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New from Arkansas

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I am new to the forum. I have an appointment July 16 with the surgeon. I am excited and scare at the same time. I so desperately in need of this surgery.

I am curious if anyone else is having the same problem that I am. I know that my surgery is coming up, and I will have to start the liquid diet pre-op, but right now I am eating everything in sight.

I sure hope that I can do this.


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Hi Grammy!

Congrats on making such a great decision for yourself. I think we all did the panic eating when we knew this was it. I know I did! Good luck!

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Welcome Grammy!!!

Congrats on your decision to get healthy!!!

Yes, I think we have all been there, when I was researching and making plans to make the decision, I ate everything insight too. But when I made the decision and booked the appointment, I decided to start eating healthier and getting myself mentally ready for the lifestyle change.

I was banded a month ago and I am so happy I did it....there is no doubt that it's a complete lifestyle change, but for every inch that goes away and for every pound down on the scale, I can honestly say, I worked for that!

Best of Luck and if you have any questions at all, you can ask right here, we have veteran bandsters and newbies and greatest support system around!!!

Cathy ;)

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I was the same way, we think were not going to be able to eat the foods we like. Don't let yourself fall into this trap. It's important to eat healthy and all, but you can still eat what you like, it may just be in a really small amounts. I did this after my surgery, and regret it. It's a mental head trip... Well best of luck to you!! Don't beat yourself up over it... You will have sucess!!


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