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So yesterday at work I went into the break room and there was a box of chocolates to me from one of my patients. Now these were no everyday chocolates they were MOONSTRUCK!! For those of you who maybe don't know these chocolates are made here in Portland and they are to die for!! They've been featured in Gourmet magazine and many others as the chocolates of the stars!! Each one is hand made and individually decorated so that they are really little pieces of art. And of course did I say they are to DIE for. Well I am trying to think about that last phrase and take it literally meaning yes these will kill me if I eat them. I didn't know what to do at work, I should have opened them there and shared with everyone and they'd be gone in a minute. The fat girl living inside of me said no to that idea and I quickly stashed them in my locker "to bring home to my husband"!!! So You know the story I am sure. I got home last night and after about 20 minutes of holding the box looking at all the pictures telling what they are I ate 1!!! And it was so good I ate another, making it 2 so far. I panicked. I put the bow on them and stuck them in the freezer for safe keeping. I need to come to grips with stuff like this. I am proud of myself because B-4 the band I would have eaten several more than 2, like half the box or so and the rest the next day. So I look at this as a small victory so far and now I must do the right thing. Take them back to work and get rid of them!!!

Thanks for letting me share.

Edit to Post: They are going to work today!!! yes the temptation will get me. During the night I was up at 4 AM. I thought I heard something in the basement(where our freezer lives) calling "Julie, Julie, Julie, Eat me, Eat me" so loud I couldn't sleep!!!!Just kidding but almost as bad.

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Your self control was great.

Remember the key is to live like a normal "skinny person" and this includes some sweets some times. Its all about moderation and having 2 pieces sounds pretty "normal" to me. We are trying to learn how to eat in moderation and get out of the diet mode and this includes not feeling guilty if we have a piece of chocolate. I know of thin people that eat chocolate almost everday but the key is that they do not binge on food later in the night and they are aware of how much food they eat throughout the day.

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I work with a girl that is a health nut. Her downfall is chocolate though, bur she never deprives herself. She keeps the chocolates in her cabnet at work and has one or two a day. She buys that high qualilty stuff. She says no reason to waist her time on the cheap stuff. It is all in moderation. You know yoursself and if you will lose selfcontrol. But do not feel bad about that. Congrats on the chocolate....it must of meant you did a great job at work.

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I would've had to have those 2 too! LOL Don't beat yourself up..you are doing great!

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You did wonderful Julie!! Eating only 2 pieces is great-- now you must get rid of them. :D

I always send stuff like that with to work with my husband. I don't even want to look at it at work. I always tell myself that this sacrifice is only temporary that when I am at my goal, I will allow myself to indulge in moderation. It makes it much easier on me and I then have something to look forward to.

If I must have one, I will eat only half and give the other half to hubby or toss it.

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Hi Julie,

You exercised great self-control...2 is okay...but my suggestion would be to get them out of the house. It may be too tempting to have them stashed in the freezer.

Bring them to work and share them with your co-workers and before you know it, they are all gone!

You done good girl! Keep up the good work!

Cathy ;)

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I am so proud of you! I too would have eaten, almost to the point of being sick (go figure!) , but to have 1 or 2 pieces and stop is very 'normal'!!! Good for you-if we totally deprive ourselves, we could begin to resent the band-you did great, don't feel guilty. Now send the rest to work!


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I would of ate the whole box!! You did well only eating two. I also think as long

as they are in the freezer they will be calling out for you..EAT ME EAT ME. SO it is

probably best to send them on their merry way.

You must be a wonderful nurse for your patient to buy you such great chocolates.

Be very proud of yourself :P

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I do have candy from time to time. I think that if you deprive yourself totally, then you tend to binge. I'm not a big candy eater, thank goodness. My boss called me this morning to tell me that I go back to work August 18th. [i'm laid-off right after Easter] I work in a chocolate factory. I'm glad I'm not a real big candy eater, but trust me I ate way more than my fair share!

I don't think I'll have a big problem staying away from it [well, not eating it] but there is one treat that I'm gonna have trouble with..... our chef makes his own carmel corn and we put it through a chocolate drizzle. OMG!! I'm stuffing it in as fast as it's comming down the line!! I will have to think of it as the enemy now! <_<

I think you did really well Julie, just get rid of the rest. ;)

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So yesterday at work I went into the break room and there was a box of chocolates to me from one of my patients. Now these were no everyday chocolates they were MOONSTRUCK!! For those of you who maybe don't know these chocolates are made here in Portland and they are to die for!! They've been featured in Gourmet magazine and many others a the chocolates of the stars!! Each one is hand made and individually decorated so that they are really little pieces of art. And of course did I say they are to DIE for. Well I am trying to think about that last phrase and take it literally meaning yes these will kill me if I eat them. I didn't know what to do at work, I should have opened them there and shared with everyone and they'd be gone in a minute. The fat girl living inside of me said no to that idea and I quickly stashed them in my locker "to bring home to my husband"!!! So You know the story I am sure. I got home last night and after about 20 minutes of holding the box looking at all the pictures telling what they are I ate 1!!! And it was so good I ate another, making it 2 so far. I panicked. I put the bow on them and stuck them in the freezer for safe keeping. I need to come to grips with stuff like this. I am proud of myself because B-4 the band I would have eaten several more than 2, like half the box or so and the rest the next day. So I look at this as a small victory so far and now I must do the right thing. Take them back to work and get rid of them!!!

Thanks for letting me share.

Way to go, Julie!!

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I agree.. you did great! Part of the process is body awareness and food awareness. You worked through it, and frankly did better than I probably would have.

Hugs and hugs,

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Julie, i know exactely how you feel :lb12:

Just came back from Switzerland where we visited a "Praline confiserie" . After showing us how they make their handmade pralines and truffles, we came into a room where they had all sorts displayed and you could try as much as you wanted. I mean tons and tons of the best pralines I ever had (in my former life lol) Ohhhh for a moment I thought I am in HEAVEN.

Before being banded I would probably have stuffed my mouth not getting enough, but this time I only had one (1) champagner truffle, let it melt in my mouth and really really enjoyed this luxury :D

I think we are all doing great =D> =D> =D>

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Julie, i know exactely how you feel :lb12:

Just came back from Switzerland where we visited a "Praline confiserie" . After showing us how they make their handmade pralines and truffles, we came into a room where they had all sorts displayed and you could try as much as you wanted. I mean tons and tons of the best pralines I ever had (in my former life lol) Ohhhh for a moment I thought I am in HEAVEN.

Before being banded I would probably have stuffed my mouth not getting enough, but this time I only had one (1) champagner truffle, let it melt in my mouth and really really enjoyed this luxury :D

I think we are all doing great =D> =D> =D>

Oh willi, what great self-control you were able to use too!! The fresh stuff in front of my face would have broken me down girl...you did great!!

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Julie, believe me - I was already searching for the exit while I still enjoyed the truffle, because I knew if I stay a few more minutes longer - I would have such a hard time resisting those 120698 more pralines :rolleyes:

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