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My Surgery is Coming Up

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Surgery scheduled for August 18th (next Monday) and now I am starting to really freak out. To top it off, I am eating everything in sight like this is my last day to be alive. My BMI is 30 so I don't have to go on the pre-op diet but I am really out of control. Someone needs to throw cold water in my face. Oh and yesterday my husband got life insurance for me...just in case. I'm crying!!!!! :huh:

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It's normal to get that way. I was so busy right up til my surgery it kept me from totally freaking out. You will do fine. The care you receive from the time they pick you up until you are back at the airport is remarkable. the clinic is so clean. I have worked in a hospital for 19 years and I was completely impressed.

I didn't have to do the pre-op diet either but I started being thankful I could eat any meal knowing what was in store for me so I didn't have the emotional urge to overeat because of stress and anxiety. It's best to start now with little steps so it isn't such a shock when you come home.

The life insurance thing should have been done before anyway. You will come home a new you! Congratulations! Make sure you come back to the forum and post how great everything was because I am positive that's the way you will feel.


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No worries Honey!! Next week you'll be posting "I don't know what I was so worried about, everything was great!!"

Truely, don't let the life insurance thing bother you.... Dr. O hasn't lost anyone and he's not gonna start now! :D

So break it to Hubby that there won't be any big checks comming in the mail!! ;)

I know I was very nervous before my surgery and now realize what a waste of time that was. Try to enjoy your trip.

Will you be doing any shopping while you're in TJ? If you like to haggle, you'll love Revolution Ave.!!

Best advice.... Take a suitcase with wheels, sip, sip, sip and walk, walk, walk!!

Send Love to Dr. O, Dr. M and staff for us, Darlene

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Hey...I just got back from surgery last Friday (Aug 8) and let me tell you that right before my surgery I WAS A WRECK! I remember right before they knocked me out telling the anesthesiologist "I guess it's too late to change my mind, huh"? That's the last I remember. Let me tell you, I really wish I wasn't so anxious beforehand. The whole experience was much better than I even thought it would be. Everything went smoothly and the whole staff really did take care of me. They didn't make me wait so long anxiously for what they had to do. I'm recovering now, and all I have is a little tenderness and some gas. This is a new beginning for me, and I'm going to be as positive as possible to make it successful. TIME TO GET ON WITH LIVING....FINALLY! :D


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Surgery scheduled for August 18th (next Monday) and now I am starting to really freak out. To top it off, I am eating everything in sight like this is my last day to be alive. My BMI is 30 so I don't have to go on the pre-op diet but I am really out of control. Someone needs to throw cold water in my face. Oh and yesterday my husband got life insurance for me...just in case. I'm crying!!!!! :huh:

Francie you'll do fine. Really take it from many of us who say to try and relax. Stress is no good for you. Look at it as a mini-vacation just for you and you'll be pampered to death. Picture yourself in a tropical setting, feet up by a beautiful pool and sipping on some wonderfully tasting umbrella drink, that being apple juice, but even so if you can set this picture in your head and go with it you'll relax. Take 10 nice deep breaths as you envision this beautiful setting and again you will relax. Visualize this whenever you feel anxious, immediately replace it with the calmness of the pool water just as tranquil as can be. You can even have a cabana boy fanning you or spray you with misty water to keep you cool!!

As for you eating pre-op just try and stop the insanity now. Taste and enjoy whatever you want but don't gorge yourself. I do recommend the Italian restaurant Rivoli at the hotel Lucerna for your night before surgery "last supper". If you feel like you want to go away from the hotel there is a delicious authentic mexican restaurant that the van driver Francisco should point out to you on the way to the hotel. Ask him to as you cross the border so you'll know for sure where it is. It's maybe 4-6 blocks from the hotel on the same road and it's this huge YELLOW building. You can't miss it.

Hope this helps. You really will have a great time as weird as this sounds. And if you like to shop and barter...this is a paradise of a different kind for you then. Personally I skipped revolucion Ave. because I don't like crowds and dealing with people when I am not at my best, even when I am I have to be in the right mood. I got plenty of walking in around the hotel area though.

Now about the life insurance... it's kinda funny how men are sometimes, so practical!! Now just let him know he'll have to wait to collect because you don't plan on going anytime soon. In fact you're going to be around alot longer since you'll be losing your weight and you'll be so healthy he better get travel insurance or something that makes more sense!!

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You are gonna be fine! There is really nothing to stress over, I promise! ;)

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Thanks so much to all you sweet people for your responses! Once again, you have pulled me out of a funk. I read somewhere on this forum about someone saying they made up their mind to go through the surgery because of this forum. I totally agree. You all have given me the courage and determination I need. THANKS SO MUCH!! Pray for me on the 18th

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