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I need some advice, help, tips

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Ok so I officially started solids 6 days ago. I thought I would never get there and my first real food was oatmeal. About 1/4 cup and that held me until the evening. My dinner was 1/4 a chicken quesadilla with pico. Day one was deemed a success in my book. I tolerated everything , chewed the heck out of it and had no sort of PBing just got full very fast. As each day had gone by I've slowly eaten more and more to the point that now last night I ate 1/2 a chicken quesadilla with no problem. I have tried to divide my meals up and eat the veggies/fruits first, then protein and etc as instructed. The problem I am feeling is that I felt so deprived I have also taken a bite of this and a bite of that throughout the day, perhaps grazing if you will which is NOT what I am supposed to do. I also know the "restriction" feeling is slowly going away and I am scared. I know that. I also have eaten a few shall we call them "taboo" items. I feel like in no time if I keep it up I may be in trouble. I havn't lost anymore weight, not that I would expect to after starving my body and I know some of my choices have been poor. What I need is to hear some encouragement and good tips on how to make this work. Today is a new day and I havn't put 1 bite of food in yet. I'm actually still feeling full from last nights dinner. Anyway I know this is long but the voice of experience ways heavy on how I will go through my day today. Thanks all for some kind helping tools. I WILL make this happen I don't want to let you guys (or first of all myself) down.

Edit: I actually eat the protein first, then veggies etc.

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I think we will both get more restriction with our first fill. I have not had one problem yet either. Although I try to be real careful. I know I am not much help but wanted you to know your not alone. Dawn

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Hi Julie, I just pulled out my info sheet from the occ and #12 under important changes it list to eat protein first ,vegetables second and carbs at the end. Protein will help to keep you full. Hope this helps.

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Hi Julie, I just pulled out my info sheet from the occ and #12 under important changes it list to eat protein first ,vegetables second and carbs at the end. Protein will help to keep you full. Hope this helps.

Thanks Linda. I actually typed wrong on the protein, veggies thing. I've edited it for correctness.

Thanks for the caring replies all.

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Unfortunately most of us go through this and it is not easy. Hopefully the first fill will help you out. Just keep on taking it one day at a time. You know the rules of the band, now it the toughest time to enforce them. Be mindfull when eating, only put on your plate what you can have, and chew, chew, chew. Use small plates and utensils, this really helps. Do some activities that will get you away from the food! Keep going back to the forum and get your moral support whenever possible, that got me through some of the tough times.

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Ok so I officially started solids 6 days ago. I thought I would never get there and my first real food was oatmeal. About 1/4 cup and that held me until the evening. My dinner was 1/4 a chicken quesadilla with pico. Day one was deemed a success in my book. I tolerated everything , chewed the heck out of it and had no sort of PBing just got full very fast. As each day had gone by I've slowly eaten more and more to the point that now last night I ate 1/2 a chicken quesadilla with no problem. I have tried to divide my meals up and eat the veggies/fruits first, then protein and etc as instructed. The problem I am feeling is that I felt so deprived I have also taken a bite of this and a bite of that throughout the day, perhaps grazing if you will which is NOT what I am supposed to do. I also know the "restriction" feeling is slowly going away and I am scared. I know that. I also have eaten a few shall we call them "taboo" items. I feel like in no time if I keep it up I may be in trouble. I havn't lost anymore weight, not that I would expect to after starving my body and I know some of my choices have been poor. What I need is to hear some encouragement and good tips on how to make this work. Today is a new day and I havn't put 1 bite of food in yet. I'm actually still feeling full from last nights dinner. Anyway I know this is long but the voice of experience ways heavy on how I will go through my day today. Thanks all for some kind helping tools. I WILL make this happen I don't want to let you guys (or first of all myself) down.

Edit: I actually eat the protein first, then veggies etc.

Julie, in my opinion, your brain is your most powerful tool. You need to keep retraining it and change the way you think and eventually you will just start living bandster life out of habit. Even on those last two days on liquids when I thought I was starving I just dug down deep and reinforced "bandster living" rules. For me personally to cheat once opens the door to repeat behaviours and I can't risk that. We will all have those moments of weakness, it's human nature, but try to stay the course, if you fall just get right back up and go back to bandster 101. I continue to keep reading although admittedly it gets rather repetitive because I want it to be entrenched in my day to day thinking. Out with the old, in with the new.

My approach isn't for everyone. I get that but it is how I am getting through. It's a tough journey but it is so worth it at the end of the day.

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Oh Julie - I'm sorry you're having such a rough time!

Try not to let yourself get so stressed - it doesn't sound to me like you're eating that much!

I'm far from solids myself so I don't really know what you're going through yet, but just try to be kind to yourself. You've just completed a major effort with the pre-ops and the post-ops. You're doing great and I have a lot of confidence that you'll do great with the band - just give yourself some time to adjust to it all.


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Hi Julie,

I was banded on June 4th also. I'm Marlene, my husband was there with me at the OCC for the surgery. I am not having a great time either, and also feeling very nervous. I have only lost 4 pounds since the surgery. Not feeling very restriced either. Worried that for some reason this thing just isn't working. I eat an OK amount, feel slightly full, but an hour or two later I am straving. This is the first that I have come on-line. We were in the midst of a move, so I just got the computer hooked up. My stomch is still bothering me some from the surgery, and also is still somewhat swollen, how about you? I'm wondering if this is normal?

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Hi Julie,

I was banded on June 4th also. I'm Marlene, my husband was there with me at the OCC for the surgery. I am not having a great time either, and also feeling very nervous. I have only lost 4 pounds since the surgery. Not feeling very restriced either. Worried that for some reason this thing just isn't working. I eat an OK amount, feel slightly full, but an hour or two later I am straving. This is the first that I have come on-line. We were in the midst of a move, so I just got the computer hooked up. My stomch is still bothering me some from the surgery, and also is still somewhat swollen, how about you? I'm wondering if this is normal?

Hi Marlene: I am so glad you posted. I am in a hurry to go to work but will post more later tonight. I remember you and your hubby sunning at the pool the next day. I am sorry you're not doing so well. My stomach site is still sore at times, I'm not sure why just that all people heal at different paces. Have you booked your first fill? Mine is 7/17. Call the OCC if you feel you need an answer

Glad to see you post and please keep on this forum...it has helped me soo much.

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Just lots of HUGS and Support! Take each day one at a time.

Everyone else has said it all.

><' :lb18: :lb4:

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Hi Julie and Marlene... what worked for me when I started my solid foods, was cottage cheese, deviled eggs, tuna (although I can't tolerate it now), chicken, turkey, taco salad (eat meat first), non-fat sour cream. It can take your stomach up to 20 min. before you are no longer hungry. Eat slowly, chew well, and you will find that it will take you 20 min. to finish the food on your smaller plate. After the hour is up after you've finished eating, if you no longer feel full (but are still not hungry) drink lots of water. This will keep you feeling full. If you find that you just can't make it in between meals, have an apple, small piece of low fat cheese, or even for me, 1/2 glass of a protein drink, kept me going until dinner. I rarely got an carbs in, and I always had alot of energy. I hope some of this helps. Be patient... you're worth it!! Anita

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