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Bandsters with a starting BMI around 30 ... I need you!

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I have decided to get the LapBand. It was a hard decision. Mostly because of my ego ... I keep thinking I can do it on my own. What's wrong with me etc. etc. All my friends are skinny (hey I live in LA!!). Anyway, if there are folks out there with starting BMIs around 30, I would love to talk with you and hear your experience. Thanks and good luck to all of us!

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I have decided to get the LapBand. It was a hard decision. Mostly because of my ego ... I keep thinking I can do it on my own. What's wrong with me etc. etc. All my friends are skinny (hey I live in LA!!). Anyway, if there are folks out there with starting BMIs around 30, I would love to talk with you and hear your experience. Thanks and good luck to all of us!

I don't have a low bmi (yet), but I thought I would give an answer. :)

I struggled with the same thoughts prior to surgery. I kept thinking I could do it on my own. I lost 34 pounds in the 8 months prior to surgery and really changed my lifestyle for the better. My problem has always been keeping it off and getting past this point. For me, it was a no brainer to use the tool and have a real chance at success.

I am curious... How are you going to qualify for the surgery with such a low BMI? Is it because you are self pay? My doctor requires patients to be over 100 pounds overweight.

Good luck with your decision. Whatever you decide good luck!

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Here's what I told my friends. I haven't had my first fill yet and haven't lost much weight yet. It will happen.

It's not about losing the weight. It's about the backslide afterwards:

Funny thing is that I eat correctly. I don't do fried foods, high fat, high sugar, etc. I didn't gain the weight overnight. I gained it over nine months (DD now 13) and have had it ever since. I didn't lose a pound on South Beach and was on it faithfully for two months. I eat that way anyway. My weight has varied 20 pounds since she was born. Ten up and ten down. It is what it is.

What I am unwilling to do is get to a healthy weight twice. I worked for Nutri/System for two years in college. I've watched people at the office drop weight using WW, N/S, Atkins, Provida, the Cookie Diet, etc and do a great job of it --- for a while ---until it came back on again. Not enough people succeed at keeping it off. No reason to think I'm atypical.

So, I've decided to make it hard to gain it back again. And that means giving up Diet Coke, things that my new stomach decides it can't manage and large portions of anything. Permant change with hardware. It won't be easy at all. You don't indulge because you can't indulge. For pretty much ever.

It's hard to live and let live when others are taking on the same task. From their perspective it's like they read the 1000 page novel and I bought the Cliff's Notes. From my perspective the difference is that later, they can have a banana split or whatever on occasion but I can have dinner or a glass of wine. Not both.

It would feel like cheating if I hadn't tried so many different diets that didn't work for me. The last one was Medifast and my skin errupted with soy protein intolerance.

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I don't have a low bmi (yet), but I thought I would give an answer. :)

I struggled with the same thoughts prior to surgery. I kept thinking I could do it on my own. I lost 34 pounds in the 8 months prior to surgery and really changed my lifestyle for the better. My problem has always been keeping it off and getting past this point. For me, it was a no brainer to use the tool and have a real chance at success.

I am curious... How are you going to qualify for the surgery with such a low BMI? Is it because you are self pay? My doctor requires patients to be over 100 pounds overweight.

Good luck with your decision. Whatever you decide good luck!

Thanks and hi! I have about 50 pounds to lose and I am going to be self-pay with Dr. Ortiz. I am pre-diabetic and am fairly certain that within a couple of years I will have diabetes if I don't make some serious changes. I also agree with the next writer who said she doesn't want to lose it twice. Perhaps I could get the mental energy together to lose the weight (I doubt it) but I am completely certain I would never be able to maintain as I couldn't fight the head hunger constantly feeling the physical hunger.

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Thanks and hi! I have about 50 pounds to lose and I am going to be self-pay with Dr. Ortiz. I am pre-diabetic and am fairly certain that within a couple of years I will have diabetes if I don't make some serious changes. I also agree with the next writer who said she doesn't want to lose it twice. Perhaps I could get the mental energy together to lose the weight (I doubt it) but I am completely certain I would never be able to maintain as I couldn't fight the head hunger constantly feeling the physical hunger.

I think it is great that you have made the decision to do what is right for your health! Good for you! I too was pre-diabetic and struggled with issues ranging from PCOS to hypothyroidism all as a result of my excess weight I think you have made a great decision and will be happier because of it. Remember we are all here for you with support. I am a true believer that it doesn't matter how much a person has to lose, it is hard regardless. For me, I have about 100 left to go, but there have been times in my life when I was 50 pounds overweight or 20 pounds overweight. It doesn't change the feelings we have and in reality is the same struggle.

Kudos to you for making the first step! :)

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I think it is great that you have made the decision to do what is right for your health! Good for you! I too was pre-diabetic and struggled with issues ranging from PCOS to hypothyroidism all as a result of my excess weight I think you have made a great decision and will be happier because of it. Remember we are all here for you with support. I am a true believer that it doesn't matter how much a person has to lose, it is hard regardless. For me, I have about 100 left to go, but there have been times in my life when I was 50 pounds overweight or 20 pounds overweight. It doesn't change the feelings we have and in reality is the same struggle.

Kudos to you for making the first step! :)

Thank you to everyone who wrote. I feel better; I was afraid of being judged because I'm not severely overweight. But the struggle is the same, and I can see my future if I don't get a handle on this. Thanks everyone and keep up the good work and spirits!

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Thank you to everyone who wrote. I feel better; I was afraid of being judged because I'm not severely overweight. But the struggle is the same, and I can see my future if I don't get a handle on this. Thanks everyone and keep up the good work and spirits!

Hello Simego!!

I have been reading the forum for about 6 months now and have been feeling the same way. My BMI is 32, and I was afraid I would be judged as well. Thank you soooo much for speaking up. The response from Phoenix was spot on. I have tried and most times succeeded on every diet out there. However, in the last 18+ months have gained 55 lbs. As if judging myself isn't enough, I can see the "what happened to her" once over from friends, family etc. Two clients have happily declared CONGRATS on the pregnancy!! I've given up on losing it this time, why bother, I'll just gain it back, right?? What an emotional roller coaster. Each failure just brings more self loathing. I'm struggling between being all in one minute to grasping at "OMG, I'll never be able to eat/enjoy _______again" I only know the me I am now...

My husband isn't quite supportive either. He thinks a little more self control and exercise is all I need. I guess this is true, but why is it sooo hard? I've been thinking of having it done without his knowing...I wonder if this is possible?

Anyway, I wish you much success, let me know what you decide.

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Hello Simego!!

I have been reading the forum for about 6 months now and have been feeling the same way. My BMI is 32, and I was afraid I would be judged as well. Thank you soooo much for speaking up. The response from Phoenix was spot on. I have tried and most times succeeded on every diet out there. However, in the last 18+ months have gained 55 lbs. As if judging myself isn't enough, I can see the "what happened to her" once over from friends, family etc. Two clients have happily declared CONGRATS on the pregnancy!! I've given up on losing it this time, why bother, I'll just gain it back, right?? What an emotional roller coaster. Each failure just brings more self loathing. I'm struggling between being all in one minute to grasping at "OMG, I'll never be able to eat/enjoy _______again" I only know the me I am now...

My husband isn't quite supportive either. He thinks a little more self control and exercise is all I need. I guess this is true, but why is it sooo hard? I've been thinking of having it done without his knowing...I wonder if this is possible?

Anyway, I wish you much success, let me know what you decide.

I don't think you would be able to keep it secret for long. The incisions on your tummy would tell the story, not to mention the recovery time and the eating patterns post op. My husband wasn't on board with the decision at first either, but when my surgeon explained to him the importance of getting control of my weight now, he started coming around to my way of thinking. The risks of years of being overweight outweighed (no pun intended) the risk of the surgery, for me.

Good luck with your decision! :)

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Here's what I told my friends. I haven't had my first fill yet and haven't lost much weight yet. It will happen.

It's not about losing the weight. It's about the backslide afterwards:

Funny thing is that I eat correctly. I don't do fried foods, high fat, high sugar, etc. I didn't gain the weight overnight. I gained it over nine months (DD now 13) and have had it ever since. I didn't lose a pound on South Beach and was on it faithfully for two months. I eat that way anyway. My weight has varied 20 pounds since she was born. Ten up and ten down. It is what it is.

What I am unwilling to do is get to a healthy weight twice. I worked for Nutri/System for two years in college. I've watched people at the office drop weight using WW, N/S, Atkins, Provida, the Cookie Diet, etc and do a great job of it --- for a while ---until it came back on again. Not enough people succeed at keeping it off. No reason to think I'm atypical.

So, I've decided to make it hard to gain it back again. And that means giving up Diet Coke, things that my new stomach decides it can't manage and large portions of anything. Permant change with hardware. It won't be easy at all. You don't indulge because you can't indulge. For pretty much ever.

It's hard to live and let live when others are taking on the same task. From their perspective it's like they read the 1000 page novel and I bought the Cliff's Notes. From my perspective the difference is that later, they can have a banana split or whatever on occasion but I can have dinner or a glass of wine. Not both.

It would feel like cheating if I hadn't tried so many different diets that didn't work for me. The last one was Medifast and my skin errupted with soy protein intolerance.

Hello Phoenix,

I enjoyed reading your response. I've tried every diet you listed and then some. I am 39, 5'4" 186 lbs with a 32 BMI. I've scanned so many stats on the forum and haven't felt band worthy. I'm so afraid I'll fail with this also, I don't think my self esteem could take it. How are you feeling? The "for pretty much ever" is a little scary, but it sounds like you're doing it. I'm a diet cokeaholic, banana split & wine kind of girl (you mentioned tham all!!), how do you "deal" without??

When were you banded? How bad are the scars? Any other tidbits of wisdom?

Thanks so much!

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Hi I started with a low BMI as well, and I am sorry to say you will be judged, It was the first time in my life I was judged for being to thin...

For the most part all my fellow bandsters where very supportive, however there was a few family members in the waiting room that made very snide comments to me. When I went for my first fill the fill nurse even made a comment.

What these people don't know is that I have delt with my weight since I was 8, I was addicted to phentermine, for years and thank god no long term damage to my heart!!! been clean for 2 years!! I tried to be bulimic but couldn't make myself throwup (thank god), I was over 220 lbs. and lost weight with jenny craig. unfourtantly like many of you... Losing weight is not the battle it's keeping it off... so I made a decision along with my counsler, that I would do the lapband before I gained it all back. I still struggle with portion control, so I eat alot of lean cusines...

I had also gone through menopause at 35 so losing weight has got that much harder. I am so glad I got the band because I know with this tool inside me I now have the power to keep off the weight.

The scars are nothing, I wear a 2 piece now and they are hardly noticable. they look like cat scratches

My pictures are posted in the gallery under yoyodieter if you you want to look

The only people that know I had it done is one of my sons and my hubby and of course all of you. as far as I'm concerned it's nobody elses business.

I also had a tummytuck 7 years ago when I lost 50 lbs. the 1st or was it the 2nd or 3rd time...any way that is why my tummy is still kinda flat.

Hope this helps in your decision.. and good luck

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All I'm going to say is I wish I had done this at a much lower weight instead of getting to the point where my weight was 275 pounds.

Congratulations on your decision, it’s your body – you know what’s right for you and over the years I've learned to not ask for permission – I now just ask for support.



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The scars really won't be noticeable. Not any worse than my tomboy scars on my knees and elbows :P

I have 4 tiny lines that are 1 cm long. The port incision is 4 cm long. It will look like a thin scratch when I'm in a bikini again....Which is next year. :D

Dr. O was a plastic surgeon resident. He does pretty work. I'm olive skinned and tan easily. He noticed the dark spot on my knee where there used to be a mole 2 years ago. He said that I shouldn't let the sun on my incisions for a year or they'll turn into dark lines. It's tankinis this year.

Diet Coke is the hardest. I miss it, I steal sips of my husband's, but only small sips and only one or two. I switched to tea in the afternoons at the office.

If Dairy Queen made a 4 oz banana split, wouldn't we all be in heaven? I'll have to suffice with a bite or two from whatever the kids order. --and hopefully they'll share. If I want a glass of wine on Friday or Saturday, I have one. Not with food though. It's either half hour before or an hour after. Alcohol affects me differently now. Hard to explain, but maybe it's because my stomach is empty and it has to go from one litte stomach to the other.

Since there's no restriction in my band yet, besides Diet Coke, I don't know yet know what I've given up for good. Some people can't manage breads/rice/steak/chicken/pizza/apples/broccoli/asperagus/melon/etc again. Some can. I'll admit that two weeks before being banded, I sort of had a "last supper" syndrome. I drank plenty of Diet Coke, had sourdough bread, plenty of baby spinach, salads, asperagus, sushi -- whatever I didn't think I could manage again. I gained 3 pounds, but the 3 week liquids only diet after surgery took care of them.

Good luck with your decision. If it's right for you, "No" is every bit as correct as "Yes".

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Hi I started with a low BMI as well, and I am sorry to say you will be judged, It was the first time in my life I was judged for being to thin...

For the most part all my fellow bandsters where very supportive, however there was a few family members in the waiting room that made very snide comments to me. When I went for my first fill the fill nurse even made a comment.

What these people don't know is that I have delt with my weight since I was 8, I was addicted to phentermine, for years and thank god no long term damage to my heart!!! been clean for 2 years!! I tried to be bulimic but couldn't make myself throwup (thank god), I was over 220 lbs. and lost weight with jenny craig. unfourtantly like many of you... Losing weight is not the battle it's keeping it off... so I made a decision along with my counsler, that I would do the lapband before I gained it all back. I still struggle with portion control, so I eat alot of lean cusines...

I had also gone through menopause at 35 so losing weight has got that much harder. I am so glad I got the band because I know with this tool inside me I now have the power to keep off the weight.

The scars are nothing, I wear a 2 piece now and they are hardly noticable. they look like cat scratches

My pictures are posted in the gallery under yoyodieter if you you want to look

The only people that know I had it done is one of my sons and my hubby and of course all of you. as far as I'm concerned it's nobody elses business.

I also had a tummytuck 7 years ago when I lost 50 lbs. the 1st or was it the 2nd or 3rd time...any way that is why my tummy is still kinda flat.

Hope this helps in your decision.. and good luck

Hi Linda,

Thanks for the info, I agree that it really is no one else's business. Feeling powerless against food is exactly how I feel, it's like a monster takes over and stuffs fork fulls of food in my mouth!! Ah, to take back a little power!! I also tried being bulimic, problem was I'd make myself throw up then eat again!! Kind of defeats the purpose, ha ha!

Congratulations on your success, you look beautiful AND radiant!! And thanks again for the info, it really helps.

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i have/had a lowish BMI when i decided to get the band and I'm really glad I did. I'm actually pretty athletic and workout 5-7 x a week. I just have a ridiculously hard time with portion control. I didn't understand why my weight ballooned suddenly when i stopped doing Atkins. But it did, i gained back the 20 lbs i lost and then 10 more just to twist the knife. I have always been really active and i felt it was VERY unfair that I would have to live my life on a diet to stay at a reasonable or healthy weight. Now with the band I don't have severe hunger issues. I know that if i've eaten my 3 meals and i'm wanting to snack it's head hunger and i'm invested in fighting that urge. I've tried EVERYTHING else and I was still backsliding into a very unhealthy place so I decided to put a stop to it.

So don't worry about people judging you. If you know nothing else will work I say go for it and never look back. You're doing this for your health and for your self.

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i have/had a lowish BMI when i decided to get the band and I'm really glad I did. I'm actually pretty athletic and workout 5-7 x a week. I just have a ridiculously hard time with portion control. I didn't understand why my weight ballooned suddenly when i stopped doing Atkins. But it did, i gained back the 20 lbs i lost and then 10 more just to twist the knife. I have always been really active and i felt it was VERY unfair that I would have to live my life on a diet to stay at a reasonable or healthy weight. Now with the band I don't have severe hunger issues. I know that if i've eaten my 3 meals and i'm wanting to snack it's head hunger and i'm invested in fighting that urge. I've tried EVERYTHING else and I was still backsliding into a very unhealthy place so I decided to put a stop to it.

So don't worry about people judging you. If you know nothing else will work I say go for it and never look back. You're doing this for your health and for your self.

Thank you Linda, Michelle, Lisa, Dita and (especially) Phoenix. Sorry if I forgot anyone! It's so helpful to hear from other people.

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Well Simego, I wish you all the best. I completely agree with Phoenix and the rest of the ladies! I also must mention, that I should have and could have done this two years ago, but waited- and in the mean time gained 45 more pounds! When I think back to when I was in the 30-35 range, I feel I waited too long. You are right in thinking of the future. I knew that my future was to gain weight, but for some reason, I HOPED that I was wrong. I knew this due to genetics, habits and yo-yo weight loss and dieting. I even bought an elliptical machine and a bow-flex, which incidentally, I didn't really begin to use consistently either, until after the surgery.

As for details of the who is in the know, for me its 2 people. My husband and my best friend. My children and family and other friends, are completely unaware of my surgery. Yes, your eating patterns will change, and yes you will have to answer to some questions, BUT you can keep it to yourself as long as you want. As for your scars, they are minimal. Some people even refer them to scratch marks after a while. And besides, who would be you be showing your tummy to anytime soon, anyway? Certainly not your friends or other relatives. SO when they do ask, you can always be honest and say, "I'm trying a new way of eating" no harm done. :D

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I think it is great that you have made the decision to do what is right for your health! Good for you! I too was pre-diabetic and struggled with issues ranging from PCOS to hypothyroidism all as a result of my excess weight I think you have made a great decision and will be happier because of it. Remember we are all here for you with support. I am a true believer that it doesn't matter how much a person has to lose, it is hard regardless. For me, I have about 100 left to go, but there have been times in my life when I was 50 pounds overweight or 20 pounds overweight. It doesn't change the feelings we have and in reality is the same struggle.

Kudos to you for making the first step! :)

I have these medical conditions as well. I also have the sleep apnea. I can't wait to see if these things go away after the weight loss!

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I have these medical conditions as well. I also have the sleep apnea. I can't wait to see if these things go away after the weight loss!

i just got banded this past wed. and i remember thinking while i was in the waiting room that most of the other people there didn't look as big as i had expected.

my bmi was slightly under 32. but, i figured why wait for the inevidable wt gain? the longer you wait the more stretched out your skin will be. and the bigger the effects on your health and joints.

i see this as a tool to help me cont the eating habits that are easier to stick to during the weight loss period than to maintain long term to keep the weight off.


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My very first thought at seeing a slim person get banded used to be negative. Until I stopped to realize, why wait until problems occur you have health issues that will cost not only a fortune in money but years off your life. Now, my thinking is, great, good for you, nip that sucker in the bud BEFORE it gets bad. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't that what preventative healthcare and HMO's are all about?

Yeah, and yet, they still won't pay for the surgery most of the time, and then only if you are already huge or very sick. How hypocritical!

So, go get it done and if you get a hard time from someone, explain you are just trying to nip all those future problems in the bud before they happen. Thats all it took for me to realize that and shut my big mouth!

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My BMI is a 30 and I am self pay. I am very tall (6 foot) and I don't look like I weight as much as I do. I have had a few people tell me I am crazy to do this but I know in my heart it is the right thing because I have tried several diets and always gain it back. I am strictly doing it for health reasons. My cholesterol is off the charts and I am a strong candidate for diabetes. I really don't care what anyone thinks of me. This is my decision. My surgery is scheduled for August 18th and it can't get here fast enough. I have been lurking on this site for quite awhile and I always feel more comfortable with my decision after I read the posts.

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Hello everyone and what a great topic.

I was banded approx 3.5 months ago and have had two fills (OCC). I did not feel any restriction after the first fill but do after the second - sometimes. Unless things change restriction-wise, I am beginning to resign myself to the fact that most of the time, I'll have to manage portion control through my own efforts. Not one of my strengths. Of course, my pre-banding fantasy was that I would be physically unable to overeat - as long as I wasn't trying to put down only soft foods. HA HA.

There are times, sometimes once a day, twice a day, sometimes not at all, when I am able to eat only a few bites before feeling an esophogeal pressure that tells me STOP or soon you'll REALLY be hurting. It's not that I feel full, but the prospect of feeling as though I've swallowed a golf ball gives me good reason to stop. Voila, portion control.

Yes, I chew - very very well, don't drink when I eat, and stay away from liquid calories, cut the sodas, yada yada.

Unfortunately, this feeling of built-in-portion-control is fleeting. The problem is that a couple of hours after a 2-4 bite meal, I'm really hungry. So, if at my next meal I don't feel any restriction - oh oh - I'm both hungry and OPEN. A dangerous predicament.

So, I'm toying with the idea of going back on Atkins since protein has the best chance at giving me that "can't eat another bite" feeling. It seems that once I move onto my vegies and carbs, I tend to "open up". Sometimes, it seems as though eating the relatively softer vegies and carbs actually helps the pressure go away = I'm open and on my own.

I'm at 181 now and was banded at 186. Whoopee. I'm an exerciser, and am a realatively health conscious eater - just too much eating.

A friend of my who was banded three years ago and has sucessfully lost a good chunk of weight put it this way. "When you have good restriction, you're still hungry but just can't eat anymore. That's how you end up eating less and losing weight."

Yesterday for example, I could only manage two bites of my lunch before getting pressure in my esophagus. YEAH! At dinner I hoped for the same as I was faced with a grand buffet. Fat chance (Pun intended). It was as if I didn't even have a band. Last night, I won the battle to stop on my own even though I was really hungry. I guess my band decided to go off-duty.

Maybe I need to go in for another fill?

Good luck everybody. May we all reach our goals.

Here's what I told my friends. I haven't had my first fill yet and haven't lost much weight yet. It will happen.

It's not about losing the weight. It's about the backslide afterwards:

Funny thing is that I eat correctly. I don't do fried foods, high fat, high sugar, etc. I didn't gain the weight overnight. I gained it over nine months (DD now 13) and have had it ever since. I didn't lose a pound on South Beach and was on it faithfully for two months. I eat that way anyway. My weight has varied 20 pounds since she was born. Ten up and ten down. It is what it is.

What I am unwilling to do is get to a healthy weight twice. I worked for Nutri/System for two years in college. I've watched people at the office drop weight using WW, N/S, Atkins, Provida, the Cookie Diet, etc and do a great job of it --- for a while ---until it came back on again. Not enough people succeed at keeping it off. No reason to think I'm atypical.

So, I've decided to make it hard to gain it back again. And that means giving up Diet Coke, things that my new stomach decides it can't manage and large portions of anything. Permant change with hardware. It won't be easy at all. You don't indulge because you can't indulge. For pretty much ever.

It's hard to live and let live when others are taking on the same task. From their perspective it's like they read the 1000 page novel and I bought the Cliff's Notes. From my perspective the difference is that later, they can have a banana split or whatever on occasion but I can have dinner or a glass of wine. Not both.

It would feel like cheating if I hadn't tried so many different diets that didn't work for me. The last one was Medifast and my skin errupted with soy protein intolerance.

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I also had a very low bmi at the time of surgery (under 30). I did get strange looks and comments. People kept asking me if I was the "after" example. But just remember, they have no idea what you have gone through dieting. I have been dieting since I was in 5th grade, been on every possible diet program, taken diet pills for years, etc. Who cares what anyone thinks, you will be so happy to have your weight under control finally. I get my first fill next week. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!


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I believe whether you have to lose 20 or 120 pounds it's a struggle, especially for women. It does NOT get easier with age so I encourage anyone to go for it at whatever BMI they feel is too much and find a Dr. who will help you.(unless of course you are truly anorexic or something which is a whole separate issue. Also no Dr. would put one in under a certain BMI anyway. I believe Dr. Ortiz is very reasonable in his practice to band those lower BMI's because it is preventavie medicine. Good luck to all!!

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