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I've Been Soooo Good - Why Aren't I Losing?????

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I'm so frustrated, today is the last day of my three week post op liquid diet and I've only lost 10 lbs and nothing for the last week - I expected to lose at least 15 lbs. :angry: :lb20: :girl_cray2:

Here's my daily food intake, since creamy soup stage started:

1 cup of coffee with low fat non-dairy creamer & Splenda

1 Vitamin Water

1 Protein Shake (GNC Creamy Banana - yummy!)

1 can of Cambells soup - Cream of Mushroom, Celery, Chicken, Split Pea

1 8 oz glass of orange juice.

That's it - every day for the last two weeks - that's got to be under 500 calories a day! :lb6:

I've been walking my lunch hour about three times a week.

I'm hardly going to the bathroom at all - maybe three times since surgery.


Tomorrow is my first day to eat real food - one minute I'm scared to death to eat anything for fear of gaining and the next minute I just want to blow it all this weekend (being the 4th of July and we're going to a party on Saturday).

Sob Sob Boo Hoo Boo Hoo :((

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Hey Girl, Since banding on June 10th till today I've only lost 10lbs. You are in the healing processe. I have hear many say that any weight lost in these 3 weeks is a good lost. Are you getting lots of water. I also couldnt go to the bathroom. Had to have surgery last friday because of that horrible word (hemmoroids) I know TMI. But they took care of that problem. and now Im on the road to recovery again, are you getting enogh fiber? If you still have problems call the OCC. Have fun at the party.

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Guest cedartown

My last 4 days of the 21 day diet & these past weeks before my fill also saw my weight loss stop.From what i've read,almost everyone experiences this.

While I didn't lose pounds,i was still losing size.I'm on day 39 post op now.

I think i'm down 2 lbs since day 17.I think it's a real goal to shoot for not GAINING anything between day 21 & your first fill.

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I think 10 pounds is wonderful!!

I only lost 7 pounds during my liquid phase, and didn't lose anything for 5 weeks after that!!

Don't worry, you are doing great!! =D>

Ya know what they say--Anything lost during this time is a bonus, it is really a period of healing. (I know, I know....this doesn't help, but its true)

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It's kinda wierd how the band works. I was just thinking I could have lost my pounds on weight watchers. But, the band is going to help when I hit that sweet spot. On weight watchers I am only good for about 20 pounds. This is going to carry me past that. We just got to keep our eye on the ball. Everybody is different and will lose at a different pace. Try not to compare yourself. Be proud of your small successes. They will add up in the end. If we only lose 5 pounds a month we will lose 60 in a year. That is progess. These are life changes. Dawn

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You may be not getting ENOUGH calories. Your body will go into defense-mode if it thinks you're starving. Try to get 1200 cals a day [i know it's hard on the liquid diet] You have to make sure you're drinking enough... and one last thing, are you pooing regularly? [i know, eeewwww!] That was one of my problems though. The weight loss will come, I promise! ><'

You have done VERY WELL so far... you should be proud!!

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First off don't beat yourself up, it's silly to get down on yourself over 5 little pounds, you will get there the band makes sure of that!

From what you said you've been eating it seems pretty clear that your body is STARVING!! Since you are about to go on solids things should even themselves out (just don't go too crazy).

EVERYONE should be aiming for 1000-1200 calories per day, and while momonamission is right you shouldn't compare yourself to others I can only offer myself as an example of somone that stuck to at least 1,000 calories per day and lost 16lbs in my first 3 weeks and a toal of 24lbs in my first 6weeks before my 1st fill... There is no reason to starve yourself and be miserable at any point in your band journey when a little bit of effort into calorie counting and self control can get you to your goals at the pace that YOUR own body determines!

For those still on the liquid diet and who aren't getting enough calories here are some of the tricks I used to make sure I was staying in that 1000-1200 cal range when I couldn't or didn't want to "drink" more...

Again these are ideas only for those that need MORE calories to get them into the right daily range-

1. Peanut butter- add a scoop of peanut butter into your protien shake for an extra 200 calories and 5-8grams of protien

2. Shredded Cheese- again good for an extra 100-200 calories depending on how much you add to your HOT soup, make sure you get the finely shredded so it will melt totally into the soup, remeber you should be able to drink it through a straw!

3. Protien Powder- this is one trick I still use today I am a big fan of the Unjury protein powder, it's 80 calories and 20g of protien I mix it into my slimfast sometimes or even into soup, pudding, or my sald dressing if I'm not meeting my goal for 90grams of protien per day... While it's "unflavored" you can't mix it into something like iced tea or propel without tasting it, but I use it in all the more creamy textured things that I mentioned above and can never tell that it is in there!

Best of luck on starting solids, and congrats on the 10lbs lost just think of it as 10lbs you will never see again!!

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Ditto, MaMa Michelle! 10 pounds, that's great!

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Hey Hon, don't get upset. You are where you should be. Please remember your body is still in a little shock. You've had major surgery. Your healing inside. Your food and calorie in take has been cut more then in half. So your body is going to hold on to as much as it can. We all have to eat to lose!! I know it sounds dumb but, it's true. Give it time. We all have been there. Your doing super!

Kelly C

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I agree with the others, your calorie intake is too low.

If you aim between 800 to 1000 calories a day, the weight will come off quickly. Below that, you're in starvation mode. Especially while healing.

Your determination and diligence are remarkable!

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You guys are all super - when I read all your reponses this morning, it was just what I needed! I love this forum, it helped me in making my decision to have the surgery, it helped pre-op diet, post op diet and it's especially helping now. I don't mean "it" helped, I mean you all helped - Thank you!!!

When I got done posting yesterday I had a can of Trader Joe's Organic Split Pea Soup - don't bother, it was not good, neither is their Carrot Ginger soup, which I had the day before. Stick to Cambell's or Progresso or Anderson's, which is probably the best split pea soup. (can you get in trouble for slamming products on line?). I also had a 6 oz carton of Trader Joe's Apricot Mango Low Fat Yogurt, which is very good and a 100% fruit popsicle. But then I took a dive and had two six oz glasses of red wine - bad, bad, bad!!! I paid for it with a nice little headache this morning.

I'm sitting here at my backyard patio table in sunny (getting hot - :heat: ) Thousand Oaks, CA trying to come up with a meal plan for today, being my first day of solids. My mood, intent and desire is to make it healthy (yesterday I felt like eating half a cow with the most fattenting potatoe dish I could think of, topped off with some Cherry Garcia) and as suggested in your posts somewhere around 1,000 calories.

Wish me luck and you all have a wonderful 4th of July! :victory:

Thanks again everybody! :thank_you2:

p.s. One thing I know I have to stop doing is standing on that darn scale every morning! :fool:

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You are showing remarkable detemination. The pounds will start to fall off soon. ;)

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I'm so frustrated, today is the last day of my three week post op liquid diet and I've only lost 10 lbs and nothing for the last week - I expected to lose at least 15 lbs. :angry: :lb20: :girl_cray2:

Here's my daily food intake, since creamy soup stage started:

1 cup of coffee with low fat non-dairy creamer & Splenda

1 Vitamin Water

1 Protein Shake (GNC Creamy Banana - yummy!)

1 can of Cambells soup - Cream of Mushroom, Celery, Chicken, Split Pea

1 8 oz glass of orange juice.

That's it - every day for the last two weeks - that's got to be under 500 calories a day! :lb6:

Sob Sob Boo Hoo Boo Hoo :((

I have to share and say "thank you!", after I posted the above, a lot of you posted back saying I wasn't eating enough calories. Well, I listened to you and started eating around a 1,000 calories a day and it worked!!! I've lost 6 more pounds since that last post and I'm thrilled!

So thank you, thank you, thank you - you all have been such a tremendous help for me on this journey (how funny, as I'm typing this up a Journey song came on the radio!).

God Bless!

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Congrats sweetie, 6lbs in a little over a week is AWESOME!!

It is sometimes are hard concept to think you need to eat MORE to LOSE weight but your body needs fuel... Think of your body like a furnace if it is going to burn off the fat we have been carrying around then you need to throw some wood on the fire, meaning consuming enough calories to keep the fire going!!

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