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My first PB episode!

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All I can say is now I know why they call it sliming! YUCK!

I don't know what came over me this mornign but I decided to eat some left over chow mein. I can't eat a lot of food anymore so I thought about it all night and decided to wake up and eat it..... Big mistake! I only took about 3 bites of it and I don't know if it was just that I ate it to fast (I thought I had chewed enought) or if it was just to early in the morning to eat something like that, normally I just do a protein shake.

It came right back up and I barely made it to the bathroom! I still feel like some of it is stuck in my stomach, I can feel it in the middle of my chest.

Just wanted to share my experience.

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I had my first PB episode yesterday. Before, I had a couple "almost" episodes, but after walking around they all seemed to pass. This one did not. I made a turkey sandwich for lunch - toasted the bread (which I've never had a problem eating), a couple slices of lean, thin sliced turkey, and a 1/4 teaspoon of light mayo. After I finished, I felt like I had a painful ball in my chest and no amount of walking was helping. I burped a couple times and thought that would help move it down. I went to go pee (sorry, tmi!) and suddenly knew that this burp was going to be THE burp. I had to throw up into the shower, since I was still on le toilet! Ugh. Not fun.

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I had my first PB episode yesterday. Before, I had a couple "almost" episodes, but after walking around they all seemed to pass. This one did not. I made a turkey sandwich for lunch - toasted the bread (which I've never had a problem eating), a couple slices of lean, thin sliced turkey, and a 1/4 teaspoon of light mayo. After I finished, I felt like I had a painful ball in my chest and no amount of walking was helping. I burped a couple times and thought that would help move it down. I went to go pee (sorry, tmi!) and suddenly knew that this burp was going to be THE burp. I had to throw up into the shower, since I was still on le toilet! Ugh. Not fun.

Oh gosh you poor thing!!

But your turkey sandwich sounded great! :P

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Oh man..that's a bad thing to PB your first time! :wacko:

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Awwww, not good! Hope you feel better !!

My "first time" was the sink :ph34r: Having a contractor over for an estimate and I had to excuse myself like 4 times because it did not stop :lb12:

All that because I had to have a BANANA :angry:

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I just had my first one the day before my first fill! i was at the airport getting ready to fly out and we grabbed a bite to eat. I had NO restriction so I decided to eat a burger.... boy o boy... the 2nd bite i felt like my heart was stuck in my chest and I ran to the nearest bathroom... out went the burger... I didn't chew enough and this PB experience taught me to slow down. I think the PB was good for me... i needed to feel that to knock some sense in me!! I hope everyone only has to go through it once though! :wacko:

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Now... you are all REALLY official bandsters!!!

Wait until the dry heave time, and nothing comes out but an enormous belch... and immediate relief when you do it.

I think.. (I'm not a doctor nor do i play one on TV) it has something to do with the excessive gas needing to be released, and I eat too quickly for it to slowly release.

But welcome to the PB club!!

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Okay guys... I'm really sorry, but I'm sitting here killing myself laughing. What's with all this PB'ing all of sudden. And as terrible as it sounds, I have to laugh about throwing up in the shower! :mosking: And yes... when I post my first pb'ing and throwing up episode, you can all laugh at me!

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