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Steak is the bomb!!!!

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This weekend I graduated to solids and had a steak on Saturday for dinner. It was medium rare and melted in my mouth.

I ate about a third of it, a taste of potato and veggies and was full from 8 p.m. to 9 a.m. this morning.

Steak is the way to go to feel full for a long period of time...for me!!!

I hope I can still manage it after my fill on Wednesday.



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mmmmmm so steak was easy huh? I am wondering how it will feel after you fill. I get so much conflicting information abnout meats and restriction, I am so unsure of which is ok and which isn't. I guess as long as you can chew it good, it is ok.

I've tried steak and it didn't go well. Even a plain burger patty feels like I'm chewing gum because it takes so long, haha. However, I have found that meat balls are ok, and they break down easier when chewing. :) .... and I haven't had a fill yet, haha.

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I've tried steak and it didn't go well. Even a plain burger patty feels like I'm chewing gum because it takes so long, haha. However, I have found that meat balls are ok, and they break down easier when chewing. :) .... and I haven't had a fill yet, haha.

That's too bad, I haven't had a fill yet either, Wednesday is the big day!

I cut the meat really small and chewed like crazy, so it went down fine...I love steak and I hope I can still manage it when I get my fill.

I still have some restriction from surgery, so I am going to request a small one to start and see how it goes. I only live one hour from my clinic, so I can book fills anytime. My fee pays for unlimited fills and f/up visits for 5 years, so I am more flexible than most.

When's your fill?


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That's too bad, I haven't had a fill yet either, Wednesday is the big day!

I cut the meat really small and chewed like crazy, so it went down fine...I love steak and I hope I can still manage it when I get my fill.

I still have some restriction from surgery, so I am going to request a small one to start and see how it goes. I only live one hour from my clinic, so I can book fills anytime. My fee pays for unlimited fills and f/up visits for 5 years, so I am more flexible than most.

When's your fill?


That is good to hear that you were able to eat steak. That is one of the things I was worried about for myself. I am still on the mushy stage, so I am waiting till I get to solids. Yesterday was the first day since being banded that after eating a meal, I stayed full for hours. I made cream of brocolli soup and put in cooked chicken that was blended; I had about 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup over an hour and I was full for hours afterwards. It stayed with me for hours. Glad to hear you had a nice meal though! Sounds like you stayed on track too.

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Way to go! I bet is was so yummy!

I tried steak once, but I couldn't get it down. I wanted it really badly too! LOL

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I've had 3 fills (2.35ccs total) and can eat steak with no problems, I have a filet mignon at least once a week maybe a total of 3 or 4 oz total and always cut up the pieces to the size of a pencil eraser. I also get my steak medium rare so it's plenty tender/chewable!

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Yummmm, I had steak last night. We used to always eat Ribeyes but they are loaded with fat so now that I am a lot more health conscious we eat Sirloin. (I'd love to eat Filets but they are a lot more pricey.)

This is an insert of Ruby Tuesday's Nutritional Info of their Steaks. This kinda gives an idea of the fatter steaks.

Calories / Fat gm / Net Carb gm / Fiber gm


Petite Sirloin - 7 oz...................................... 206 / 5 / 2 / 0

Top Sirloin - 9 oz........................................... 256 / 6 / 2 / 0

Peppercorn Mushroom Sirloin................. 604 / 36 / 14 / 2

Bayou Sirloin.................................................. 439 / 21 / 5 / 0

Rib Eye.............................................................. 591 / 35 / 5 / 1

Premium Aged Prime Sirloin.................... 544 / 30 / 0 / 0

Sirloin & Louisiana Fried Shrimp............ 628 / 22 / 40 / 2

Sirloin & Bistro Chicken.............................. 739 / 34 / 20 / 1

They do not serve Filet Mignon or T-Bone so I found this nutritional info on calorie king -


Filet - Lean - Broiled - 3oz. : 164/6.7/0/0

T-Bone - Lean - Broiled - 3oz. : 161/7.4/0/0

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