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First Solids..What did (or will) you have?

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Ok...I get to have solids on July 10th..it is getting so CLOSE! I have finally decided what I want. My sweetie has even said that she would pick it up. YUM!

I love bourbon chicken. I think some stir fry veggies will go with it nicely. It also comes with rice or lo mein. I figure I will probably manage a few bites of the chicken and veggies...and the noodles will probably not get eaten.

So what are you all eating? (or did you eat?)

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MMMmm..that's sounds really good!

I am not sure what to have....I love chicken, but may not start with that...I have eaten enough fish to choke a shark!

I like caesar salad too...hmmmm...that's a really good question....I will have to ponder that one before Friday.

Cathy :lol:

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1/2 of a cheeseburger, extra ketchup and pickles, no fries. I didn't have room.

Yummmmmy!!! I haven't had a burger in 6 weeks!

I bought some ground chicken, I think I will doctor it up with spices, onions and celery and have it on a light bun....mmmmmmmm!!

Now I'm hungry again!


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By the time I went on solids I was starving!! It just so happened that my family had planned a dinner at Famous Dave's BBQ that same day. I had tri-tip, a rib, potato salad, baked beans and corn bread without any problem what so ever. I needed a fill by the time I went on solids.

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Guest sdejong

What a great question.... I get solids on July 21st, I am thinking about either mexican or my all time favorite meal Ceasar salad with garlic mash potatoes. Today was my first day of creamy soup and I had cream of split pea, I only ate 1/2 a cup (too much) and it was soooooooooo good...


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My solid food date was July 7. I had some salmon, grilled on a cedar plan and really seasoned up. It was the best DARN salmon that I ever had. lol

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My 1st. solids was meatloaf and a few bites of a baked potatoe! I can't eat any type of bread or pastries. I use to love any kind of bread. But, because of bread was one of the reasons I was over weight to begin with! French fries, cornbread or hush puppies don't go down well and most of the time comes back up! So I don't eat them any more.

Kelly C

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