Barb. I weigh myself every morning and I just don't change. When I had my period I went up 2 pounds (I always do) and it came off when it was over but then stuck. I've been 181 for over a week (except the few days at 183) and I am dying to get to the 170's. I am not worried about my diet (right now), I know I shouldn't eat less than I am but I haven't started exercising again yet so that is my next endeavor. I get my first fill June 12th too.

I hate Bandster Helllllllllllllllllllllllll :angry:

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Yes....I too weight every day and I love it. In the mornings in the nude......after I get to the bathroom. I have resolve to deal with what ever the reading. I have a real accurate scale and so I trust what "she" tells me.


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