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Weight Loss Blog

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In addition to my everyday stop at this forum for questions, answers, support, love, etc I've decided to create a weight loss blog. It's not going to be so much a keeping of my progress, but of topics that pertain to weight loss, weight loss surgery, the ups and downs, and my success and failures. What good is a blog if no one but me reads it? You're all welcome to view my blog at:


It's an all you can eat word buffet! Ha, did you like that play on words? Since none of us are actually going to REAL buffets, a literary one might do us some good.

I hope you enjoy it!

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Alana I just saved your blog into my favorites! Like Erin, I do not know how to put my thoughts or feelings into words either.. But after reading your blog I think we are sisters! I promise I just seen myself in your blog...Yay for you for putting your feelings down in writing and sharing those with us...

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I loved it Alana! I wish I had time to write down my thoughts like that. Maybe someday... ;)

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I have plenty of time at work to write. I coordinate website design and I'm only busy when I have appointments scheduled for the day. I only had one appointment this morning, so I'm blogging away!! Plus I don't have kids or anything like that.

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Love your blog Alana! you must be a writer! I love the name of it too, it is just so fitting.

I also have a blog but it is more of a journal of my feelings and updated when I have time... I would love to have readers though :)


I have another blog for my small home biz, but you guys don't want to see that ;)

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I will definitely be adding your blog to the group I read on a daily basis! I'm not a writer, I just like to write. :) Yay for blogs!

Haha... I guess I better start posting more eh? oh yah, I am Canadian and say "eh" all the time without even noticing...just a little tidbit for anyone who doesn't know me.

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Just wait until you have kids..you don't even get to go to the bathroom alone! LOL It is very rewarding though.

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Guest sdejong


Reading your blog made me want to cry in certain spots because I can see aspects of my own life in you blog. Like others I have trouble putting my thoughts and feelings about my weight into words. I am a teacher and you would think it would be easy but I have worked so hard to not think about it that I can't.... Thank you for your brave words....


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Reading your blog made me want to cry in certain spots because I can see aspects of my own life in you blog. Like others I have trouble putting my thoughts and feelings about my weight into words. I am a teacher and you would think it would be easy but I have worked so hard to not think about it that I can't.... Thank you for your brave words....


Writing parts of those blogs did make me cry. I've spent so long hiding from my obesity, that it feels good (and a little scary) to actually write it down. I just said to myself, "You've gotta say it. If you don't, you'll never change". Maybe you can keep a private journal that only you read to start with so you can feel comfortable with saying those things. I know it's hard. But it's a relief to get those things off your chest, it really is. Just remember, we've all been there.

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Thank you for sharing Alana! I started to cry because of how much your story's like mine!! I'm about twice your age, but the food issues we have are very similar. I've wondered for a LONG time now what makes some people gorge themselves on food??!! I didn't and still don't understand it. We must be born with something different in our DNA...it's so hard some times!

I want you to know that I think you're a very brave young woman. Best wishes, Darlene

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WOW, I am so proud of you Alana! What a wonderful blog and very well written! Plus, it is almost like my own personal story. Don't you ever stop writing that blog, it's very important and you are doing an excellent job! A lot of people will see it and see themselves in it. You are very brave for writing what you have done so far. And I would never have guessed you were only 24. You are wise beyond your years!

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WOW, I am so proud of you Alana! What a wonderful blog and very well written! Plus, it is almost like my own personal story. Don't you ever stop writing that blog, it's very important and you are doing an excellent job! A lot of people will see it and see themselves in it. You are very brave for writing what you have done so far. And I would never have guessed you were only 24. You are wise beyond your years!

Thank you, Mona! I'm actually just about to be 23. And thank you for commenting on the blog! I will definitely comment back. Anyone can leave me comments...I welcome them!

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Thanks Alana for your beautiful and honest blog!!! I identify with so many of the things you described. I am sad to say after my 3rd daughter was born I tried to prevent any pictures being taken of the two of us in the hospital. I am sad to say that I was furious when I found out my coworker showed some pics she took of my daughter and I around the office. I had had lots of fluids (had some complications that caused bloating too) and looked very much like a beached whale. I cried and cried when I saw the pics.

I can't wait to want to have pictures taken with my kids instead of hiding or taking the pics!!!

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I loved your blog! Thank you for your honesty and demonstrating your courage to write those things down. You speak for many of us who aren't brave enough to admit to the same things. We all identify with parts of your blog, and it does help to know that we are not alone in our struggles.

Bless you, and thanks again for sharing.


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