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The smaller you get, the harder it is to lose the weight? I feel like I am losing at a snail's pace. :huh:

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That's what they say. Try to remember that as you get smaller, each pound you lose is a bigger percentage of your weight.

If you're 250 pounds and lose 5 you've lost 2% of your weight.

If you're 150 pounds and lose 5, you've lost about 3.5% of your weight!

Hope that helps a bit!


P.S. - you're both looking beautiful already!

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Hang in there kim, I have slowed waaaayyy down already, but I am trying to be patient. I am going for another fill in a couple of weeks. Stuck at the same weight for over a month. It does get harder and slows down as you go on. I like the percentage reasoning, makes sense.

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That's alway's happened to me.... that's why after 10 or 20 lbs I'd give up and go hog wild again and gain it all back. Can't do that as bad now!! I'm stuck right now, but NOT discouraged! I know when I get my sweetspot-fill I'll be back on track. Just have to stay focused and keep comming on the forum to lean on you all!! B)

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Ultimately, the desired weight loss is 2 pounds a week. The reason for the initial fast loss was the liquid diet. If you do any reading about the lapband, it takes up to two years for a very heavy person to lose their weight. Statistically, that equals about 2 pounds a week. Regardless of how much or how little you have to lose, it will average out to appx 2 pounds a week.

The band helps you achieve this goal by limiting the quantity you eat, but I personally think that its greatest benefit to me will be helping me keep the weight off.

I don't know if this encourages or discourages you. You will have times you lose fast and times you don't, but if you stick with the plan, it will all average out in the end.

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Ultimately, the desired weight loss is 2 pounds a week. The reason for the initial fast loss was the liquid diet. If you do any reading about the lapband, it takes up to two years for a very heavy person to lose their weight. Statistically, that equals about 2 pounds a week. Regardless of how much or how little you have to lose, it will average out to appx 2 pounds a week.

The band helps you achieve this goal by limiting the quantity you eat, but I personally think that its greatest benefit to me will be helping me keep the weight off.

I don't know if this encourages or discourages you. You will have times you lose fast and times you don't, but if you stick with the plan, it will all average out in the end.

I hate to say it, but I think the norm is actually 1-2 pounds a week.


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That's what they say. Try to remember that as you get smaller, each pound you lose is a bigger percentage of your weight.

If you're 250 pounds and lose 5 you've lost 2% of your weight.

If you're 150 pounds and lose 5, you've lost about 3.5% of your weight!

Hope that helps a bit!


P.S. - you're both looking beautiful already!

Oh, that entirely makes sense. I never thought to look at it that way. Thanks!

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Ultimately, the desired weight loss is 2 pounds a week. The reason for the initial fast loss was the liquid diet. If you do any reading about the lapband, it takes up to two years for a very heavy person to lose their weight. Statistically, that equals about 2 pounds a week. Regardless of how much or how little you have to lose, it will average out to appx 2 pounds a week.

The band helps you achieve this goal by limiting the quantity you eat, but I personally think that its greatest benefit to me will be helping me keep the weight off.

I don't know if this encourages or discourages you. You will have times you lose fast and times you don't, but if you stick with the plan, it will all average out in the end.

I have to agree with you Paula, it IS difficult - especially after dropping major $$ and not seeing faster results... and the percentage (thesuse) mentions makes it sound better by rationality :D

When I went in for my fill, on June 16th, I told Dr Acosta I was a little disappointed with the weight loss- because I am exercising (which I would have already stopped doing, before the banding) and I do not drink when I eat, and you know, doing the majority of the things I am supposed to do… but still see SLOW loss. And he looks at me and tells me, “You’re doing GREAT!!” I thought he was NUTS!

I gave him that look, “ya you’re just saying that because I am a patient and you don’t want to discourage me” look… BUT when I came back from vacation and updated my stats… well I have to admit I am doing GREAT! 30 pounds in about 12 weeks averages a loss of 2.5 pounds a week!! Which is better than “average” THANK YOU GOD!!!

So, IF I can do it, YOU can TOO :lb11:

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Hey Kimmie,

I looked at your sparkpeople food logs and it looks like on most days you are getting 800 calories or less, maybe your aren't logging everything (personally I have been slacking with my log since I got back from vacation) but that seems like way too low of calories to keep the weight loss going!! You've said before that you're still hungry during the day so maybe you need to try upping your calories and see if that gets your weight loss going again...

You are doing great, you've lost 50lbs in a short amount of time (about 14weeks?) and that averages out to at least 3.5lbs a week!

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Thanks Michelle.

I agree I am probably not eating enough calories, but I am scared I will quit losing at all if I eat anymore. <_<

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