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Port site lump...

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I'm pretty sure its normal but I thought I'd ask anyway...no harm in that right? Banded on July 2nd, and my port site still has a lump feeling under the incision. I'm sure its still just swollen and the port itself too giving it that "lump" feeling...but I just thought I would ask you guys too! And guess what?!!!! I get to start my creamy soup phase tomorrow! YEA!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to try some of the reciepts I found on the forum. Thanks everyone. :D:D :D


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I can actually feel my port under my skin, I'm not sure if the lump you are feeling is soft or hard. If it is the port you are feeling you would know. If you feel it is something other than the port you should call Dr. O and let them know what you are experiencing.

Let us know how it goes.


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Its been over 21 months and I can still feel my port "lump" - can't see it but can feel it under my skin. Scar tissue has formed around it (from what the nurse says) so it gets harder for her to poke with the needle. Dr Ortiz uses the low dimension ports with us so they sit lower under our skin – I’ve seen some US pt's and you can see their port – it sticks out actually – (they had the older ports that were bigger).

I was always worried that after I lost the weight you might be able to see my port – nope – even wit an extended tummy tuck and lippo (and a 28 inch waist) I still can’t see it.

Congrats on reaching the creamy soups faze - you're almost through it!

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It's normal!!!! After the swelling goes down so will the size of the lump. I too can feel mine more so since losing almost 80 lbs. Don't worry that is just your port! I would worry if I couldn't feel it! LOL! Your doing just fine.

Kelly C

Banded April 07

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I can feel mine under and to the left of my incision. It feels odd.

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I am with you Cathy I cant feel mine either.. But I havent poked around much either.. My incisions still have glue on them.. Kinda scared to pull it off since I am only 12 days post op.

Don't pull it off! Your skin will heal and replace itself. As it does that, the glue will just come loose. Where it is just hanging loose (like a band-aid that has fallen away), it's okay to remove it.

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Don't pull it off! Your skin will heal and replace itself. As it does that, the glue will just come loose. Where it is just hanging loose (like a band-aid that has fallen away), it's okay to remove it.

Ohh no I dont plan to peel it anytime soon.. Im a whimp! Plus the one under my bra got a little irrated and so I want to give them all the time to heal that they need.. I even put a little super glue on that one to make sure it was covered completely...

How long did it take for your glue to come off?

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I even put a little super glue on that one to make sure it was covered completely...

I'm not so sure putting super glue on it is a good idea. The chemicals in it are very different than the "glue" they use at the clinic. It's done now but I wouldn't suggest it to any others who are reading this. If you simply covered the "glue"that's already there it's probably ok. Just wouldn't recommend putting superglue on the skin especially over a fresh incision. What is used at the clinic is a special type of adhesive created for medical use to be compatible with skin, special ingredients that arn't harmful. I would call the clinic to make sure you shouldn't just remove the whole thing now. Not meaning to scare you but it should be checked out by the clinic. Don't over stress because what's done is done, just call the clinic and tell them you did this.

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My sister is a wound care nurse as well and I called her and asked her about it and she told me to do it. I did not put it directly in the incisions I put it on top of the glue that was already there. It is fine and healing up greatly and is not and has not looked infected in the less bit. My sister said she uses it on her self and thats what she uses on her own kids so I felt ever safe taking her advice.

Julie thanks for your concern but all is well...

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