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Remember my post about bruising???

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He thinks it may be from the Ginkgo Biloba that I'm taking!!!??? Had no idea how much over-the-counter meds[supplements]can affect you and react with current meds you're taking. So please everyone, tell your Doc ANY supplements you are taking!! He said that GB can thin the blood causing you to bruise more easily and can make some people retain water. [i've had trouble lately with my hands and feet swelling and my weight fluxing] I mentioned that I'm taking Biotin and he said that was fine, that it wouldn't react with any meds I'M taking. I've told several bandsters on the forum about taking Biotin and never thought about possible reactions in people. So please, anyone taking the Biotin [for your hair] TELL YOUR DOC!

The reason I posted this in the begining was because I STILL have bruising around my port incision. He said it'll take awhile for the GB to get out of my system and then the bruises should finally go away.

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GREAT info!!!! It is amazing how much things are effected.

I am not even 2 weeks post op and have almost no bruising left.

Hope you heal fast.

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I had severe bruising after the surgery, mine was a reaction to the blood thinner they gave me before surgery. That is what caused the sernona hematoma. I had to go back to TJ and have a second surgery to move my port site and clean up the first one and stitch it up on the first one. Dr, O told me never to let anyone give me a blood thinner again. They even gave me an injection of vitamin K befoe the second surgery to promote clotting. One way to tell if you had a reaction is if the injection site has a huge bruise around it and the area itched like crazy. Hope things go well for you, keep us posted.

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This one is very important, if you want a good thing try which will help you to understand what you should take use a vitamin questionnaire - the below one is from Dr. Weil, you don't have to buy anything - use it as an education tool.

If you take it I suggest that you print it out the recommendation and bring your to your doctor to discus what vitamins might work for you. (You should also let your doctor know that you are a lap band pt).


It doesn’t cover everything, but will give you a good start – then you can buy your needed supplements anywhere. Some of the pills out there are big (for example calcium) so look at sizes and think about how you would take them as a lap band pt before you buy them.



(Just so you're aware, if you have medical issues you're going to receive a lot of recommended sups with this program. Make sure to use the ranking). And then choose to print out your recommendation. That option is meant to allow people to take to their doctor or nutritionist for help -since supplementation can be very confusing.

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I had severe bruising after the surgery, mine was a reaction to the blood thinner they gave me before surgery. That is what caused the sernona hematoma. I had to go back to TJ and have a second surgery to move my port site and clean up the first one and stitch it up on the first one. Dr, O told me never to let anyone give me a blood thinner again. They even gave me an injection of vitamin K befoe the second surgery to promote clotting. One way to tell if you had a reaction is if the injection site has a huge bruise around it and the area itched like crazy. Hope things go well for you, keep us posted.

Wow Caroline, I never thought about the blood thinner! My injection site was OK, a little swelling, a little bruise but no itching or anything. I stopped the GB and will see if my bruises go away quicker. I wanted everyone to read this, to make sure they inform their Doc's of ALL meds they're taking, supplements and all.

Hope your healing well?? Take care, Darlene

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This one is very important, if you want a good thing try which will help you to understand what you should take use a vitamin questionnaire - the below one is from Dr. Weil, you don't have to buy anything - use it as an education tool.

If you take it I suggest that you print it out the recommendation and bring your to your doctor to discus what vitamins might work for you. (You should also let your doctor know that you are a lap band pt).


It doesn’t cover everything, but will give you a good start – then you can buy your needed supplements anywhere. Some of the pills out there are big (for example calcium) so look at sizes and think about how you would take them as a lap band pt before you buy them.



(Just so you're aware, if you have medical issues you're going to receive a lot of recommended sups with this program. Make sure to use the ranking). And then choose to print out your recommendation. That option is meant to allow people to take to their doctor or nutritionist for help -since supplementation can be very confusing.

Thanks Lisa, I'll check that out! :)

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I thought it would have been low iron intake. Good thing the doc could point it out for ya!! :)

I wouldn't have thought about low iron either. I take a daily vitamin, but if I try to take iron supplements, I have trouble going "#2".... :lb12:

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