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But...........the weight seems to be flying off you now! Congrats, you are a great inspiration! You look simply MARVELOUS! I have been looking at your weight since your last fill, and it seems every week pounds keep coming off.


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Yes, Indeedie! :)

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Yes, Michelle, you are doing great! I guess the fill center fill really did the trick! You will be at goal before you know it! I can't wait to see your pics tomorrow!!!!!

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Yes, Michelle, you are doing great! I guess the fill center fill really did the trick! You will be at goal before you know it! I can't wait to see your pics tomorrow!!!!!

You guys are sweet, I wish I could say the fill did the trick but I just finished lunch at On the Border where I ate 1\4 a bowl of chips and 2 chicken fajitas with tortillas all dipped in queso no less. Now this is my 1 weekend splurge meal and I skipped breakfast but still it's clear to me I am not tight enough, the rest of the time I stop myself mentally.

I tried to book a fill but my fill doc asked about my progress and when I said I was still losing he said he won't fill me unless I go 3-4 weeks without losing weight and tha's yet to happen (lol I know poor me) but that's his rule to prevent undue complications...

My family went on a hike today I will post some of those pics later tonight.

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You guys are sweet, I wish I could say the fill did the trick but I just finished lunch at On the Border where I ate 1\4 a bowl of chips and 2 chicken fajitas with tortillas all dipped in queso no less. Now this is my 1 weekend splurge meal and I skipped breakfast but still it's clear to me I am not tight enough, the rest of the time I stop myself mentally.

I tried to book a fill but my fill doc asked about my progress and when I said I was still losing he said he won't fill me unless I go 3-4 weeks without losing weight and tha's yet to happen (lol I know poor me) but that's his rule to prevent undue complications...

My family went on a hike today I will post some of those pics later tonight.

Really??? The first question my surgeon asked was "is it restriction or willpower?"...I think it's important for your fill doctor to consider willpower. I had restriction on July 16th when I went, so he wouldn't do a fill, but two days later, I lost it...and have my first fill on July 30th. I would talk to him.

Good Luck!

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I have my first fill scheduled for tomorrow. I had to eat a "test" meal today. I got to choose 6-8 ounces of cooked meat (I chose grilled chicken), and eat as much as I could in 30 min. I'm supposed to report to my doctor tomorrow how much I ate in that timeframe, and that is what helps him determine how much of a fill I need. I managed to eat 7.5 ounces in 24 minutes. So, we'll see what happens now.....

MamaMichelle, you are truly an inspiration to us all! I can't wait to see your new pics from this month. You are such a sweetheart, and deserve all the praise you are getting from your fellow bandsters!


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Maybe now would be a good time to make another trip to OCC and get a real fill since your doc isn't seeing the will power side of things. You aren't forever away and with all of your hard work, you do deserve a real fill.

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At this point I can see both sides of it, by forcing myself to do the headwork and not relying on the band 100% I am learning habits that will help me stay slim once I get to my goal weight... On the other hand I got this tool to help me lose weight and by not keeping my fills tight I run the risk of falling back into bad habits when those temptation moments return!

From the Dr's standpoint he says that pretty much all band complications come from being overfilled and too tight, so he feels if I am losing weight now that there's no point to risk anything by giving me another fill. He's seems pretty conservative with the fills anyways, when I told him about my un-fill experince during my 2nd fill he didn't even want to give me some then.

Again I am happy with my progress, I think I will wait another 2 weeks and make a choice about another fill then!!

Here are those pics from our hike today:




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lol, thanks my husband is such a dork!

As for my goal right now that's just a number on my ticker, I really wanted to lose 100lbs before my 1year bandiversary so thats where the 147 came from!

Honestly I would be totally fine staying where I am now since it's such a far cry from where I started from but I really think that I am just going to let my body do what it is going to do, once the weight loss really plateaus I guess I will go from there!!

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I'm thinking of changing my goal to 145lbs to reach the 100lbs mark.

I hope that would bring my clothes size down aswell.

I would love to be a 10/12, but I do have to remember I'm 37 now not 27 which is when I last weighed 145!

I think I may need another fill when I go to TJ in Aug with Dave for his banding as I seem to be able to eat WAY too

much again.

I also wanted to be down a few more pounds before my consultation with the nip and tuck guy.LOL


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I would say go for it, both for the new goal and the fill! I remember LisaL saying she was only thinking she could get down to a size 10 or something and now she's a 4/6 so her body had it's own goals that's what I am hoping happens to me as well!!

As for the size thing it's really weird, I think it's all about how your weight is distributed I was able to get into most size 10's once I hit 180 but my weight is pretty evenly spread across my body (mostly in my thighs and hips) when I was at my lowest, about 140 in high school I was a size 6-8 so it will be interesting to see once I get down in that weight range what size I will be!

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Hey Michelle, your post about eating at "On the Border" got to me. Mexican food is my biggest weakness. I think my fill level is fine and I have restriction. For example, yesterday I went for lunch to Olive Garden and PBed on less than a 1/2 cup of minestrone soup. Later that night, we went for Mexican and I ate just fine, no problems. The chips and salsa went down great, nachos down great and my tostada down great. For some reason, I just don't have problems with Mexican food.

I have a theory, especially about the chips, is it because they are fried? processed? I think that kind of food goes down easier. Do you think this is possible?

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I'm not doing too well. I had my surgery on April 2, weighed 194. Had a fill in June of .05 - didn't do a thing! Had a fill a week later for .05 - same. Doctor said lapband was fine. Went back on July 11 for .02CCs and lost about 4 lbs, since have gained back about 2-3. I just called the doctor's office and scheduled a fourth fill for August 4th - do these doctors just like to make money on the fills or can someone give me some advice. I have only lost a total of 13 lbs since April - it is so depressing. I exercise 4-5 days a week, eat right, but don't eat the amount that I hear we should be eating - I am much too hungry for 1/2 cup servings.

Waiting for a boost,

Best, Helen

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Hey Michelle, your post about eating at "On the Border" got to me. Mexican food is my biggest weakness. I think my fill level is fine and I have restriction. For example, yesterday I went for lunch to Olive Garden and PBed on less than a 1/2 cup of minestrone soup. Later that night, we went for Mexican and I ate just fine, no problems. The chips and salsa went down great, nachos down great and my tostada down great. For some reason, I just don't have problems with Mexican food.

I have a theory, especially about the chips, is it because they are fried? processed? I think that kind of food goes down easier. Do you think this is possible?

My theory is... Because we were banded in Mexico...Our bands are Mexican and therefore desire Mexican food...

thats my theory and I'm sticking to it!!!!!!!! :P:P:P LOL

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You look so good, Michelle. I love the new pics and your new avatar pic!

I am thick in the middle so I am not getting into smaller sizes as quickly as you and I wish I was! I can wear a 14 now, which is wonderful to me! LOL I would like to be a size 8 but I am not sure that will happen.

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