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Please stop!!!!

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As someone who has been on this forum for 2 years I have to say that this is the first time that people are being nasty and negative on a regular basis. I typically just roll my eyes at people who think that because it's online, it's ok to say whatever they want, but now I feel like I need to comment.

I feel that you guys who attack each other (on all sides) are disrespecting Dr. Ortiz and the OCC, who are amazing people and have changed most of our lives for the better. Please just stop. I know that I personally have not posted some things for fear of being attacked. Of course it's ok to speak one's mind, BUT it has to be done respectfully for both the other people on here and those who are considering being banded. This is not a random site, it's Dr. Ortiz's, and I think we all need to keep in mind that his reputation and the OCC's rep is also affected by what goes on here in this public forum.... This place should feel safe for everyone and should be a supportive place.


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I totally agree.

I haven't posted very much, but have been lurking through the forum to help me decide whether the lap band is for me. The majority of people are following doctor's orders, the ones that aren't seem to want to "confess" and jump back on the bandwagon.

I enjoy the support and camraderie that I've seen in this forum. Everyone seems so close and I hope to get to know everyone soon

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I totally agree.

I haven't posted very much, but have been lurking through the forum to help me decide whether the lap band is for me. The majority of people are following doctor's orders, the ones that aren't seem to want to "confess" and jump back on the bandwagon.

I enjoy the support and camraderie that I've seen in this forum. Everyone seems so close and I hope to get to know everyone soon

Hi Ashley! Congrats on your upcoming band date, I am SO glad I did it. I see you have a little guy! Cool, my daughter is 3 months old. Kids are the best!

Hope to see you around here more!


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Yes... welcome to the forum Ashley, and congratulations on deciding to be banded. It will be the best thing you have ever done in your life!

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Amen and amen. I love the great, big, one happy family atmosphere that was here when I joined. I want it back.

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The forum is going to be watched and monitored very closely (as much as we can). Patients come here for support and information, not to be threatened or harrassed.

I won't hesitate to ban those that threaten our community or just want to shake things up by flinging insults at others.

We need to keep this forum clean, safe and welcoming. I don't mean that posts need to be positive and singing praises... we all struggle and we all have different opnions, but negativity for the sake of negativity or just to "stir things up" isn't welcome here and will be shut down. That's just how it is and if you don't like it... sorry, find somewhere else to sling it.

C'mon... let's get back to what this forum was intended for, supporting, encouraging, crying on each others shoulders (ok... computers) and generally helping each other through the ups and downs of life with the band. :cheerleader:

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The forum is going to watched and monitored very closely (as much as we can). Patients come here for support and information, not to be threatened or harrassed.

I won't hesitate to ban those that threaten our community or just want to shake things up by flinging insults at others.

We need to keep this forum clean, safe and welcoming. I don't mean that posts need to be positive and singing praises... we all struggle and we all have different opnions, but negativity for the sake of negativity or just to "stir things up" isn't welcome here and will be shut down. That's just how it is and if you don't like it... sorry, find somewhere else to sling it.

C'mon... let's get back to what this forum was intended for, supporting, encouraging, crying on each others shoulders (ok... computers) and generally helping each other through the ups and downs of life with the band. :cheerleader:

AMEN Lori!!! All that hub-bub was very upsetting.... I need a hug :lb12:

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YAY LORI!!!!!!

Thank you.

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The forum is going to watched and monitored very closely (as much as we can). Patients come here for support and information, not to be threatened or harrassed.

I won't hesitate to ban those that threaten our community or just want to shake things up by flinging insults at others.

We need to keep this forum clean, safe and welcoming. I don't mean that posts need to be positive and singing praises... we all struggle and we all have different opnions, but negativity for the sake of negativity or just to "stir things up" isn't welcome here and will be shut down. That's just how it is and if you don't like it... sorry, find somewhere else to sling it.

C'mon... let's get back to what this forum was intended for, supporting, encouraging, crying on each others shoulders (ok... computers) and generally helping each other through the ups and downs of life with the band. :cheerleader:

Thank you very much Lori!!

Seems like we are back to normal today already. Feels good.

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