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Looking back at our old eating habits

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Do you ever think about the amount of food you used to eat daily? Now that I am counting calories, it just blows my mind when I think about how many calories I used to eat daily. My goodness I was a porker!! LOL

I could sit down and eat tons of food. Even when I ate good things like strawberries I had to pile sugar on them. Ack!

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Oh yes, I am giving myself a huge pat on the back just for not having fast food for 6 weeks!!!

We used to eat out 4-5 dinners per week, McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC, Swiss Chalet, fries, fries, grease and more grease. It's no wonder I gained so much weight over the past few years, I was a junk food junkie!

I am working on my cravings for this type of food and being tested still. Tonight I got burgers and fries for the family and I ate my chili....I am exercising incredible willpower and haven't even snuck a fry! (Big pat on the back!!!)

I would probably ingest 1500 - 2000 + calories daily...hence why I needed a lifestyle change.

Although the smell of french fries makes my stomach rumble...I am fight it with everything I have.

I am blowing my own horn because I have done a complete 360 and intend to continue on the road to healthy living...oh and my family just ate their last burger and fry dinner, unbeknownst to them!! LOL!!

Cathy ;)

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:party: Cathy.. you should be damn proud of yourself. You have got great willpower, and will definitely be very successful!! Make sure you take pictures so we can see and applaud your progress!
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I have thought about that too..... OMG could I put away the food!! I could eat a 12in Subway loaded sub, a small bag of chips and a soda. Not even a half hour later I could eat a huge bowl of ice cream [or whatever desert was around!] Just before I got banded, I joked that my meal time's were my "feeding time"! Like I was some kind of huge animal in a Zoo! :popcorm2:

Food ran my life and in a smaller way, it still does. I know that I have to be REALLY careful because I could SO easily go back to my old ways. Food speaks to me and I'm learning to tune it out! :rolleyes:

P.S. Kittycat, you go girl!! ;)

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:party: Cathy.. you should be damn proud of yourself. You have got great willpower, and will definitely be very successful!! Make sure you take pictures so we can see and applaud your progress!

You bet...stay tuned on July 10th for some before and after shots....btw, you are doing amazing...what an inspiration!!!


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Do you ever think about the amount of food you used to eat daily? Now that I am counting calories, it just blows my mind when I think about how many calories I used to eat daily. My goodness I was a porker!! LOL

I could sit down and eat tons of food. Even when I ate good things like strawberries I had to pile sugar on them. Ack!

Great topic Kim! You are lookin great!!! Soon, you might wanna think about another name change.. "Kim-I-am-SLIM" 51lbs!! WOOT!!!!

Just thinking of how I used to eat makes me wonder why I'm not dead. I'm pretty sure that if I would have continued down that path death would have been in near future.

Talk about a porker... <raising my hand> That would be me!!! Just last night I found more pictures of me, full body, at my highest. WOW! I NEVER knew I looked that bad as I didn't "feel" like I was that big. Kinda ironic though.. now that I am smaller, I feel huge. I feel like I looked in my porkiest pictures. I'm wondering if my mind will catch up someday?? We'll see!


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Do you ever think about the amount of food you used to eat daily? Now that I am counting calories, it just blows my mind when I think about how many calories I used to eat daily. My goodness I was a porker!! LOL

I could sit down and eat tons of food. Even when I ate good things like strawberries I had to pile sugar on them. Ack!

Just last night I thought about that!

Before ... I had mountains of food that I inhaled in a heartbeat and of course - as a real german gal - no food is good without a gallon of sauce/gravy poured over it :P

Now ... I'm sitting here, enjoying this tiny piece of fish and (2-3 Tsp.) broccoli :) and thinking "is this really me???"

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I had to stop myself yesterday too while at work. I was starving because of no dinner break and I started to gobble some cantaloupe. Now since I am only day 2 solids thankfully I stopped myself. That's what I used do do is just start gobbling until I'd filled myself on whatever was within reach, usually junk. Now I'm in retraining and must STOP and think and then proceed if it's worth it.

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Forgive me if I didn't read another post explaining this...

But why is your band empty? What happened? Everything OK?

A series of unfortunate events... Long story short: Just before TOM (Time of the month), HUGE fight with the mother= STRESS!! I woke up out of a dead sleep choking on water out the nose and mouth. I freaked out and went to "Dr. Fill" the next day to have some removed but they took it all cause it was a liquid that I was choking on...

I cant make it back in to the doc till July 3rd. Haven't lost any weight this month... and am not sure that I will make my mini goal of 100lbs by July 24th (when I started pre-op diet) but we shall see! Guess I should be thankful for not gaining since there is NOOOOOO restriction. Oh well...


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I would eat all day long, especially when people were not looking. I would probably consume about 2500 to 3000 calories a day and I'm probably been nice to myself. My husband tells me that he lost his eating partner, but he is gaining a new lover. Lol!! I was the garbage disposil. What ever my husband and son did not eat I would make sure I cleaned their plate.

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It is incredible the amount of food that I would consume every day too! Now it is such a small amount. My poor family gets harped on though when they "pig out" now. My fault though, I am the cook! I know we save an incredible amount of money on food from fast food joints. I was a Drive Thru Junkie.....I still drive through now and then, but get a yogurt or an iced tea! Just to get that "rush" of being naughty! Sometimes I pull into the drive through and don't really know why I am there...not hungry, just habit. Silly me!

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It is incredible the amount of food that I would consume every day too! Now it is such a small amount. My poor family gets harped on though when they "pig out" now. My fault though, I am the cook! I know we save an incredible amount of money on food from fast food joints. I was a Drive Thru Junkie.....I still drive through now and then, but get a yogurt or an iced tea! Just to get that "rush" of being naughty! Sometimes I pull into the drive through and don't really know why I am there...not hungry, just habit. Silly me!

You are too funny....I think I'll hop in my car and go to the drive thru at A&W and when I get to the speaker, tell them I don't want anything...I just needed the rush!!! LOL!!!

Luv it, Cathy

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What a great post!! I'm ashamed to think of how much i would scarf down. Especially when stressed. I used to eat 3 egg mcmuffins every morning! And when people weren't looking that was the worst. I used to stay up extra late so my BF would go to bed and I could scarf a little more before bed. Now I barely get over 1000 calories! I miss solid food right now but i feel like food is an abusive lover that i need to break up with!

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And when people weren't looking that was the worst. I used to stay up extra late so my BF would go to bed and I could scarf a little more before bed. Now I barely get over 1000 calories! I miss solid food right now but i feel like food is an abusive lover that i need to break up with!

You said it dita. the staying up thing after my husband thin was terrible for me to. I know for myself it took me a long time to get rid of alot of bad/abusive habits like smoking, overdrinking, drugs of various nature, bulimia, fast men, fast cars and fast men in fast cars!! It's a pattern of self destruction that is hard to break.

Praise the Lord I am on the right track finally.....food is my worst issue now and I'm attacking it.

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