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I need some serious help

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I am scared to death of the liquid phase. I had a colonoscopy a few months ago and had to be on clear liquids for 24 hours. I thought I would never make it. I drank over 2000 calories that day and was still hungry. I need all the suggestions you guys can give me. Surgery isn't for another 3 weeks but I think if I just think it through I will find a way to survive it. Let me know what worked for you.

Thanks in advance, you guys are great!

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Hi Sandy,

It basically boils down to how bad you want this.... The liquid phase is not for the faint at heart, it is hard and takes a lot of will power to get through. You have to remember that it is all mind over matter. I am not hungry but I find myself obsessing over food sometimes. Something as simple as a commercial on TV makes me want a food that I normally would not eat!

You have to remember that if you eat foods to soon you can stretch your pouch and you would have to go through the surgery a second time to repair that! If you stretch your pouch you will never reach your weight loss goal.

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I ate my liquids with a spoon. Broths, then soups, etc.... everything with a spoon. That made me think "eating" over "drinking". Now I will be honest... after the first four days, I would always have a couple of crackers with my soup/broth... in the soup, nice and very soggy.

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For the first week or so you won't want anything to eat at all so don't worry about that. The last two weeks are harder..the last week will kill you. LOL

You can do it if you set your mind to it. It takes some willpower, but if you are willing to have this life changing surgery then you have already made up your mind that you CAN do it!!

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Don't forget you will be a little sore and swollen and won't feel like you need/want a lot. At first, you will actually need to make sure that you remind yourself to drink some liquids so you don't get dehydrated.

I found that variety helped me through it. Crystal Lite in all sorts of flavors. Chicken broth, Japanese miso soup broth, sugar free jello, popsicles, fudgesicles, hot & sour soup, lemonade, slushies, tortilla soup, etc.

Eventually when I got to creamy soups I did Cream of Chicken, Cream of Broccili, Velvety Potato, Tomato, Protein Shakes in Chocolate and Vanilla, and Strawberry, drinkable yogurts, and yes - the occassional frosty!.

You can do it... and when you feel like you are out of ideas to make it through, come back to the forum and ask for ideas! Everyone here is so helpful!

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery!


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thanks guys, I will definitely need your help. I am not telling anyone about the upcoming surgery besides my DH and two sisters. At work there is a lot of anti-WLS sentiment going around. I made this decision for me and I don't want what nimrods think to influence my choices.

Thanks for everyone sharing on this forum. B)

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the first couple of days were no big deal and you did not want anything. I did get a little tuff but than you got the soups and protien shakes. It will be alright. I just marked my calender and tried to stay focused on other things. Dawn

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Hi Sandy,

It basically boils down to how bad you want this.... The liquid phase is not for the faint at heart, it is hard and takes a lot of will power to get through. You have to remember that it is all mind over matter. I am not hungry but I find myself obsessing over food sometimes. Something as simple as a commercial on TV makes me want a food that I normally would not eat!

You have to remember that if you eat foods to soon you can stretch your pouch and you would have to go through the surgery a second time to repair that! If you stretch your pouch you will never reach your weight loss goal.

Hey Erin, (you too Lisa)

Thanks for the pep talk,, I just read that and prior to reading your post I was feeling like I was mouring food so much!! You are exactly right!! I do want this bad and it isn't that bad.. It is all in my head!! TV is all commercials about food and stuff I would never eat. This is a time to reprogram my head!! It is worth it and I am worth it. This is a time where I would be grazing out of being bored. I need to find other things to do with myself. I am 4 days post op and feel full all the time but sip sip sip.. So thanx for your posts!! It is greatly appreciated and needed... XO Lisa

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During my liquid phase, I learned to LLLLLove chicken broth :) It was soooo good. And then as soon as I hit creamy soups, I fell in LLLLLOOOOVEEE with creamy tomato soup!

Who would have thought I would have looked forward to chicken broth or tomato soup.

Then again, on the pre op diet, I was in LLOOOOVVEEE with Lean Cuisines ;)

So, basically, it's all a part of our journey, and we're going to LOVE being smaller!

Good luck!

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Sandy I am on my still doing the post op liquid diet as well, and honestly its not as bad as I thought it would be. Now grant it I am only 1 week and 2 days post op and still have 2 weeks to go but WE CAN DO IT! I mix a lot of my soups with Cream of Nacho Cheese or Cream of Pepper Jack Cheese and it gives it that extra flavor which changes things up a bit for me so I don't get so bored with it.. Good luck and we are always here for you!

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I am scared to death of the liquid phase. I had a colonoscopy a few months ago and had to be on clear liquids for 24 hours. I thought I would never make it. I drank over 2000 calories that day and was still hungry. I need all the suggestions you guys can give me. Surgery isn't for another 3 weeks but I think if I just think it through I will find a way to survive it. Let me know what worked for you.

Thanks in advance, you guys are great!

You know what? It is tough, no doubt, but you can do it! I had surgery June 16, and tomorrow is my first day of food, YEA! I would log on and complain about being hungry, and all the bandsters would rally to support me-that got me through more than the chicken broth, so here goes:

YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Check off the days of the calendar, and let us know how you are doing!!!!


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The liquid phase is really scary before your surgery, but don't forget that you will be newly banded and you won't feel the hunger so it will be easier than what you expect it to be. When you need a helping hand, just hollar and we will all be rallying to help you out with moral support.

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