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Band Sizes and Fills

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Hello all

I have some questions about the different band sizes. I understand there are 2 bands, a 4cc and a 9 or 10cc. So, if a person has the larger band does it take more fills to get to the "right" restriction?

If a person has the smaller band do they fill restriction right away?

I read Dr. Ortiz says a woman should only need 2 fills? With a larger band too?

And my next question to any diabetics out there. Did you immediately stop taking your meds? Did your blood sugars drop out?

Or was it lowered over time?

I get banded Oct 2nd and just keep thinking up all these questions



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I think it depends on a few factors...the band size, the size of your stomach and how much fat is between the band and your stomach.

I have a 9cc band, my surgeon put in 3cc during surgery and I've had two fills for a total of 5cc in my 9cc band, I have great restriction right now.

As my the fat around my stomach goes away and my stomach shrinks, I will probably need more fills to tighten things up. But I don't know that for sure.

I was banded in Canada and have the smaller band. The other size my surgeon uses is 12cc.

Others can probably provide a bit more info!

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Dr. Ortiz has said in one of his Youtube interviews that the larger band does require more fills. But I agree with Cathy, there are a lot of factors to consider. But Dr. Martinez told me when I went for surgery about 3 weeks ago, that its rare that a woman gets the 10CC band. Mostly men get it according to him. I had asked this question directly to him because I thought I might require the 10cc band and the first thing he told me when I woke up in the operating room was that I had gotten the 4cc band that I wanted.

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Your informaiton is false. I have the 10 CC band, according to the card I received. So I'm not sure why they told you that.

Laadeedaa, does your card say 10CC or 10CM ?

If I know right, if you have the 10CC band it should say VG band on the card. If you have the 10CM (centimeter/metric) band, it is the one holding 4cc .... ;)

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The band size is according to your fat around your stomach. A man or a woman can have the VG Band, however most men who get banded will always receive the VG Band. I am sure that is what Dr. Martinez and Jessica meant.

As for the fills, the amount equals about the same.

I have 2cc my band (holds 4cc) and my friend Lance has 5cc (holds 10cc) in his. So even though we have different size bands, after having the same fills we both have our bands half full.

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I have the larger vg band as do a few other people here. It is rare I guess but there are still some people here that do have it. I am on my 5th fill with 8.5 cc's and still no restriction. Yes, given all the posts on here, it is MUCH quicker getting to your 'sweet spot' with the smaller one.

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The band size is according to your fat around your stomach. A man or a woman can have the VG Band, however most men who get banded will always receive the VG Band. I am sure that is what Dr. Martinez and Jessica meant.

As for the fills, the amount equals about the same.

I have 2cc my band (holds 4cc) and my friend Lance has 5cc (holds 10cc) in his. So even though we have different size bands, after having the same fills we both have our bands half full.

Kim, the amounts don't equal the same, not really. If you have your smaller band 1/2 full, you have a lot more restriction than if the larger band is half full. I am at 8.5 cc's with no restriction even though that is a lot more than 1/2 full. The difference is that you need larger amounts of saline and you can only get a certain amount at each fill so it takes more fills to get up there where you need to feel restriction. If you inject too much saline at one time in a band, you run the risk of it mushrooming and ruining the band. Thats why it takes longer to get the larger band filled to the right spot. At least that is what Dr. So and Dr. Romero told me at OCC.

If you would have gotten the same amount of saline that I did in my very first fill, 3.5 cc's you would have been filled way too much and would have not been able to even get water down. So, you can't really compare the two, not really. But hey, I wish you could cuz I'd give anything to feel some restriction!

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I think you are confused as to what I was saying. Both my band and my friend Lance's band are half full. Are you saying that 5 cc's in a 10 cc band is less than 2cc's in a 4 cc band? They are both half full, right? How is that not the same?

By the way, my friend Lance only has 5cc in his 10cc band and he can barely eat anything. Some people do have resriction with their VG band when it is half full. Each individual is different.

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Your informaiton is false. I have the 10 CC band, according to the card I received. So I'm not sure why they told you that.

Are you sure that your card doesn't say 10 CM. That is a 4 CC band, not 10 CC. And the information that I posted is directly out of the mouth of both Dr. O and Dr. Martinez. It's accurate according to them. And even if you do have the larger band, that still doesn't mean that this information is false. It may mean that you simply required that larger band due to your internal organ size. However, I did speak directly to Dr. Martinez about this just moments before doing my surgery because I wanted to avoid the larger band if possible and thought it was a real possibility that I might get it. He specifically said that that they rarely put the larger 10cc band in women and that I shouldn't worry about it. And as far as the larger band needing more fills, you can find Dr. O discussing this on YouTube and hear it from his mouth directly. So I am sorry you feel that the information I posted is incorrect, but you can verfiy this information with the OCC. It is correct and true according to them.

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The band size is according to your fat around your stomach. A man or a woman can have the VG Band, however most men who get banded will always receive the VG Band. I am sure that is what Dr. Martinez and Jessica meant.

As for the fills, the amount equals about the same.

I have 2cc my band (holds 4cc) and my friend Lance has 5cc (holds 10cc) in his. So even though we have different size bands, after having the same fills we both have our bands half full.

What I understood Dr. Martinez to say to me is that while women can have the larger band, it's RARE that the OCC uses them on women. Other doctors throughout the world may have different opinions and different technique. But according to Dr. M, the OCC rarely uses the VG band on women although, Yes, the do on occassion when it's needed. The only reason that I had this specific conversation with dr. M, was because I wanted to avoid the larger band if possible and I was worried that I may have required it.

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I think you are confused as to what I was saying. Both my band and my friend Lance's band are half full. Are you saying that 5 cc's in a 10 cc band is less than 2cc's in a 4 cc band? They are both half full, right? How is that not the same?

By the way, my friend Lance only has 5cc in his 10cc band and he can barely eat anything. Some people do have resriction with their VG band when it is half full. Each individual is different.

But I can kind of see where Mona is coming from here. Your friend is Male and I think this makes a difference on his restrictin at 5CC in a 10 CC band. This is just my personal observation here, not quoting any docs. I am basing my observation off of the fact that women rarely get the VG band and that it's mostly used for men. It just seems like it would make sense than, that if a women DID get the VG band, they would likely require more fills to get to their sweet spot. I just personaly think that men and women are different when talking about band size and restriction. And I agree with Mona, too, that even if the band is only half full, it still can take more fills to get to that half way mark if it's the larger band. This is just a personal observation and opinion, although I could be wrong. Just piecing together all the information I have researched, this is the conclusion that I come to.

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Thanks everyone. This is something my sister and I have been talking about, she has the larger band and has had 3 fills so far, and not much restriction. I agree the larger band is for the larger inside parts. I told her they probably ran out of the smaller bands that day :lol::P

I'm sure the doc put the band in that they feel you need. I just don't want to have to travel for 3 or 4 fills. ARRRR

Has anyone been diabetic and had the band put on? I fear my sugar will drop and I will act like a veggie!!!! Worry worry

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I think you are confused as to what I was saying. Both my band and my friend Lance's band are half full. Are you saying that 5 cc's in a 10 cc band is less than 2cc's in a 4 cc band? They are both half full, right? How is that not the same?

By the way, my friend Lance only has 5cc in his 10cc band and he can barely eat anything. Some people do have resriction with their VG band when it is half full. Each individual is different.

Uh yeah I am kind of saying that 5 cc in a 10 cc band is less than 2 cc's in a 4 cc band. Not mathematically obviously, but it is rare that 5 cc's in a 10 cc band gives restriction. Your friend is very lucky. It just takes a lot more to get restriction with a 10 cc band, whether is 1/2 full 3/4 full or 1/3 full.

Didn't mean to stike a nerve with you though, sorry honey!!

But since I am on this 'positive, thinking thin kick' I'll just say that NO MATTER WHAT CC'S I HAVE IN MY BAND I WILL BE THIN, and SOON too! I can feel it melting off me already and I will even have gorgeous legs like you!!!

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Up until yesterday I thought I had the larger band. My card says 10cm. Dr. So told me that is only 4cc and he gave me my first fill today of 1.3 cc. I am hoping and praying I get good restriction from it as it is extremely difficult for me to get the time away from my 4 kids and hectic schedule.

I'm sure you will be hearing from me :D

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