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Stomach Problems after first fill?

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I had my first fill last Saturday at the OCC. I've had stomach cramps (and gas) ever since. Is this normal?

Is this related to the fill or possibly I had some bad water (maybe in my lemonade at the cantina?).

It's been over a week and I feel the pain ever day and been on the potty quite often. Had been in bed most of the day today.

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I had my first fill last Saturday at the OCC. I've had stomach cramps (and gas) ever since. Is this normal?

Is this related to the fill or possibly I had some bad water (maybe in my lemonade at the cantina?).

It's been over a week and I feel the pain ever day and been on the potty quite often. Had been in bed most of the day today.


You know your body.. but I don't think this sounds normal at all. Contact Dr. Romero or at least email him and let him know this is how you are feeling. Also contact your General Practitioner. You may have caught a bug. Get help please if there is constant pain.

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Everyone is always told DON'T DRINK THE WATER!!! but they never say anything about the tequila and margaritas...1 tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila FLOOR!!!! Just kidding...please call the office and make sure all is well or go see your general practionier. Keep us posted Lora

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