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Hey y'all! I am curious about the Bullet blender that people talk about. What makes it special? Where can I get one? How expensive are they?


If what you are talking about is the little blender thing that is on TV, I have heard really crappy reviews when I looked for one so I went and bought a similar product on line from target for $30.. The bullet is around 60 bux I saw them at Costco and Bed Bath and Beyond online and I read a lot of break down stories so I bought the cheaper version so if it breaks I won't be too upset about it and target usually takes things back..I bought the "Bella Cuicina" it seems to be ok, it made the awful tasting optifast tasting whippy and much better to stomach!! It comes with the large and small cups, lids and two diferent blades, similar to the bullet. Hope that helps a little.. Lisa ;)

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I have a magic bullet and I love it.. it is easy to use and clean up.. makes enough for 1.

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I went out and bought the Magic Bullet also. I used it it a few times while on liquids and it works great! I bought mine at walmart for about $50.

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i have the magic bullet and it's never given me any problems. It was at Wal-Mart for 50 bucks. i like that it has lids so i can take stuff to work.

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