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Hey guys and gals,

I was just wondering if there is anyone here that lives in Utah. If so, are you getting fills in Utah are going to the OCC. I can see the positive in going back to the OCC, but I have four small kids and husband works 2 jobs. We don't have much family in the area, so getting back to tijuana is a little challenging. I am scheduled for surgery August 29th and just trying to get my ducks in a row.

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Hey guys and gals,

I was just wondering if there is anyone here that lives in Utah. If so, are you getting fills in Utah are going to the OCC. I can see the positive in going back to the OCC, but I have four small kids and husband works 2 jobs. We don't have much family in the area, so getting back to tijuana is a little challenging. I am scheduled for surgery August 29th and just trying to get my ducks in a row.

Hi there, my name is Natalie and I live in Utah and had my first fill here. I went through fill centers usa and they gave me the name of the dr and everything. It was just fine. I also wanted to go back to the OCC but didn't think that I wanted to spend all that time. The price was about the same as the airfare and fees would have been at the OCC but I figured with time and travel I would try this guy here in Salt Lake. He was located around 4500 South Highland Drive. I thought he was helpful and had a lot of info about the band. He also uses flouroscopy for the fills. I am glad that he is available as I also have small children and a very busy husband. It totally worked for me and I hope it can work for you too. All you have to do is call fillcentersusa.com and they will schedule the appointment and everything. I think the only other doctor available was somehwere in Idaho or Las Vegas, so I was extremely happy about 20-30 minute drive. Good Luck!!! Natalie

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Cindy Rice is a nurse practitioner in Pocatello, Id (208)233-9355 who has been my "fill doctor" and then there is myself in Boise. do not know of anyone in SLC but i do know that there are dr's there doing fills. find out who the are and schedule with them directly it may save you some money!!!!

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I'm certainly glad Natalie had a good experience, I found the SLC Fill Center doctor very wierd. I certainly would highly recommend that you do not go alone. Take a husband or a friend with you. Just be warned he goes into the port blindly hoping for a direct hit. He also tried to sell me his bariatric products including diet pills.

You should also know beforehand that the Fill Centers want you to come back on a monthly basis. With a proper fill this should not be necessary, it is their way of generating greater income. I went there for convenience, 20 minutes from my home, if and when I need another fill, not sure I would go back there.

My daughter lives in Vegas, would maybe try fill center there.

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Hi there, my name is Natalie and I live in Utah and had my first fill here. I went through fill centers usa and they gave me the name of the dr and everything. It was just fine. I also wanted to go back to the OCC but didn't think that I wanted to spend all that time. The price was about the same as the airfare and fees would have been at the OCC but I figured with time and travel I would try this guy here in Salt Lake. He was located around 4500 South Highland Drive. I thought he was helpful and had a lot of info about the band. He also uses flouroscopy for the fills. I am glad that he is available as I also have small children and a very busy husband. It totally worked for me and I hope it can work for you too. All you have to do is call fillcentersusa.com and they will schedule the appointment and everything. I think the only other doctor available was somehwere in Idaho or Las Vegas, so I was extremely happy about 20-30 minute drive. Good Luck!!! Natalie

Thanks so much for responding. I feel better hearing a good recommendation about the fill center in SLC. How many fills have you done there?

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