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Update on fainting

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I took everyones advise and made a docs. appt. for Monday. Meanwhile, I spoke to Dr. Martines because Dr. Ortiz is out for the week. Doc said that it sounded like I was suffering from dehydration which caused my blood pressure and heart rate to drop, he said it was my central nervous system reacting and to stay on a liquid diet for a few more days. He also said that if it happens again to go to a cardiologist and have a tilt test done? I'm not planning on waiting to see if it happens again, I'm going to see a cardiologist ASAP. I don't take any medications and have no history of any physical conditions so I'm having a hard time believing that this happened due to dehydration, but I'm no doctor. I'm scared to eat but was brave today and ate 2 meatballs and 2 forks of spaghetti and I'm still ok. I'm very confused as to how much we are supposed to eat. I am just terrified to overeat and at the same time scared not to eat enough. I'm starting the liquid vitamins today. Thank you everyone for your replies and concern, I will let you know what my own doc. says after he checks me out. Oh, DR. Martinez also said to stay away fom eggs.

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I took everyones advise and made a docs. appt. for Monday. Meanwhile, I spoke to Dr. Martines because Dr. Ortiz is out for the week. Doc said that it sounded like I was suffering from dehydration which caused my blood pressure and heart rate to drop, he said it was my central nervous system reacting and to stay on a liquid diet for a few more days. He also said that if it happens again to go to a cardiologist and have a tilt test done? I'm not planning on waiting to see if it happens again, I'm going to see a cardiologist ASAP. I don't take any medications and have no history of any physical conditions so I'm having a hard time believing that this happened due to dehydration, but I'm no doctor. I'm scared to eat but was brave today and ate 2 meatballs and 2 forks of spaghetti and I'm still ok. I'm very confused as to how much we are supposed to eat. I am just terrified to overeat and at the same time scared not to eat enough. I'm starting the liquid vitamins today. Thank you everyone for your replies and concern, I will let you know what my own doc. says after he checks me out. Oh, DR. Martinez also said to stay away fom eggs.

So glad to hear you are feeling better. Don't worry about how much you are eating. Eat what you can, making wise choices and make sure you take your daily vitamins. I was obsessing over how little I was eating, kept thinking I'm not eating enough to sustain life. However, I am fine and you will be too. Have a great 4th!!!


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SOOOO glad to hear from you!!! ><' That a girl, you go see the cardiologist and we'll be thinking about you. At least you haven't had anymore episodes! :unsure: We were so worried about you! How's your son? He probably doesn't want to leave your side! You take it easy and make sure you give us updates..... best wishes!

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Hopefully that episode was a one time only thing and you won't repeat it. Glad you are doing better now.

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I am glad you are going to have things checked out. Please keep us posted and you will be in my prayers.

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Oh so glad to hear from you, I was so worried!!

About dehydration, I didn't pass out or have a seizure, but I did have very severe vomitting. I was very lucky not to have ruined my band, but the vomitting was for hours and hours 3 separate times. It wasn't until I was given IV that it stopped. We were never able to pinpoint an exact cause but the general consensus between the 3 doctors was dehydration. That is why when I hear people tell me how much or how little they are drinking in their 21 day period, I encourage more. You should be sipping constantly throughout the day and go through several bottles of fluid. 3 minimum of gatorade and 2 minimum watered down apple juice. That in addition to whatever else I was drinking. I am only saying this because weird things CAN and Do happen due to dehydration. I don't think people realize how much water they get from food and when you don't eat any, you really need to step up the fluids to constant sipping.

Glad you made an appointment and glad to ok. So go drink some more, ok?

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