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Yea, I'm winning the battle!

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I am down another pound! That makes 9 pounds now, only 3 to go before the 2nd of July! Its not easy, but with the help and support of all of you, it really makes a difference. So THANK YOU!

I am now 233lbs, I continue to exercise daily (mon-fri) 30 minutes each day on the elipical. I have decided that I don't care what I wear to workout in, so sometimes its scrubs, jeans & t-shirt, or whatever I have on. I have decided that no matter what it is I am wearing it won't keep me from working out. I may get funny looks-on the elipical in a dress LOL- but the whole point is...I AM DOING IT, NO EXCUSES!


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Hats off to you!! I knew you would make it! I love the image of you in a dress on the elliptical! How funny is that? You should carry your purse too. That would be a hoot!

You are on a high right now that will last a long, long time.



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