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Has anybody ever gained weight after banding?

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Hi band family,

Have any of you gained weight since banding? This is the first time for me. I gained 3 pounds this week. #-o

I guess I just didn't want to believe that I might gain back my weight. I was finally down 25lbs and now I'm heading back up? My first fill is June 7th but from what I have been reading, that won't help me anyway. Hopefully it is the gain before a period or something normal like that.

If anyone has experienced this, could you let me know?


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Don't say that Wendy. Your first fill will help you, just be positive. And don't be negative on the weight gain. Most likely is water retention and nothing more. Hang in there..

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Everyone has their ups and downs. You just have to get back on the Bandwagon and push through the rough spots same as pre-banding. I suppose it is possible to gain it back afterwards, but keep your fills in check and you should be fine. I am up a few pounds this week, but increased my exercise to try to get it back down. I fluctuate with my weight quite a bit at times. This is the most weight that I have ever lost though and it is staying off so far, but I am also getting into new eating habits that were impossible before the band.

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Hi Wendy,

I gained two pounds last week (hormonal fluctuation) but it came back off again. I know how you feel though, the whole point of getting this band is that we can't gain back what we lose. Try to remember that this is still the healing period so the actual weight loss part of the band doesn't start until we have our first or second fill. You have done great so far, just keep on going the way you have been and by the end of the summer you will be losing big time.

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Hey Wendy I'm sure it's just Aunt Flo and her typical water-weight baggage in town for a visit... Give it a few days and let us know!

Oh and one more thing when I was stuck at 200lbs I started my cycle and went up to 202, by the time I was done I was 197...all in 5-6 days so weird!

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Im totally with you. I ws 201 last week and 203.5 today. Its so frustrating. I have NO restriction. My first fill is June 6th and Im counting down the days. I have no problem eating my protein first, I am even doing great on not drinking while eating and for an hr after. I am NOT doing well on my portion control. I feel like Im back to my old self eating and eating. I was so on track right after the procedure. Everyday I wake up and tell myself that today Im going to have good portion control and make good decisions. I NEED MY DARN FILL!!!! Keep me posted on how youre doing. Were getting our first fills one day apart!

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