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Does the shuttle take you back to San Diego?

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When you are released from the OCC, and then the hotel, does the shuttle take you back to San Diego? Will they take you to a hotel near the airport in San Diego, or only the airport? And I think I read somewhere that they go at 8 am and 1 pm; is that right? Thanks,

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He will take you back to the airport, or within a five mile radius. I remember a couple of us needed to go to the trolley station and he dropped us off there, and one of us needed to go to the car rental division and he dropped her off there. I would assume as long it is along the way, I wouldnt see why there would be a problem with that? Francisco is really nice, send him my regards - that is if he remembers me- so many patients go in and out, I doubt it, but hey what the heck?

Have you booked your surgery?

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When you are released from the OCC, and then the hotel, does the shuttle take you back to San Diego? Will they take you to a hotel near the airport in San Diego, or only the airport? And I think I read somewhere that they go at 8 am and 1 pm; is that right? Thanks,

As far as I know, they shuttle people at different hours. You send them your flight itinerary ahead of time and they make sure that you're at the airport on time. Hope that helps! :bye:

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We had to walk through US customs. We physically had to exit the van with our luggage in hand, and move forward in a long line of people entering the US. As we entered the building, the process was painless and trouble free, but it took a long time because of the amount of people. As we exited the customs building, there was a walk to the van, approximately 150-200 yards, carrying our luggage and souvenirs, and then we were able to re-enter the van to continue to the airport.

That didnt happen to everyone, I don't believe. I think the long line of people was due to the time we arrived at the border. Maybe earlier or later, the line would have been short. If I ever go again, I'll stick to my EST times, and leave VERY early in the AM to see if we avoid them.

Francisco was wonderful. Our trip to the airport was delayed by one patient and family who forgot the time, and was over 40 minutes late to leave. That, plus the delay at customs put us at the airport with little time to spare. And that is CLEARLY not the fault of OCC. The departure time planned by Francisco was excellent.

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Thanks you guys. And yes! I booked my surgery for two weeks from yesterday. CRAZY. I am reading everyone's post, trying to figure out how I will feel when it is over and just everyone's experience. I am most anxious about just the fact that I HAVE to change my life, and that I can't, once in a while, just overeat when it's fun (like at Thanksgiving or similar.) Of course, we shouldn't do that anyway, sigh ... I am hoping that when the pounds start coming off I will feel happy enough about that that the other stuff doesn't matter as much. Truly, I can't imagine what all this will feel like.

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:lb10: :lb21:

Glad you booked your surgery. You won't regret it. The shuttle is wonderful and will pick you up at the hotel to coincide with getting you to the airport on time. I think I was picked up about 3 hours before my departure time, if I am remembering right.

You're doing the right thing by just reading as much as you can on this forum. It's a wealth of info. If you can't find what you need just ask. Start that pre-op diet today so you won't worry about losing the weight. You can do this!!

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Yes he will take you to a hotel or back to where ever. He took some of ours to work places, hotels and some to the airport. Both times that I have been we have gotten out of the van and walked thru but the line has never been long and we left once at 4 am and once at 8 am. Good luck with surgery and believe me you will love it there everyone is so nice and helpful both at the hotel and the OCC.

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When you are released from the OCC, and then the hotel, does the shuttle take you back to San Diego? Will they take you to a hotel near the airport in San Diego, or only the airport? And I think I read somewhere that they go at 8 am and 1 pm; is that right? Thanks,

Yes they take you back to San Diego Airport! I think the times are flexible just depends on the times other people have their flights.

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