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Out of the Country and in...

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:D:D:D Yeppers I am here in fast paced, crazy drivers everywhere, Tijuana, Mexico. My husband and I flew in earlier today from Washington. Only took us 2 hours...nice. First stop, OCC. Labs, EKG, Lung function test, and Dietary consult all completed. Then, off to the Lucerna. WOW....NICE!!!! Very pretty. My husband and I ventured out to Rev. Ave. NOW THAT IS AN INTERESTING EXPERIENCE...HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!! Bought a Gucci purse for $30 dollars, (they were asking 175.00) I love to bargin. Got some soccor jerseys for my little kiddos. I think they will love them. In the morning is the big day. My only fear is that....the band won't work for me....I know dumb thought huh? But...never-the-less it is still my deep dark fear. I plan to take lots of pictures. It has been fun meeting all new people too!!! I'll keep you posted.

:P:P:P dianna

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We all have tried and failed at so many things that it is natural for you to worry that you will fail at this, too. You will not. Get banded, enjoy the mini-spa treatment, and let us know how it went.

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You will do great. As for your purse I hope it last longer than the Coach purse I bought. Mine lasted about 3 weeks and cost me 50$. So much for it being real. I was so dissapointed. Only dissapointed in my purse not the band. Dawn

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Sending you lots of hugs and well wishes :)

Hope all goes well today - your "supportive" buddies are thinking about you!

Ok, so I couldn't resist :P

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