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:wacko: My daughter and I are planning our surgery for Aug 7th if possible any insite as to what to expect?????? Would love any advice

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Congratulations to both you and your daughter for making this life changing decision!!! =D>

I had my surgery 2 1/2 weeks ago and it was the best decision I ever made.

The OCC has a different pre-op plan and post-op plan than I did. I was banded in Canada.

When you talk to the surgeons at OCC they may required you and your daughter to start a pre-op diet plan to reduce the fat in your liver prior to surgery.

Surgery is laproscopic and most are up and about the next day. I was not, I took a little longer to get moving, but everyone is different.

Once you have been banded you will be on a 21 day liquid diet before starting on solid food. OCC will also provide this info to you.

You may experience painful gas pains for the first week or so, sometimes longer, bring Gas-X strips or other gas reducing medicine. Port pain is also common for about 4-6 weeks. The port is stitched to your abdominal muscle just under your largest incision and can be very tender for awhile.

I was back to work in a week (office job) and did just fine, tired but fine.

My surgeon told me not to expect weight loss between surgery and my first fill 6 weeks later, but you may lose some weight due to the reduction in food intake and calorie intake. Be aware that you need to take in the appropriate amount of protein for your body weight.

If you have any other questions, anyone on this forum can answer them for you...we are here to support you and encourage you to reach your goal!!!

Best of Luck

Cathy ><'

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:wacko: My daughter and I are planning our surgery for Aug 7th if possible any insite as to what to expect?????? Would love any advice

Thanks for reading

Hello and welcome to you and your daughter!! Are you being banded by Dr. O? If you browse through the forum, you will find testimonials of bandesters from Dr. O and other surgeons. Most here are Dr. O's patients, but not all. There are alot of great people here who'll help you through your worries and concerns. If you have any questions, just ask, we'll help you through!! I was banded on 3-25 and would do it again in a heartbeat!! :D Darlene

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:wacko: My daughter and I are planning our surgery for Aug 7th if possible any insite as to what to expect?????? Would love any advice

Thanks for reading

Good luck! Don't let the fear of pre-op stop you from going thru with it-I had very little discomfort after surgery, and they actually fixed a hiatal hernia while they were in there! You are lucky to have each other to support you! GOOD LUCK and keep reading the forum, it will give you tons of support and direction!


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Good luck! Don't let the fear of pre-op stop you from going thru with it-I had very little discomfort after surgery, and they actually fixed a hiatal hernia while they were in there! You are lucky to have each other to support you! GOOD LUCK and keep reading the forum, it will give you tons of support and direction!


You are in good hands at OCC. I do believe Dr. O and his team have set the gold standard in lap banding. Everyone there is warm and friendly. Like JGirl, I had very little discomfort after surgery, small angry scar that's since gotten happier, I sleep better now than I ever have and my body just feels better.

Know going in that the band is a help to weight loss but it's not the answer. If you become a slave to scale you will be completely and totally frustrated. You have to do the majority of your own work in monitoring your food intake, the quality of your food intake and learning to actively listen to your body. If you go in believing that the band is the miracle tool instead of the helpful partner it really is you will be sorely disappointed! Follow the guidelines with NO deviations.

At the end of the day the band is either your friend or your enemy. I suggest doing a lot of research going in so you know the lifestyle change you just adopted.

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You will be fine and do wonderful! My only advice is don't expect a miracle..you have to work with the band and be determined! You can do it!

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