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Is this what they refer to as banster hell?

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I’m 26 days post op…I’m starving….have zero restriction because I haven’t had a fill yet, and could (if I choose to) eat endless amounts?

Well if it is bandster hell….it’s highly depressing! :(

Tell me it will be ok and I will be a happy band lover after my fills start happening!


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Yes, it sucks! Hopefully you will get some restriction with your first fill.

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I’m 26 days post op…I’m starving….have zero restriction because I haven’t had a fill yet, and could (if I choose to) eat endless amounts?

Well if it is bandster hell….it’s highly depressing! :(

Tell me it will be ok and I will be a happy band lover after my fills start happening!


I am feeling your pain and have been! I am gaining the weight back, and I still have restriction!! Not much but there is some there. My first fill appt is next Friday, I cannot weight!!! :D

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I think bandster hell is reading all these posts from babes and listening to them talk about wearing bikinis and not seeing pictures of them. Yep, that's definitely it.

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I think Im in that same Bandster Hell ..... I have no restriction and i too feel like i can eat the world.

I think im gonna break.. I really do feel hungry its not in my head.

Im trying to make the right decesions and not eat a whole bunch but ........... :lb20:

What to do????? I think im gonna go fruity.. IM tossing all the food in fridge and im going to go buy nothing but fruits...

Strawberrys, blackberrys. apples, rasberrys, mango, and pinappeles here i come!!!

Feeling :lb6:


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