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HELP!!! Not Losing Any Weight on Pre-op Diet

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Hi there,

I just weighed myself (after being on the pre-op diet for four days) and it looks like I'm going up, rather than going down. Oh yah, I only gained a half a half a pound, but I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions (or explanations) as to why this is happening.

I'm a little concerned because if my body is holding on to this little amount of food, what will happen when I get banded and can eat next to nothing.

Also, I've been drinking a lot of Diet Coke lately. Would the caffeine I've been drinking also amount to the weight gain?

HELP! :((

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It's funny you mention that. I had a bit more then usual diet soda yesterday and I stepped on the scale and I'm up a 1/2 pound too. I think I'm going to try drinking water today, I think the pop is helping with retaining water. When is your surgery...I'm down on May 29th...Good luck fellow Calgarian!

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My suggestions:

1. No Caffeine. (LOSE DIET COKE FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

2. Limit salt intake. DO NOT ADD SALT TO ANYTHING

3. Drink Special K Protien Water

4. 1 protien shake for breakfast (freeze it)

5. Lean Cuisine OR small green salad (lettuce, green pepper, cucumbers, tomatoes & mushroom) for lunch with salad spritzer

6. Lean Cuisine OR protien shake for dinner.

7. Do not snack in between.

8. Walk 30 minutes a day.

9. Drink lots of water!

Hi there,

I just weighed myself (after being on the pre-op diet for four days) and it looks like I'm going up, rather than going down. Oh yah, I only gained a half a half a pound, but I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions (or explanations) as to why this is happening.

I'm a little concerned because if my body is holding on to this little amount of food, what will happen when I get banded and can eat next to nothing.

Also, I've been drinking a lot of Diet Coke lately. Would the caffeine I've been drinking also amount to the weight gain?

HELP! :((

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No Sodas - diet or otherwise!!! Water, protein drinks and even stay away from juices (too much sugar). I don't know what plan you picked for pre-op, but make sure you stick to the rules - and drinks LOTS of water! That's the key. Good luck.

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Hi there,

I just weighed myself (after being on the pre-op diet for four days) and it looks like I'm going up, rather than going down. Oh yah, I only gained a half a half a pound, but I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions (or explanations) as to why this is happening.

I'm a little concerned because if my body is holding on to this little amount of food, what will happen when I get banded and can eat next to nothing.

Also, I've been drinking a lot of Diet Coke lately. Would the caffeine I've been drinking also amount to the weight gain?

HELP! :((

Thanks so much for writing back! I'm so happy to hear from a fellow Calgarian! My surgery is scheduled with Dr. Ortiz for June 10th. Which surgeon are you with? Are you excited to be going down? I'm SO glad you wrote back! I've been looking for other people from Calgary for awhile now.

Thanks for the advice. I'll try laying off the Diet Coke and see what happens. Thanks again!

- Janet (1jmk)

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It's funny you mention that. I had a bit more then usual diet soda yesterday and I stepped on the scale and I'm up a 1/2 pound too. I think I'm going to try drinking water today, I think the pop is helping with retaining water. When is your surgery...I'm down on May 29th...Good luck fellow Calgarian!

Thanks so much for writing back! I'm so happy to hear from a fellow Calgarian! My surgery is scheduled with Dr. Ortiz for June 10th. Which surgeon are you with? Are you excited to be going down? I'm SO glad you wrote back! I've been looking for other people from Calgary for awhile now.

Thanks for the advice. I'll try laying off the Diet Coke and see what happens. Thanks again!

- Janet (1jmk)

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My suggestions:

1. No Caffeine. (LOSE DIET COKE FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

2. Limit salt intake. DO NOT ADD SALT TO ANYTHING

3. Drink Special K Protien Water

4. 1 protien shake for breakfast (freeze it)

5. Lean Cuisine OR small green salad (lettuce, green pepper, cucumbers, tomatoes & mushroom) for lunch with salad spritzer

6. Lean Cuisine OR protien shake for dinner.

7. Do not snack in between.

8. Walk 30 minutes a day.

9. Drink lots of water!

This is just SO helpful. Thank you so much for all your help. This makes alot of sense. Thanks again.

- Janet.

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No Sodas - diet or otherwise!!! Water, protein drinks and even stay away from juices (too much sugar). I don't know what plan you picked for pre-op, but make sure you stick to the rules - and drinks LOTS of water! That's the key. Good luck.

Thanks for this. I've been sticking to Option #2, but with the weightloss - I'd hoped for so much more! Anyway, thanks so much for taking the time to write. I really need to hear these things as the literature isn't saying much. Thanks again.

- Janet (1jmk)

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Dr. Miranda will tell u that there is no soda for 6 months after being banded. so get ur self off of it before ur banded. Ive never been much of a pop drinker but i just thought u might wanna know. and the sodium in the pop is gonna make u retain water. If u really wanna loose weight before ur banded i suggest at least 4 bottles of water a day.

I was just banded on the 9th and im still on the post op diet. Its down to the last week and this is the hardest. But i can eat on the 31st!! soo excited lol. Hope everything goes well. And if u dont loose the set amount before being banded, dont fret (like i did). I was off by 4 lbs ( of course i gained weight after i talked to Dr. Ortiz and had to loose more than 10lbs before being banded) and i was ok. im now down 20lbs from when my starting weight. Good luck! I love the band and i havnt even been filled yet! lol

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Dr. Miranda will tell u that there is no soda for 6 months after being banded. so get ur self off of it before ur banded. Ive never been much of a pop drinker but i just thought u might wanna know. and the sodium in the pop is gonna make u retain water. If u really wanna loose weight before ur banded i suggest at least 4 bottles of water a day.

I was just banded on the 9th and im still on the post op diet. Its down to the last week and this is the hardest. But i can eat on the 31st!! soo excited lol. Hope everything goes well. And if u dont loose the set amount before being banded, dont fret (like i did). I was off by 4 lbs ( of course i gained weight after i talked to Dr. Ortiz and had to loose more than 10lbs before being banded) and i was ok. im now down 20lbs from when my starting weight. Good luck! I love the band and i havnt even been filled yet! lol

Thanks for the insight. I'm finding there is more and more stuff that I'm learning from people who have just been, or will be banded. I'm so happy to hear that you're in the last week of the Pre-op diet. That's gotta be hard. It sounds like you've really well, though. Hang in there!

Thanks for the advice.

- Janet (1jmk)

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