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To go for my 3rd fill in Maryland. Wish me luck!!!

Also, my sister went to her surgeon and he studied the cat scan and said her port was fine, no infection and has no idea why the emergency room tolf her that. Her pain she had seems to have come from a bad intestional infection, but no where near the port. She is fine! Which makes me happy, because he has agreed to see me. Now, I won't have to drive more than 10 minutes for a fill. Except, I am still going to Maryland today because he couldn't get me in until the end of August.

Have a good day all, be back tonight.

Oh and 28,000 on the pedometer last night.

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My goodness sister!! You're walking your butt off. :P

I'm so glad to hear your sister is fine and that you can get a fill so close!!

I'm crossing my fingers and toes that this fill works for a long, long time. Let me know how much you have in your VG. I've got 4.6 in mine and it is working like I couldn't imagine before I got it. I'm hoping it will last a little while. :)

Good luck!!

Jena, your sister in Craptasticness

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That's good news Mona, good luck on your fill!!!

My first one is today! Wish me luck!


To both you Cathy and Mona I wish you well! I can't wait for mine tomorrow!!

And about your sister Mona, I was a little suspicious that they right away said it was an infected port. It didn't sound right to me, but I'm no Dr. Anyway glad that wasn't the case.


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After you walk your butt off, can I give you mine so you can walk it off, too?

Wait... nevermind... :P

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Great news about your sister. ><'

Good luck on your fill today, Mona! WTG on the stepping sister!! =D>

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After you walk your butt off, can I give you mine so you can walk it off, too?

Wait... nevermind... :P

Paula, you are too funny!! and Mona, I bow to you stepping queen. :curtsey:

And I am so glad to your sister is ok.

Good luck on your fill.

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