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Drinking H20 while eating

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I know that we are not supposed to drink fluids when we are eating. This is soooo hard for me. I always sipped on water during my meals and had the mindset that the water would help fill me up so I wouldn't eat as much. To reverse this habit of years and then to not drink for another hour after I eat has been very hard. I just feel like anytime I eat I HAVE to HAVE a sip of water. Anyone else have this problem or is it just me? Any suggestions to help with this?

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Hi Julie, I so know how hard it is not too...some foods like bread and chicken get stuck and I take a sip.

The idea is not to wash the food from the smaller pouch into the larger pouch by drinking during meals, the more solid the food is in your small pouch the longer it takes to digest and you will feel full longer.

I am doing my best not to drink through the meal, but tend to need a small sip of water right afterwards. I also get that darn lump in my throat which it very annoying and I told the nurse at my clinic, I need to sip water to help with the sensation and she said small sips are fine.

Try not to...but if you absolutely have to, take very small sips. Drinking water while eating may make you feel full faster, but it will flush through faster as well and you will find yourself hungry sooner.

Good Luck!


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Yes, I have the same problem...It used to be diet cokes...but when I decided to have surgery, I stopped with the Carbonated drinks period, and I am strictly water and tea, now...but while I 'm eating I have a cup of water in front of me and if I feel I have to have a drink, I take a sip at a time....thoughts the best I can do right now...hopefully it will get to where I can let drinking water go completely while eating....Good Luck to Us! ;)

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It is SO hard not to drink, but you do whatcha gotta do, right?

In the end, that water before the meal is great, and after an hour, that water will be really good! I've had a few sips here and there while eating, but I made sure I didn't eat more than I was portioned out.

Everyday is a new day, and everyday I try to stay focused and realize that we are like babies - we need to relearn how to eat.

Good Luck!



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It is SO hard not to drink, but you do whatcha gotta do, right?

In the end, that water before the meal is great, and after an hour, that water will be really good! I've had a few sips here and there while eating, but I made sure I didn't eat more than I was portioned out.

Everyday is a new day, and everyday I try to stay focused and realize that we are like babies - we need to relearn how to eat.

Good Luck!



Did we get banded on the same day? If so I was wondering how you were doing? If not I am sorry to confuse you with someone else from WA. Hope you're doing great anyway!!

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Copying from an old post:

While our group was back at the OCC for our fill the topic of eating while drinking came up... I always knew it was bad but I thought it was because the liquids would wash the food through the band making it harder to become full. Dr. Romero kind of put the fear of god into us saying it was one of the worst things you could do for your band and not just because of the reason we thought.

He said that when you eat the food rests in the stoma above the band, and when you add liquid to that it builds up a lot of pressure in the stoma because the liquid isn't able to filter past the food so this causes a bulge kind of like in this picture.


Dr. R says continuing to do this will stretch your pouch, inch by inch day by day... and a stretched pouch means you can eat more which means the band can't do its job! Sadly there's not much that can be done for a stretched pouch, usually the only way to fix it is through surgery... His explanation really scared us straight!!

At home I will not even put a glass of water (or anything else) on the table... For me the only time I am tempted to drink while I eat is when I go out to eat, so what I do is just order water (I tried telling servers that I didn't want anything and that just got me weird looks and questions if I was sure and then they would bring me water anyways) so once they bring the water I squeeze the lemon into it (I don't like lemons in anything) so that kind of crushes my desire to drink it... I heard of another bandster who puts salt in her water so she isn't tempted to drink it. I will also move the water across the table in front of my husband also so it's not so close to my reach, if you have to lean across the table to grab your water you just might think twice about drinking it!!

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I was never much of a drinker with meals my whole life. So, I thought it would be easy for me. Boy, was I wrong. Since I've been told I can't, now I want!! How crazy is that?

But what I do, is right before I eat, Itake a few good sips of ice cold flavored water and that really helps. Then I don't drink anything for an hour.

Obviously it is a mental thing with me since it was fine all along til I was told no. But, that just made it harder.

Yeah, I know - I'm whacked!

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Did we get banded on the same day? If so I was wondering how you were doing? If not I am sorry to confuse you with someone else from WA. Hope you're doing great anyway!!

Hey Julie,

I'm sorry - I was banded on Feb 15, 2008 - you must have me confused with someone else.

Thanks - and I'm doing pretty good. Everyone has ups and downs. I'm happy to be on a UP right now. - One day at a time, right.

Good Luck to you!



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I was like that, it does get better - I always make sure to remove any glasses from my eating area. I'm out of the habit now and I don't think I'd like to drink and eat at the same time - that would seem odd.

On average if we are consistent with our changes it takes 3 months to change an old habit and create a new one. So stay strong and you'll get there. And don't be too hard on yourselves, just think about all of the bad habits we are changing right now and be proud!!

It will all come together and we’ll all be thin little minnies sitting pretty in our bathing suits next summer! (OK I'm already there and it’s awesome)!!!! So keep strong!!

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I was never much of a drinker with meals my whole life. So, I thought it would be easy for me. Boy, was I wrong. Since I've been told I can't, now I want!!

I was the same way. I never drank anything with my meals before I was banded. Now I want something to drink with all of them. lol I am doing pretty good with it now though, I guess I am just getting used to it.

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He said that when you eat the food rests in the stoma above the band, and when you add liquid to that it builds up a lot of pressure in the stoma because the liquid isn't able to filter past the food so this causes a bulge kind of like in this picture.


Dr. R says continuing to do this will stretch your pouch, inch by inch day by day... and a stretched pouch means you can eat more which means the band can't do its job! Sadly there's not much that can be done for a stretched pouch, usually the only way to fix it is through surgery... His explanation really scared us straight!!

Wow Thanks Mamamichelle! These are the kind of things I need to find out about, the ones that scare the POOPIE CRAP out of me. I also have the drinking problem with dinner - a lot of it is because I'm scared something's going to get stuck - I've always had this problem even pre-banded - the water always helped with whatever was stuck to either go down or come back up. My husband actually had to do the heimlich (SP?) thing on me once - it was that bad. Because of the coughing I was doing and the squeezing my husband was doing I even peed my pants and we were having dinner with my husband's sister and her husband (thank God we were at home!) - it was very, very embarrising!

You have to know my sister-in-law, she's one of those women who never goes anywhere without the perfect outfit on, flawless makeup applied, every hair in place and perfumed up! She's about 5 ft 4 in and maybe weighs 125 - I hate her! Not really, she's very sweet! Several years back we met up with them in Mammoth Lakes for a week of camping and fishing, we got there a few days before them and were out fishing on Lake George when they walked up - you could smell her before you saw her and there she was in all her glory - cute little white shorts, tank top, strappy sandals and of course all made up and every hair in place! And here my 185 pound (I'm 5" 4' too) over weight slug of a body sat, dirty fish crusted shorts, a man's big tshirt, ratty old tennies - dirty unwashed hair in a pony tail - forget make up! But you know what? she didn't catch a single fish that week and I caught 8 - that totally made up for the whole thing!!! Well she better just watch out, because before long I'll be wearing cute little white shorts with a tank top and strappy sandals!

I think I'll still keep a glass of water in front of me, but the adding salt thing is a great idea too! I need to write these really good tips & comments down and put them on my refrigerator!

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Wow Thanks Mamamichelle! These are the kind of things I need to find out about, the ones that scare the POOPIE CRAP out of me. I also have the drinking problem with dinner - a lot of it is because I'm scared something's going to get stuck - I've always had this problem even pre-banded - the water always helped with whatever was stuck to either go down or come back up. My husband actually had to do the heimlich (SP?) thing on me once - it was that bad. Because of the coughing I was doing and the squeezing my husband was doing I even peed my pants and we were having dinner with my husband's sister and her husband (thank God we were at home!) - it was very, very embarrising!

You have to know my sister-in-law, she's one of those women who never goes anywhere without the perfect outfit on, flawless makeup applied, every hair in place and perfumed up! She's about 5 ft 4 in and maybe weighs 125 - I hate her! Not really, she's very sweet! Several years back we met up with them in Mammoth Lakes for a week of camping and fishing, we got there a few days before them and were out fishing on Lake George when they walked up - you could smell her before you saw her and there she was in all her glory - cute little white shorts, tank top, strappy sandals and of course all made up and every hair in place! And here my 185 pound (I'm 5" 4' too) over weight slug of a body sat, dirty fish crusted shorts, a man's big tshirt, ratty old tennies - dirty unwashed hair in a pony tail - forget make up! But you know what? she didn't catch a single fish that week and I caught 8 - that totally made up for the whole thing!!! Well she better just watch out, because before long I'll be wearing cute little white shorts with a tank top and strappy sandals!

I think I'll still keep a glass of water in front of me, but the adding salt thing is a great idea too! I need to write these really good tips & comments down and put them on my refrigerator!

LMAO!!! Yes thanks Michelle for the great explanation. I knew someone(probably you michelle) would have a great explanation and reason for me not to drink while eating. I was shocked with this explanation but it sure makes sense. I am so afraid to stretch my pouch that this problem is now going to be controlled to make sure it won't happen. I love the lemon and salt ideas. Perhaps at a mexican restaurant we could put some hot sauce like tabasco in it!! Thanks again to all of you!!

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So, is it bad to drink if you are eating some salty peanuts. One night while playing cards with family we started eating some peanuts in the shell "salty of course". I ended up drinking a whole bottle of water while eating them, now concerned about stretching my pouch out!

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I had a hard time with this for the first couple of months, but I am finally used to not drinking while I eat now.

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You really shouldn't eat and drink - even peanuts, and I know its hard sometimes when you're in that social setting!! You most likely are perfectly fine so don't worry - one time shouldn't hurt, just don't do it again!

What I do is take a little drink ahead of time and then just eat a few to fit in. I really can’t eat a lot since I get so thirsty – if I get killer thirsty I will suck on a small ice cube just to quell the thirst, but not enough to stretch my band.

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If I'm cooking, I always have something to drink until about 15 minutes before I eat. Then I fix my plate and I make sure not to have any liquid anywhere near me while I eat. I usually forget to wait the hour after eating because I distract myself with the tv and computer, it usually turns out I'll have something to eat about an hour and a half after eating.

Dr. Ortiz, Dr. Miranda and Darlene all said to wait 1 hour after eating to drink.


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I too find it difficult not to drink while eating. You are definitely not alone. The hardest time for me is when we go out to eat, which is normally Mexican food, here in Texas. This dining experience usually involves hot sauce! Try eating spicy hot sauce and not drinking! This is what I did today...I count out 5 chips and break off small pieces so it feels like I'm eating more and dip each piece in the sauce, then chew, chew, chew until it is like paste. This was all before I remembered I can't drink for an hour, so, I had to sit and suffer for an hour to pass until I could drink something. I finally swished around some iced tea in my mouth and spit it into an empty glass to get the burning sensation to go away. What a pretty site! :P

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I too find it difficult not to drink while eating. You are definitely not alone. The hardest time for me is when we go out to eat, which is normally Mexican food, here in Texas. This dining experience usually involves hot sauce! Try eating spicy hot sauce and not drinking! This is what I did today...I count out 5 chips and break off small pieces so it feels like I'm eating more and dip each piece in the sauce, then chew, chew, chew until it is like paste. This was all before I remembered I can't drink for an hour, so, I had to sit and suffer for an hour to pass until I could drink something. I finally swished around some iced tea in my mouth and spit it into an empty glass to get the burning sensation to go away. What a pretty site! :P

Love this ides. I have been doing better. I try and make sure to note the time when I am done eating to be sure to wait 1 full hour after eating now. I also drink alot before I eat also which I never thought of before. Thanks for all the tips.

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