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Help! Stomach Virus!!!

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Okay, so my husband was throwing up yesterday with what we assumed was a stomach virus or something he ate. Then tonight I just ate a small tostada and then out of nowhere got really nauseous. Then I started dry heaving. I am so scared that I am going to damage something! What are you supposed to do if you get a virus like that?? Nobody mentioned what to do when I had the surgery and I am freaking out!

I am typing with a bowl on my lap just in case the dry heaving becomes real vomiting!



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I know that someone had posted on here about an anti-nausea medicine, but I can't remember what it was??!! I don't know if a motion sickness med. like Dramamine would work or not? I sure hope you feel better soon, best wishes, Darlene

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:huh: oh no i am sooo sorry that you are ill....i was banded here in san antonio,tx at the true results center and my doctor sent me home with a bottle of promethazine and told to take it at any signs of nausea..i would call your doctor and have him call in a prescription for you just in case!!

Okay, so my husband was throwing up yesterday with what we assumed was a stomach virus or something he ate. Then tonight I just ate a small tostada and then out of nowhere got really nauseous. Then I started dry heaving. I am so scared that I am going to damage something! What are you supposed to do if you get a virus like that?? Nobody mentioned what to do when I had the surgery and I am freaking out!

I am typing with a bowl on my lap just in case the dry heaving becomes real vomiting!



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Okay, so my husband found some anti-nausea in the medicine cabinet. The dry heaving stopped, but my stomach is still very gurgly (yes I just made up that word, lol), and I am still feeling sick. I tried to call the OCC, no answer. Is there someone to contact after hours?

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Good point. I will find the packet. I thought I remembered some emergency numbers. Thank you!! Still no true vomiting, keeping fingers crossed that the medicine will save me!

Thank You for the advice for this sick newbie!

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Good point. I will find the packet. I thought I remembered some emergency numbers. Thank you!! Still no true vomiting, keeping fingers crossed that the medicine will save me!

Thank You for the advice for this sick newbie!

Hope you're feeling better???????

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Hey WAgirl what a cute pic of the doggie. It must be yours. How darling!!

Hope you are feeling better today.

Thank you so much. Yes, Prince Puffington was pretty cute with the pacifier in his mouth.

I am feeling somewhat better today, but I am still taking the anti nausea medicine, because I get sudden waves of sick tummy.

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